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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Important Engine Analysis Considerations

     Chessify is an online cloud analysis service that allows you to, well, analyze online. Prices and services range from free to $100 per month. 
     I am not a member because I don't have any need to analyze beyond what my old laptop and Stockfish 15.1 can do. However, the site does have a couple of very interesting articles, one on time to depth and one on nodes per second that you might find interesting. 
     The articles explain that although most players think that the higher the depth the engine has gone the better the analysis is, but the most important value when it comes to measuring the analysis' accuracy is something called nodes per second which is the number of positions the engine analyzes in one second. This is because the the more positions an engine analyzes the better the chances that it won’t cut off any important variations. 

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