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  • Sunday, October 25, 2015

    Moral Victories - an Historical Fiction Novel About Tartakower


         Moral Victories is an e-book by David Lovejoy about the life of Savielly Tartakower. This book is a historical fiction novel that takes as its basis Tartakower's life. Information on his life is actually quite scarce and the author has incorporated every biographical fact he could locate, but when no information was available he invented incidents and characters...he took historical liberties, but in notes at the end of the book, he has clearly indicated these instances. 
         During World War I he was drafted into the Austro-Hungarian army, and served as a staff officer on various posts. He went to the Russian front with the Viennese infantry house-regiment. He arrived in France shortly before its collapse in 1940. Under the pseudonym Cartier, he joined the forces of general Charles de Gaulle and fought in World War 2.
         The book, 263 pages, was first published in 2008 and slightly revised in 2012. There is also a Kindle edition. Look inside Great read and worth $4.99

    1 comment:

    1. I am enjoying reading this book very much...thanks!
