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  • Wednesday, October 25, 2023

    Dentist to the (Chess) Stars

         Here is an interesting article by Howard Langer about his grandfather Dr. Samuel Greenberg, a New York dentist, that appeared in Tablet Magazine, a conservative online magazine focused on Jewish news and culture. Read article...
         There seems to be very little information available about Dr. Greenberg, but I did find the following game played in 1962 in the Manhattan Chess Club Championship Preliminaries that he lost against William Goichberg. It features a pleasing mating attack by Goichberg. 
         Dr. Greenberg’s name appeared in the USCF’s 1964 rating list...it was Class A (Elo 1905). National Master Bill Goichberg (born November 11, 1942) is a tournament organizer and director. He founded the Continental Chess Association which runs the annual World Open and other large tournaments. He is also a former president of the United States Chess Federation. A game that I liked (Fritz 17)
    William GoichbergDr. Samuel Greenberg1–0D46Manhattan CC Prelims, New York1962Stockfish 16
    D46: Semi-Slav 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.c3 f6 4.f3 c6 In the Semi-Slav black's Ps sre a mixture of the Orthodox Q-Gambit (...e6) and the Slav (...c6). Black is threatening to capture the c-Pawn and hold it with ...b7–b5. White can avoid this in a number of ways. 5.e3 bd7 6.d3 d6 7.0-0 0-0 8.e4 Aggressive and somewhat risky. Solid is 8.Qc2 dxe4 9.xe4 xe4 10.xe4 f6 11.c2 g6 This weakens the K's position. He should play 11...h6 or even 11... c5 12.g5 12.b3 is also good. c7 13.b2 d8 14.e2 h5 15.ad1 and white went on to win in a handful of moves in Duong,T (2415)-Hj,S (2339) Bandar Seri Begawan BRU 2010 12...e7 13.e2 c7 14.ad1 d7 This turns out to be too passive. For what it was worth he should have tried 14...b5 14...b5 15.c5 d5 16.h6 d8 17.h4 with a promising attack. 15.a3 h5 This leads to a lost position...immediately! He should still have tried ...b5 16.h6 White must have blitzed this one out otherwise he would have simply played 16.Bxe7 g7 17.fe1 f6 18.e5 fe8 19.f3 xe5 20.dxe5 f5 21.g5 c5 22.g4 This turns out to be a key move! g7 22...d4 puts up a bit of a fight. For example... 23.f6 d8 24.xd8 exd8 25.xd8 xc2 26.xd7 xe1 27.f6 and white should win the ending. 23.f6 Mate is on the horizon. h6 24.h3 h7 25.e3 Moving in for the kill. h8 This allows a nifty finish, but he was lost anyway. 26.xh6+ xh6 27.h3+ h5 28.xh5+! gxh5 29.g5# His 22nd move paid off! 1–0

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