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  • Monday, April 15, 2024

    Carl Ahues

    The little known German International Master Carl Oscar Ahues (December 26,1883 - December 31, 1968) was the champions of Berlin in 1910 and the German champion in 1929. 
        He was a frequent competitor in international tournaments in his career with his best result probably being Berlin 1926 where he shared 3rd place with Spielmann behind Bogoljubow and Rubinstein. He represented Germany in three Olympiads (1930, 1931 and 1936). 
        Ahues was awarded the IM title in 1950 and after World War II, he lived in Hamburg, West Germany. His son, Herbert Ahues (1922-2015), was a famous chess author composer specializing in two movers. 
        Ahues opponent was Hungarian IM and IA Dr. Lajos Asztalos (1889-1956) who won the country’s championship in 1913. After World War I, he moved to Yugoslavia, representing that country in the 1927 and 1931 Olympiads and the 1936 unofficial Olympiad. He returned to Hungary in 1942. 
        Asztalos became Vice President of the Hungarian Chess Union and Secretary of the FIDE Qualification Committee. Asztalos was a professor of philosophy and a languages teacher. He passed away in Budapest in 1956. The game was played in Kecskemet in1927. 
        The tournament was made up of 20 players divided into two preliminary sections of ten. The four leaders in each section then engaged in two separate final tournaments. 
    A game that I liked (Fritz 17)
    Lajos AsztalosCarl Ahues0–1C79Kecskemet5Kecskemet HUN10.07.1927Stockfish 16
    C87: Ruy Lopez 1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.b5 a6 4.a4 f6 5.0-0 e7 6.e1 d6 7.c3 d7 8.d4 0-0 Black's Steinitz-like set up is passive, but very solid. 9.bd2 e8 10.f1 10.xc6 xc6 11.dxe5 dxe5 12.xe5 xe4 13.xe4 xe4 ½-½ Szymczak,Z (2390)-Pytel,K (2420) Augustow 1975 10...d7 10...exd4 11.cxd4 d5 12.e5 e4 13.c2 f5 Neither side can claim an advantage. Artemiev,V (2081)-Zikunov,B (2222) Omsk 2009 11.g3 h8 12.e3 12.e2 f6 13.e3 g6 14.ad1 e7 15.c2 g7 16.g5 White's position is more promising. Ilyin Zhenevsky,A-Romanovsky,P Leningrad 1933 12...f6 13.d2 b6 14.c2 d5 This thrust is in white's favor. It would have been slightly better to have played 14...exd4 first. 15.f5 exd4 16.cxd4 b4 17.g4 This aggressive looking move is the turning point in the game. Black's position is able to withstand this direct assault and it's just amazing how quickly black's pieces begin swarning all over white. The prosaic 17.a3 woulf have kept the balance. g6! 18.h6 18.h6 was a better defense. g8 19.g3 xd4 but even here white has reason to feel glum about his position. 18...dxe4 Seizing his opportunity. Watch black's pieces spring into action! 19.xe4 f5 20.e6 d5 20...f4 Black does not fall for this trick. 21.xf4 g7 21...xf4 22.g8# 22.e3 d5 23.g4 Black has equalized. 21.f4 21.xd5 is of no help. xd5 22.g5 xd4 and black is clearly better. 21...xe6 Don't blunder 21...xd4? 22.e3 xb2 23.ab1-+ 22.xe6 d5 23.xc6 A pointless offer oft the exchange, but a move like 23.Bg5 does not offer much hope either. xf4 White resigned...why? 23...xc6 24.e5+ f6 25.c4 g7 26.xf5+ gxf5 27.e3 is utterly hopeless. 23...bxc6 24.e5+ f6 25.f3 d7 is equally hopeless for black. 23...xf4 24.xc7 xd2 25.xb7 e2+ 26.f1 xh6 27.xe2 b5+ 28.e1 fe8+ 29.d1 e2+ 30.e1 c4+ 31.d1 ad8 with a clear win 0–1

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