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  • Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    Editorial by GM Kevin Spraggett / Komodo 14 is out

       From time to time I mosey over to Spraggett’s site and the other day ran across a post titled Time to pull the plug?  READ 
         In the post he discusses the issue of online sites being totally unable to control cheating and the latest attempt by Chess.com which involves downloading a driver that “will turn virtual control of your computer over to the gaming company the moment you boot your computer, and even before you log on to the game!” You can read more about the system HERE
          As wonderful as engines are, unless you’re an engine junkie they have ruined all forms of chess except OTB play which is sad. Some CC players have justified the use of engines by claiming that intelligently using engines (where they are permitted) allows one to play chess to a higher standard. Additionally, their use improves and enriches our understanding of the game and it allows players to play much closer to perfect chess. 
    Top CC players say they improve on engine suggestions.
         They say top CC players don’t simply follow an engine's suggestion...they work with the engine, but I’m not so sure anybody but a handful of world class GMs are able to do that anymore...maybe a few years back a strong player knew when not to trust an engine, but not any more. 
         There’s no real point I’m trying to make, but I am not about to download some kind of invasive app on my laptop just to play chess. The only way I’d even consider it would be to buy a cheap laptop and use it for absolutely nothing else but to play chess.

    Komodo 14 is out 

         It’s downloadable and sells for $59.98 and for $99.98 you can get the 3-5 yearly updates at a discount. i.e. you still have to pay an additional fee to get the updates.  Visit site
         They have added an Armageddon mode which tells Komodo that white (or black) must win because draws are scored as loss. In this mode the specified color avoids clear draws, but adjusts the contempt setting. All very nice, but I am not sure exactly why a human using Komodo to analyze would need this feature. 
         I think that while Komodo may play more human like and so be of value to a GM in their preparations, I am still not convinced it’s worth $60 (or $100) when it can’t beat Stockfish. 

         For anybody that’s interested, Komodo 11.01 is available for free download on their website. On the CCLR 40/15 rating list, Stockfish 11 is rated 3491 while Komodo 11.01 is rated 3322 and it has played no games against Stockfish 11, but against Stockfish 10 its score is +3 -12 =37. 

    1 comment:

    1. It's hard to disagree with anything in Kevin Spraggett's article. Anyone who risks money playing chess online has to be considered an idiot. And online chess ratings that aren't backed up with a real world title should be discounted. But if you're willing to put up with the occasional 1400-player who suddenly starts playing like Capablanca, online chess is still a good way to sharpen your tactics, practice your openings, and have some fun.
