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  • Thursday, June 4, 2015

    Best Games Ever Played – a List

    I was looking over the book The Mammoth Book of the World's Greatest Chess Games by Burgess, Nunn and Emms and in it they evaluated games for the book with a numerical value based on quality and brilliance of play by both opponents, instructive value and historical significance. They started out with a list of 180 games and then each game was assigned 5 pts. if it was considered one of the 20 greatest games ever played, 4 pts. in the top 50, 3 pts. in the top 100, if it was not in the top 100 and 1 pt. of it was considered unsuitable for inclusion in the book. So, 15 pts. was a perfect score. What were the games they considered the best ever played? Here's the top games, played prior to 1998 when the book was published. No doubt since then other games could be added to this list. All these games, if anybody is interested, are available online from various sources.

    When they annotated these games for the book it was noted that their primary aim was to provide accurate annotations and highlight the instructive points. In many cases they found major errors in previous annotations. The most common problem was “annotation by result” where every move the winner played was praised and all the loser's decisions were criticized. But, it is rarely true that games between really strong players are that one sided. They also noted that many annotations were copied from other sources and if the original notes were bad, they were often copied without a critical examination. They also realized that earlier annotators did not have ChessBase, Fritz and Junior available like the authors did! So, here, in the opinion of Burgess, Nunn and Emms, are the best 17 games ever played

    15 pts
    Botvinnik – Capablanca, AVRO 1938
    Karpov – Ksparov, 16th Match Game 1985
    14 pts.
    Reti – Alekhine, Baden-Baden 1925
    Botvinnik – Portisch, Monte Carlo 1968
    Fischer – Spassky, 6th Match Game 1972
    Kasparov – Karpov, 16th Match Game 1986
    Ivanchuk – Beliavsky, USSR Championship 1989
    13 pts.
    Anderssen – Kieseritzky, London 1851
    Steinitz – von Bardeleben, Hastings 1895
    Rotlevi – Rubinstein, Lodz 1907
    Nimzovich – Tarrasch, St. Petersburg 1914
    Reti – Bogoljubow, New York 1924
    Averbach – Kotov, Zurich 1953
    D.Byrne – Fischer, US Championship 1956
    Polugayevsky – E. Torre, Moscow 1981
    Kasparov – Portisch, Niksic 1983
    Kasparov – Anand, PCA World Championship 1995

    1 comment:

    1. Granted Rotlevi did not put up much resistance, but the combination Rubinstein played was top notch leaving multiple pieces hanging.
