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  • Tuesday, May 19, 2020

    Testing a new game viewer

    This is just a test. The current game viewer I am using does not support variations.  In the past when I used Aquarium 2014 and tried to export a game as an HTML for a blog the code was huge and besides, it didn’t work. However, while experimenting with Aquarium I discovered that using the export as an iBook HTML for Blog that the code is reasonably small. Plus variations are playable. Unfortunately it seems to be limited to only the one board and piece style. Comments? Preferred viewer?

    Note: if the notes are long, as you slide down the moves and commentary the board moves along, too. I have also discovered that the variations can be put on a separate line

    Dr. J. M. Aitken - Max Pavey

    Result: 0-1
    Site: Aberdeen
    Date: 1939
    Sicilian Defense
    [...] 1.e4 c5 2.♘f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.♘xd4 ♘f6 5.f3 A favorite of Aitken, but the weak point is that black can force d5 at the right time which will give him the better game. 5...e5 6.♘b5 This baits a trap. If black plays 6...d5 loses after 7 exd5 Nxd5 8 Qxd5 Qxd5 9 Nc7+ However, by playing 7.. .a6 black avoids the trap, but the P on d5 is bothersome. 6...a6 7.♘5c3 ♗e6 8.♘d5 This is better that 8.Nd2 and 9.Nb3 as occurred in Feller,S (2540) -Edouard, R (2509)/Lyon 2008 8...♘xd5 (8...♗xd5 9.exd5 ♕a5 10.♘c3 ♗e7 is even.) 9.exd5 ♗f5 10.♗e3 An alternative was 10.Bd3 Bg6 11. O-O and the game Fine,R-Eliskases,E/Semmering 1937 was soon drawn. 10...♕h4 11.♔d2 As bad as it looks this isn't fatal, but there was no reason to avoid 11. Bf2
    11.♗f2 ♕b4 12.♘d2 ♘d7 13.♗c4 ♗e7 14.♗b3 O-O 15.O-O with equal chances.
    11...♘d7 Black gets nothing out of 11...Qb4+ so just continues his development and hopefully white's K will be shown to be in a bad place. 12.c4 ♗e7 White's best plan would now be to force black black's pieces with 13.13. Qf6 14.g4 13.♕e1 ♕xe1 There's not much choice here because 13 ..Qf6 to avoid exchange leaves black's pieces in each others' way. 14.♔xe1 O-O 15.♘c3 In spite of white's odd play the position is no more than equal. 15...♖fc8 16.♘e4 A viable alternative to Pavey's next move would have been 16...Bg6 followed by the advance of his f-Pawn. 16...b5 This is too risky, but it works out well. That would not have been the case if white had played the correct 17.cxb5! 17.♖c1 ♗xe4 18.fxe4 ♘f6 19.cxb5 ♖xc1 20.♗xc1 axb5 21.♗xb5 Considerably better would have been 21.Bd3 Rxa2 22.Kd1. 21...♖xa2 22.♔d2 ♘xe4 23.♔c2 f5 At first glance it appears that white has good prospects because of his outside passed P which he does get moving. However, in the long run it's going to be Pavey's passed e-Pawn that secures the point. Stockfish, as did Pavey, reckons black's position strategically superior. Pavey's play is very instructive. He first deals with white's b-Pawn. 24.♔b1 ♖a5 25.♗c6 f4 He prevents the B from reaching e3, but better was pressing home the attack on the K with 25... Rc5 and if 26.b4 Rc4 27.b5 Nc3+ with exellent chances. The hidden flaw in 25... f4 wiil soon be evident. 26.♖e1 ♘f6 Note that the B on e7 is undefended so white can play 27.Bxf4! After 27...Nxd5 28,Bd2 black is still better, but white is better off than in the game. 27.b4 ♖a7 28.♗d2 ♗d8 29.b5 ♔f7 30.♖e2 Stockfish demonstrates that by playing 30...Bb6 white's plans are stymied and black can then tend to forming a winning plan by advancing his K-side Ps. However, from a human perspective the play gets very messy and it's certain that had Aitken played 30...Bb6 mistakes would be made because after that move there be dragons in the position. 30...♘d7 31.♗b4 ♔e7 32.♔b2 ♗b6 33.♔b3 ♖c7 Whatever he does black must not allow his N to be exchanged for white's dark squared because the resulting Bs of opposite color make a draw likely. 34.♔c4 Hindering ...g5 with 34.h4 was better. 34...g5 35.♔d3 ♗c5 36.♗xc5 ♘xc5 37.♔c4 e4 The beginning of the end. Now you'd think the advance 38.b6 would be a winner and it could be if black gets careless. 38...Rc8 39.Ra2 Rb8 40.b7 and now the careless 40...Nxb7 41.Ra7 wins the N. Vigilance is required right up until your opponent resigns! If black plays 40. ..Kd8 instead then he should win. 38.♔d4 This really doesn't help so he probably should have played 38. b6 and hope black blunders. 38...e3 39.g3 It's too late to gain anything from the advance of the b-Pawn. 39...♔f6 White can't do anything so black intends on playing ...Kf5-g4-f3 etc. 40.h4 h6 41.♗e8 ♘b3 42.♔e4 Here Pavey misses the better 42...Re7+ which wins immediately because whichever square the K moves to black has a N fork. 42...♖c4 43.♔d3 ♖c8 44.hxg5 hxg5 45.♗h5 ♘c1 46.♔e4 ♖c4 47.♔f3 ♘xe2 48.♔xe2 ♖b4 48...Rc2+ mates in 20 moves, but who's counting? 49.gxf4 gxf4 Aitken resigned.
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