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  • Wednesday, May 12, 2021

    London 1862

         Finally! Getting a break today from a remodeling project (hopefully the last one!), but will be back at it tomorrow. 
         The International Exhibition of 1862, or the Great London Exposition, was a world's fair held from May 1st to November 1st, 1862. Exhibits included such large pieces of machinery as parts of Charles Babbage's analytical engine, cotton mills and maritime engines. There was also a range of smaller goods including fabrics, rugs, sculptures, furniture, plates, porcelain, silver and glass wares and wallpaper. One of the biggest sensations was a refrigerator thst manufactured ice!  
         During the exhibition an international chess tournament was also held. 

         In the following game Frederick Deacon (January 1829 - November 20, 1875) was handily defeated by Anderssen. Deacon is mainly notable for his purious claim to have drawn a two game match against Paul Morphy... claims which made him both notorious and unpopular. Although Deacon did win matches against some prominent players of his day he also claimed to have drawn a two game match against Morphy in 1858. In Paul Morphy: the pride and sorrow of chess, author David Lawson wrote that "Upon their reaching America, Mr. Morphy flatly denied that he had ever played a single game with Mr. Deacon. ... spurious", "fabrications", a base attempt to sully the star-spangled banner..."

    Frederic Deacon - Adolf Anderssen

    Result: 0-1

    Site: London

    Date: 1862.06.19

    Giuoco Pianissimo

    [...] 1.e4 e5 2.♘c3 ♗c5 3.♘f3 ♘c6 4.♗c4 ♘f6 5.O-O d6 6.d3 ♗g4 7.♗e3 a6
    7...♘d4 A rarely played move that does not seem to offer either side much. 8.♗xd4 exd4 9.♘e2 ♗xf3 10.gxf3 ♘h5 and the players decided to call it a draw, Orev,P (2229)-Valkov,V (2067)/Plovdiv 2003
    8.♘d5 ♗a7 Taking the B was better because after this move his R is not especially well placed. 9.♗xa7 ♖xa7 10.♘e3 ♗h5 11.♘f5 O-O 12.c3 ♖a8 13.♔h1 d5 14.exd5 ♘xd5 So far this has been pretty boring. White's next move seems pointless and 15.Ng3 would have been a more reasonable move. 15.♖g1 ♘f4 Now black can claim the advantage as white's K-side is about to be destroyed. 16.♕d2
    16.g4 was relatively best, but after 16...♗g6 17.♕d2 ♗xf5 18.gxf5 ♕f6 19.d4 undermining the N. 19...♕xf5 20.♖g5 ♕e4 21.♕e3 ♕xe3 22.fxe3 ♘h3 23.♖g2 exd4 black has only a minimal advantage.
    16...♕f6 17.♘3h4 His best chance was still 17.g4 17...b5 Good enough, but 17...Bg4! was even better. (17...♗g4 18.g3 ♘h3 19.♖gf1 ♗xf5 20.♘xf5 ♕xf5 and black has won a piece.) 18.g4 This comes too late to be of any real value, but white's position can already be considered hopeless. 18...♗g6 19.♗b3 ♗xf5 20.♘xf5 ♖ad8 21.♖g3 h5 22.♕e3
    22.d4 was better because it contains a hidden trap that an unwary Anderssen could have (perhaps) fallen into.. After 22...h4 23.♖f3 g5 24.♖e1 exd4 25.♖xf4 White has some play. 25...dxc3
    25...gxf4 is a serious error! 26.♕xf4 dxc3 and either 27.Nh6+ or 27.Ne7+ draws.
    26.♘e7+ ♘xe7 27.♖xf6 ♖xd2 with a won ending.
    22...h4 The final assault begins. 23.♖f3 g6 As Fritz auto-annotation would say...let's the opponent right back in the game. This move is rather pointless as the N cannon be taken.
    23...♖xd3 was much better. 24.♕e4 ♖xf3 25.♕xf3 ♘a5 26.♗c2 g6 27.♘e3 ♘c4 28.♘xc4 bxc4 29.♖d1 h3 and wins.
    24.d4 g5 The N is poison. (24...gxf5 25.dxe5 ♕xe5 26.♖xf4 ♕xe3 27.fxe3 and black has equalized.) 25.♕e4 Baiting a trap. 25...♖fe8 (25...exd4 26.♕xc6 ♕xc6 27.♘e7+ ♔h7 28.♘xc6 and white has won a piece.) 26.d5 ♘e7 27.♘e3 Allowing black to have an extra piece to support his attack was a poor idea, so 27.Nxe7+ was better.
    27.♘xe7+ After this black still has a sizeable advantage, but at least white could have started a counterattack. 27...♖xe7 28.a4 and black's advantage is not nearly as great as it is after 27. Ne3
    27...c6 28.♖d1 cxd5 29.♘xd5 ♘exd5 30.♗xd5 ♔g7 31.♗b3 ♖xd1+ 32.♗xd1 ♖d8 33.♗c2 ♖d2 In spite of the equal material white is completely helpless due to the activity of black's pieces. 34.h3 ♕d6 35.♗b3 ♖xb2 36.c4 bxc4 37.♕xc4 It's amusing that the threat of Qxf7+ is really no threat at all! 37...♖b1+ 38.♔h2 e4 A nice finish. 39.♕xf7+ (39.♕xe4 ♘xh3+ leads to mate.) 39...♔h6 40.♖xf4 ♕xf4+ Alert to the end. Not 40...gxf4 and white can draw. (40...♕xf4+ 41.♔g2 ♕xf7 42.♗xf7 and wins.) (40...gxf4 41.g5+ ♔xg5 42.♕g7+ draws)
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