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  • Saturday, November 26, 2011

    Naked Chess?!

    I’ve never met Jennifer Shahade but have read some of her articles in Chess Life; she seems like a good writer, but this is ridiculous!  If this had happened in April I would have thought it was an April Fool’s joke.  Anyway, I think it’s a pathetic stunt, but I noticed that at least Shahade had enough sense not to to appear naked herself.

    “The prize giving for the Euwe Memorial tournament took place in De Kring, a location already special on account of the many chess players and artists who made the club both famous and infamous. On Sunday evening the setting was even more special as visitors were immediately confronted upon entry with a chess performance by Jennifer Shahade of her creation of Naked Chess, this time as a simul against three chess playing, nude artists’ models.”  READ MORE

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