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  • Monday, December 13, 2010

    Dimock Theme Tournament

    Never heard of it? Neither did I. It was held in New York City in 1924 and was sponsored by Edwin Dimock of New London, Connecticut, who donated prizes for the top four players. All games had to begin 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Nf6 3.d4. Play could then proceed along various lines, transposing to the Urusov Gambit, or 2 N’s Defense.

    The results were:

    1. Frank Marshall 10-1/2
    2. Carlos Torre 9
    3. Anthony Santasiere 7-1/2
    4. Erling Tholfsen 5-1/2
    5. Rudolph Smirka 4
    6. Horace Bigelow 3
    7. Bruno Forsberg 2-1/2

    The games from this event were lost for many years, and it was only through the research of Eduardo Bauza Mercere that these games have come to light again. Over half have been recovered. Those that survive are worthy of study.

    Dimock Theme Tournament

    1 comment:

    1. The bottom four players in the tournament- Tholfse, Smirka, Bigelow and Forsberg were well-known players in the New York area, either through winning club championships of either the Marshall and Manhattan clubs, or winning the New York State Championship title.
