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  • Monday, March 1, 2021

    What's A Queen Worth?

         The following game features 1.h4 again. It's an irrelevant move which doesn't do a thing to gain center space or aid development and it weakens the K-side. On the plus side it has a pronounced psychological effect even on some pretty decent players...at least in blitz games. 
         Oddly, when you let engines look at the move all they do is shift white's opening advantage to black, he doesn't get a huge "winning" advantage. Strong human players take a different view. Even Hugh Meyers, an explorer from yesteryear who delved into odd and unusual openings, wrote, "If there were an election for the worst first move, 1.h4 would have excellent winning chances."  In his book Irregular Openings, author Tim Harding didn't think it was good for anything but Kriegspiel (which I've never played). 
         So, why play this horrid opening? Its psychological effect is amazing! It seems to say to the opponent that he doesn't have to bother thinking...just sit back, relax and play aggressively because he's probably playing a beginner who won't see the simplest threats. Things change when they realize they are losing...you can tell when that point is because suddenly they start using up time. 
         One specialist in this opening (if there is any such thing) advised that as white you shouldn't castle K-side and neither should black. He advocated both sides should keep their King in the center or castle Q-side. In either case expect some tactical fireworks. Just remember that you can't ignore the basic rules of development forever...you still have to stake out a share of the center and develop your pieces. Additionally, as always, think things through and just don't play mechanically. 
         In the following game my opponent had a pretty decent rating, but he blitzed out his opening moves in seconds and soon regretted it after he gave me the opportunity to trade my Queen for a bunch of pieces. 
         How much is a Queen worth? Every beginner learns the numerical value of the pieces and they also later learn that those numbers are not always reliable because the values can depend on what other pieces are on the board and their position. For anyone that's interested, chess.com has an article by GM Larry Kaufman on the relative value of the pieces HERE.

