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  • Thursday, April 1, 2010

    Articles on Engines and Preparation

    Why Computer are (aren’t) Better Than People Playing Chess

    The writer agrees with me! He wrote: If you had made the mistake of thinking you could win against any human, any time using a chess engine, you might have entered a correspondence chess tournament (these days played on a web server instead of by mail or email), where people can take days or weeks to ponder over their moves, and placed a large wager on you computer doing well. And you'd be out a lot of money. The best human correspondence players don't make that many mistakes to begin with and also use chess engines to check the "spelling" on their moves. They would eat your poor computer alive.

    I’ve always said it takes more than just buying an engine to be able to compete at the highest levels of CC. If that weren’t true, I’d be playing at the international level and not on Queen Alice. Read Article.

    A nice article written by the mother of the kid who helps Hikaru Nakamura prepare wrote, “My son Kris Littlejohn works many tournaments as “second” to U.S. Chess Champion Hikaru Nakamura. He handles much of the data gathering and analysis and works closely with Hikaru in planning for tournaments.” This article explains some of how it’s done. Read Article.

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