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  • Thursday, May 30, 2013

    New pdf book...

    My latest pdf book, What Would YOU Play?, is available for $1.50 HERE.  Details on the book review Blog HERE.


    1. Dear Sir,
      As a follower of your blog and that by GM Kevin Spragget, I read that Mr. Spragget has closed his excellent blog... Apparently some people have issued strong complaints about the blog contents ????. As I consider this as an act of sheer integrism, I would like you to inform us about the real facts concerning this matter. Thank you very much indeed.

    2. I was unaware his Blog was closed…thanks for the information. A visit to the site only states, “Sorry, the blog at kevinspraggett.blogspot.com has been removed.”

      No reason is given but one of my readers once complained that in addition to chess it also contained ‘soft porn.’ Blogger’s TOS contains the following statement, “If your blog contains adult themes or language, you may want to consider choosing to have a Content Warning page appear before readers can enter your blog. A Content Warning page will warn visitors that some may consider the material on your blog objectionable and will give them the chance to either continue to your blog or to cancel; this is especially useful if you would like to keep minors from accidentally stumbling upon your blog.” I see no reason why it would be shut down if he posted a warning?!
