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  • Saturday, February 5, 2011

    Paul Morphy Street and Paul Morphy Cigars

    "I propose the health of Paul Morphy, the world's chess champion. His peaceful battles have helped to achieve a new revolution; his youthful triumphs have added a new clause to the declaration of American independence." ----Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1859

          Paul Morphy's influence was so widespread that baseball clubs, cigars, and a top chess opponent's daughter were named after him. Morphy was the first sports figure to issue a commercial endorsement when he said some good things about a watch. He even had a baseball club named after him in 1859: a Brooklyn baseball team - The Morphy Baseball Club - was named in his honor.

    Upon returning to the United States in 1859, Morphy toured most of the country's major cities where he was greeted as an American hero, with several cities planning celebrations of his accomplishments. He was sought after for product endorsements, received a generous salary to write a chess column in the New York Ledger. Morphy also has a street named after him in New Orleans.

    Morphy Street in  New Orleans

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