Chess boxing is a sport that, as the name suggests, combines chess and boxing. The boxers/players alternate rounds of boxing and rapid chess until one of them wins in either discipline or when their opponent resigns. Players can win by knockout in boxing or by mate or time forfeit in the chess game.
For a complete discussion of chess boxing you can check out the Wikipedia article HERE.
Last Christmas at the Seasons Beatings 2022 event held at The Dome in London, "Killer Queen" Marie Obegi of Lebanon took on "Kick Ass Baroness" Juliana Baron of Germany. The women's Welterweight title was up for grabs and it was quite a thriller!
Marie 'Killer Queen' Obegi–Juliana 'Kick Ass Baroness' Ba0–1D00Seasons Beatings 2022, LondonThe Dome, London, England2022Stockfish 15.1
QP Opening 1.d4 d5 2.c3 f6 3.f4 One would have expected the Torre
Attack (3.Bg5), one of my favorites. c6 This is not good as white's next
move demonstrates. 3...c5 eliminates any danger from 4.Nb5 4.b5 a5+ 5.c3 cxd4 6.xd4 c6 Threatening, after the Q retreats, 7...d4 7.a4 xa4 8.xa4 e5 with a considerable advantage. 4.b5 Well played. This causes
black considerable problems. 4.e3 is too passive. e6 5.b5 Now this
move has lost its effectiveness. d6 6.g5 0-0 7.d3 e8 8.xf6 xf6 9.f3 is about equal. Tran,Q (2528)-Tran,H (2556) Hanoi 2012 4...e5 5.dxe5 g4
While this attacks the e-Pawn it leaves the N misplaced. 5...e4 fails to
helps black. 1-0 (39) 6.xd5 xd5 7.xc7+ d8 8.xd5 is winning for white.
5...a6 keeps the damage to a minimum. 6.c3 h5 7.xd5 e6 8.e4 xf4 9.xf4 e7 is black best line. 6.e6 6.xd5 is even stronger. After e7 7.g5 f6 8.exf6 gxf6 9.h4 black's position leaves a lot to be desired. 6...ge5 7.exf7+ 7.xe5 xe5 8.xd5 is also very good. 7...xf7 8.xe5 xe5 9.e4 b4+ 9...c6 was worth a try. 10.h5+ g6 11.d4 d6
and black is hanging on. 10.c3 c5 11.xd5+ Equally good was
11.Qh5+ xd5 12.exd5 c6 13.d6+ A gross blunder. Of course the
correct move is 13.dxc6 xd6 14.0-0-0 d8 15.f4 g4 Black is clearly
winning, but the finish is entertaining. 16.c4 xf4+ White's K gets caught
in a fatal crossfire by the Bs. 17.b1 f5+ 18.a1 f6 This doesn't hurt
anything, but 18...Ne3 was more to the point. 19.h3 19.f1 g5 20.h4 e3
forks the R and B 19...e3 20.xf4 xc4 21.h5+ f7 22.hf1 e3 23.xf5+ xf5 24.g4 e3 25.d2 xd5 White lost on time. 0–1
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