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  • Tuesday, June 9, 2015

    Is the US About to Suffer the Loss of Another Player?!

         Irena Krush who recently won the U.S. Women's Championship for the seventh time and who holds BOTH the WGM and GM titles was interviewed in Chess Life after her win: Her career is about to take a new trajectory. “You can expect me more in [an ambassador] role,” she said. “I’m not completely stepping away from chess, but the balance will shift somewhat.” She runs a chess school in New York City and also enjoys live commentary and serving as a special guest at large scholastic events.  A few days after the tournament she set up her first Facebook and Instagram account. 
         Will she be as successful in business? “I think so. I love chess I really know it from A to Z. You operate on the principle of you do good to all people. The business is secondary to doing good.” 
         I wish her good luck on her new venture, but let's hope she does not curtail her playing! Some other GM's have gone this route and they rarely appear in tournaments any more. I'm thinking primarily of Maurice Ashley who rarely competes these days. Ron Henley is a writer, narrator and producer of chess videos as well as financial funding trader and he almost never plays anymore. Years ago, we lost Gabriel Schwartzman who left the chess world in 2000 and went on to become CEO at a software company. Let's hope Krush does not become a rare participant in tournament play.

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