    Tartajubow - Guest

    Result: 1-0

    Site: Internet G/10

    Date: 2021

    Hawaiian Orangutan

    [...] 1.h4 d5 Eliminating the possibility of the Tartajubow Attack beginning with 2.Rh3. 2.d4 g6 None the engines score this as more than equal. The GM-like thinking Komodo 12 prefers 2...c5 with an evaluation of -0.25. Oddly, engines don't give black more than a minimal advantage no matter what (within reason!) move is played.
    2...♘f6 3.h5
    3.♗g5 ♘bd7 4.♘c3 h6 5.♗f4 a6 6.♘f3 e6 7.e3 c5 is even. Nordenbaek,J (2215)-Pedersen,B (2230)/Denmark 1992
    3...h6 4.c3 ♗g4 5.♕b3 b6 6.♘f3 ♗xh5 7.e4 ♗xf3 8.gxf3 with equal chances in Fernandez,D (2496)-Bacrot,E (2722)/chess.com 2018.
    2...c5 3.dxc5
    3.e3 ♘c6 4.♘f3 ♗g4 5.♗e2 ♗xf3 6.♗xf3 e6 Equal. Horvath,P (2370)-Nagy,C/Debrecen 1997.
    3...♘c6 4.h5 h6 5.c4 d4 6.a3 a5 7.e4 e5 Black is comsiderabl;y better. Dzhumagaliev,Y (2400)-Almasi,Z (2682)/Riyadh 2017
    2...c5 This is Komodo's preferred line which results in no more that equality for black. 3.e3 ♘f6 4.c4 ♗g4 5.♗e2 ♗xe2 6.♕xe2 cxd4 7.exd4 ♘c6
    3.h5 ♘c6 I think this is a mistake because it results in the weakening of his K-side when he is forced to recapture with his f-Pawn. (3...♗g7 4.hxg6 hxg6 5.♖xh8 ♗xh8 Is completely equal.) 4.hxg6 fxg6 5.c4 dxc4 6.d5 ♘e5 7.♗f4 ♗g7 8.♘c3 Black has two reasonable move here. One a computer move and another a more human move. 8...♗f5 Black made this move almost instantly, but it loses time and allows me to secure the center.
    8...c6 This engine move results in equality, but it does not look very appealing to the human eye. 9.dxc6 ♕b6 10.♕a4 ♘xc6 11.♘b5 ♗e5 12.♗e3 ♕a5+ 13.♕xa5 ♘xa5 14.♘f3 ♗b8 15.♗d2 ♘c6 is the Komodo way.
    8...b5 9.e4 (9.♘xb5 ♖b8 10.♘c3 ♖xb2 is equal.) 9...a6 with equality look more human-like.
    9.e4 ♗g4 Also made instantly. This allows me to exchange my Q for more that enough material compensation. Plus, I also have excellent development and a ready made attack against black's K. From here on there is very little black can do.
    9...♗d7 is relatively best. 10.♗xe5 ♗xe5 11.♘f3 ♗g7 12.♗xc4 and white is much better.
    10.♗xe5 ♗xd1 11.♗xg7 ♗h5 This appears to shield the h-Pawn after the R is captured, but it's illusory.
    11...♗g4 isn't much better as after 12.♗xh8 ♕d6 13.♗xc4 ♘f6 14.♗xf6 ♕xf6 15.f3 ♗d7 16.♖xh7 white is still much better.
    12.♗xc4 ♘f6 13.♗xh8 a6 14.♗xf6 exf6 15.g4 ♗xg4 16.♖xh7 Now the R is lost. 16...♕d6 17.♖h8+ ♔e7 18.♖xa8 Now white has a relatively easy win as there isn't much the Q and B can accomplish against so many pieces. 18...♕b4 19.♗b3 f5 20.e5 f4 21.♘ge2 f3 22.♘g3
    22.d6+ Is the clever engine way. Tactically it makes room on d5 for a N fork on the Q and K. There follows: 22...cxd6 23.♘f4 ♗e6 24.♗xe6 ♕xf4 25.♘d5+ Mates in 11 moves.
    22...♕f4 23.♖d1 The best move is still 23.d6+
    23.d6+ ♔d7 24.dxc7 ♕xe5+ 25.♘ge4 ♔xc7 26.♘d5+ ♔d7 27.♘df6+ ♔c6 28.♖c1+ ♔b5 29.♖c5+ ♕xc5 30.♘xc5 ♔xc5 31.♘xg4 g5 32.♗d1 b6 33.♖xa6 ♔b5 34.♖a7 ♔c6 35.♗xf3+ ♔d6 36.b4 ♔e6 37.♔e2 ♔d6 38.♔d3 ♔e6 39.♔d4 ♔f5 40.♔d5 ♔g6 41.♗e4+ ♔h5 42.♘f6+ ♔h6 43.♖h7#
    23...♕xe5+ 24.♘ge4 ♗f5 25.d6+ This is the best move here, but it lacks the clever finesse of playing it earlier. 25...cxd6 26.♖xd6 ♕a5 27.♖d5
    27.♔d1 Frees up the N to do some serious damage... 27...♕e5 28.♘d5+ ♕xd5+ 29.♗xd5 ♗xe4 30.♖e6+ ♔f7 31.♖xe4+ ♔f6 32.♖f8+ ♔g7 33.♖f7+ ♔h6 34.♖e6 a5 35.♗e4 a4 36.♖xg6+ ♔h5 37.♖h7#
    27...♕b4+⁠−28.♖e5+ ♔d7 29.a3 ♕xb3 30.♘c5+ ♔d6 31.♘xb3 ♔xe5 32.♖b8 b5 33.♖b6 ♗d3 34.♖xa6 b4 35.♖a5+ ♔f4 36.axb4 g5 37.♘d4 g4
    37...♔g4 38.♘d5 ♔h5 39.♘f4+ ♔h6 40.♘xd3 g4 41.♖a6+ ♔g5 42.♔d2 g3 43.fxg3 f2 44.♘xf2 ♔h5 45.♔e3 ♔g5 46.♘f3+ ♔h5 47.g4#
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