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  • Friday, May 1, 2020

    FIDE Online Events?!

         What with the disruptions caused by the coronavirus scare FIDE wants to cash in on online events and for this month are planning the first of a number of official online championships called the Nations Cup. 
         The Nations Cup is a team competition to be held May 5-10, 2020. Six teams are due to take part in this competition: Russia, USA, Europe, China, India, plus a team representing the "Rest of the World." It’s online and team line-ups must include at least one female player. 
         Also, FIDE director general Emil Sutovsky in a recent interview said the official Online Chess Olympiad will also be held towards the end of the year.

         FIDE is even considering the possibility of ELO rating future online events. This is one harebrained idea! How will they enforce their anti-doping policy? How will they make sure chess engines aren’t being used? Rating these events is a good way to really booger up the ratings.

    1 comment:

    1. I agree. My local club in New Jersey has managed to put together a series of online Sunday Quads, and they are a real blessing during the lockdown, But no one is seriously considering rating them as if they were "real" chess,
