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  • Monday, July 6, 2015

    A Modern Urusov Gambit

        I have posted on this gambit before: Here and Here. The gambit is supposed to be unsound, but it can be very dangerous for black over the board. In correspondence play, especially where engine use is allowed, it shouldn't be very good...or so you would think. Still, I have completed five correspondence games with it (engines use allowed) and my results to date are +5 -0 =2!! Currently I have two running games with the gambit, but we are still in the early opening stages. Anyway, for an opening that's supposed to be unsound, the results have been pretty good! 

         As part of my preparation for my two current games, I came across this gem that was played by none other than Boris Avrukh (born 10 February 1978 in Karaganda, Kazakhstan, former Soviet Union) who now represents Israel. He was the World Under-12 champion in 1990. His opponent was WGM Almira Skripchenko (born 17 February 1976) of France. She won the second Ladies European Individual Chess Championship in 2001. This games shows the dangers black faces OTB. 

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