I am still tinkering with my new Fritz 19 and randomly picked one of my old tournament games to let it analyze just to see how well I played nearly 50 years ago.
The game was played in the 1975 Eastern Open that was held in Washington D.C. and, oddly, it received no coverage beyond a small blurb in Chess Life & Review. It was won by Rosendo Balinas (1941-1998) with a 5.5-0.5 score. He was from the Philippines and was awarded the IM title in 1975 and the GM title in 1976.
My score of +2 -2 =2 was way off the pace and you’ll see why in the following game.
Both I and my opponent had post-tournament ratings of Class B (1600-1799). I was a little surprised at my opponent’s rating because as the Fritz evaluation chart shows, he played a lot better than I did.
I remember the last round; I didn’t feel like playing and the game was dragging on so I offered my opponent a draw. He snickered and snidely replied, “Are you kidding?” I got tickled when a few moves later he blundered and lost quickly.
Here is Fritz' evaluation pf our play:
In those days I was a big fan of the Pirc Defense because you could use the same basic setup against whatever white played. I never had much success with it though and finally went back to the French Defense...that’s what my early hero Botvinnik played. Here’s hoping you enjoy watching me get slaughtered.
E.P.–Tartajubow1–0B07Eastern Open, Washington D.C.1975Stockfish 17
B07: Pirc Defense 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d6 3.c3 g6 4.e3 g7 5.e2 f6 6.d2 0-0 7.h6 b5 This is Stockfish's top choicer and I played it many times in
those days, but with no particular success. Obbviously the problem was me, not
7...b5 8.a3 8.xg7 xg7 9.a3 bd7 10.f3 e5 11.dxe5 dxe5 12.d6
Todorcevic,M (2480)-Dao Thien Hai (2565) Las Palmas 1993 is equal. 8...b7
In this game I played the opening too mechanically, paying little attention to
white's K-side plan. 8...bd7 9.h4 e5 10.dxe5 dxe5 11.d1 a5 12.h5 e7
Takacs,B (2386)-Toth,E (2431) HUN-chT 2015 with equal chances. 8...e5
getting play in the center in better. 9.d5 9.xg7 xg7 10.h4 is about
equal. 9...cxd5 10.exd5 xh6 11.xh6 a5 The position is equal. Kelires,
A (2530)-Saric,I (2689) Rio (Achaia) GRE 2018 9.h4 bd7 In order to stay
in the game it's necessary for black to take some action in the center. 9...e5 is not as effective as on move 8. 10.xg7 xg7 11.f3 exd4 12.xd4
followed bu h5 with excellent attacking possibilities. 9...c5 10.xg7 xg7 This position is quite complicated and it's important to note that the e-Pawn
is immune! 11.h5 b4 11...xe4 12.xe4 xe4 13.hxg6 xg6 14.h6+ g8 15.h5 and black is in trouble after, say... d7 15...xc2 16.c1 g6 17.xg6 16.0-0-0 e6 17.h3 c6 18.xg6 xg6 19.g3 12.axb4 cxb4 13.d1 xe4 14.xb4 b6 White's advantage is minimal. 10.h5 a5 Black's position
is far worse than it looks. In fact, it is already lost! 11.hxg6 fxg6 12.xg7 xg7 13.h6+ f7 14.f3 e8 15.g5 b6 16.xh7 This
obvious move should have lost much of his advantage. 16.0-0-0 was much
better. c5 16...a4 17.e5 b4 18.exf6 bxc3 19.bxc3 xf6 20.g4 d8 21.de1 b5 22.xe7 xe7 23.xh7+ f8 24.h8+ e7 25.h7+ f7 26.xf7# 17.dxc5 xc5 18.e6 forkinh the Q and R 16...xd4 There is no
explanation for this! 16...xh7 17.xg6+ d8 18.xh7 xd4 with at least
a fighting chance. 17.xg6+ f7 18.d1 c5 19.f4 xh7 20.xh7 g1+ 21.d2 d4+ 22.d3 Quicker was 22.Kc1 and 23,Bh5 f6 23.xf7+ xf7 24.xf7 xf7 25.g4 b4 Black hopes to get some activity in the endgame. 26.axb4 axb4 27.e2 c5 28.g5 xd3 29.cxd3 I was hoping my B
might prove superior to the N. h8 30.g1 Better was 39.f5 c5 31.e3 h3+ 32.g3 h1 33.g6+ g7 And bow 34.f5 would jeep the advantage. 34.d2
This is a terrible move because it allows me to get active play/ h6 But not with this move which only placed the R in a passive position. 34...d5 and it's a whole new game! 35.exd5 35.f5 dxe4 36.e3 h2 37.b3 e5 38.dxe4 a6 39.e1 c4 40.bxc4 h1+ 41.d2 xc4 is a deaw. A possible
continuation is... 42.c1 h2+ 43.d1 h1+ 44.c2 h2+ 45.d1 h1+ 46.c2 h2+ 47.d1 Threefold repititiom. 35...xd5 36.g5 b3 37.xc5 xg6 This position should be drawn. 35.f5 c8 Ar rgis point I
realized the position was lost and came up with the idea of sacrificing the B
and hoping to get two Ps fpr it. 36.f4 h2+ 37.c1 b3 38.g2 h1+ 39.d2 h4 40.d5 xf5 41.exf5 d4 42.xe7 c4 43.g3 f4 44.dxc4 xc4 45.f6+ h6 46.g7 Black resigned. 1–0
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