Slim Bouaziz (born on April 16, 1950 in Tunis) was awarded the GM title in 1993 and since 2005 has been a chess coach. Between 1967 and 1987, he participated in five interzonal tournaments with his best result being in 1982 in Las Palmas where he finished in twelfth place.
From the mid-1960s Bouaziz represented Tunisia at the Olympiads between 1966 and 2006 and in 1989 he was among the members of the team representing Africa at the team world championship in Lucerne. He achieved his highest rating of 2515 in 1993 and became the first African player to be awarded the GM title.
Bouaziz |
Older readers will remember the fiasco surrounding the world championship from 1993 to 2005. If not you can read the Wikipedia article HERE. In 1999 the FIDE World Championship was held in Las Vegas between July 31 and August 28 in a series of short knockout matches.
The reigning champion was Anatoly Karpov who had no special privileges other than than he (like a number of leading players) was seeded into the second round. In protest at this, Karpov refused to play. Kasparov and Anand also refused to play because they were negotiating a rematch; they also criticized the format.
In the final Vladimir Akopian and Alexander Khalifman faced off in a short 6 game match. With a draw in the 6th game, Khalifman was crowned FIDE World Chess Champion. Khalifman was ranked 44th in the world at the time.
Bouaziz participated in the event and was knocked out in the first round by Vasilios Kotronias by a score of 1.5 – 0.5.
Bouaziz, then an IM, played in the 1985 Interzonal in Tunis, but had to withdraw due to illness after six games and so his results were canceled.
He had a single draw (against Morovic) and had lost to Beliavsky, Hort, De Firmian, Suba and Hmadi. As you can see from the crosstable, the canceled games could have had an impact on the standings.
1) Yusupov 11.5
2) Beliavsky 11.0
3) Portisch 10.0
4-5) Gavrikov and Chernin 9.5
6) Hort, Sosonko and Dlugy 9.0
7) De Firmian 8.5
10-12) Nikolic, Suba and Miles 8.0
13) Morovic 7.5
14-15) Zapata and Ermenkov 6.5 4
16) Afifi 3.5
17) Hmadi 1.0
Had Hort and De Firmian wins against Bouaziz counted they both may have had a shot at qualifying by finishing in the top four places. As it was, Chernin defeated Gavrikov 3.5-2.5.
In the following game De Firmian scored a nice a fourth-round victory over Bouaziz in the 6.Bc4 variation of the Sicilian that was a favorite of Bobby Fischer.
di Firmian |
Nick de Firmian (born July 26, 1957 in Fresno, California), is GM and three-time US champion, winning in 1987 (with Joel Benjamin), 1995, and 1998. He also tied for first in 2002, but Larry Christiansen won the playoff.
He is also a chess writer, most famous for his work in writing the 13th, 14th, and 15th editions of Modern Chess Openings. In 2006 he revised and expanded Capablanca’s classic Chess Fundamentals which was harshly criticized by chess historian Edward Winter, who claimed that de Firmian destroyed the book by changing Capablanca's writing and removing games from previous editions to include new games not played by Capablanca.
De Firmian earned the IM title in 1979 and the GM title in 1985 and has represented the United States at several Interzonals and played on the US Olympiad teams of 1980, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1996, 1998, and 2000.
Beginning in the 1990s, he lived in Denmark for several years.
He currently resides in California. His current USCF rating is 2575, down from a high of 2705 in 1994. His last rated event was a weekend Swiss in California in 2017.
[Event "Tunis Interzonal"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1985.??.??"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Slim Bouaziz"]
[Black "Nick de Firmian"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
{Sicilian Scheveningen/Najdorf: 6 Bc4} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4
Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bc4 {The basic strategy is to provoke 6...e6 and then attack
the black e-Pawn by f4-f5.} 6... e6 7. Bb3 Be7 8. O-O {In a later game in this
tournament against Gavrikov, Di Firmian, as white, tried the hyper-aggressive
8.g4 without success.} 8... O-O 9. f4 b5 10. e5 {Why didn't Bouaziz play 10.f5
and attempt to carry out white's main strategy? Because, as Fischer had shown,
10. f5 e5 11.Nde2 Bb7 followed by ...Nbd7 and ...Rc8 is more than adequate
for black because his latent pressure on the c-file will make it impossible
for white to establish secure control of the key d5 square. As a result
attention shifted to the alternative attack with 10.e5 which remains popular
today.} 10... dxe5 11. fxe5 Nfd7 12. Be3 {Bouaziz chooses a rather remarkable
gambit worked out by GM John Nunn. If black doesn't take the e-Pawn and
plays 12...Qxc7 then 13.Rxf7!! Rxf7 13.Nxe6 Qxe5 15.Bd4 gives white a nice
advantage.} 12... Nxe5 13. Qh5 Nc4 14. Bxc4 bxc4 {Now white could have tried
15.Qf3 to see if black would fall for sacrificing his R in order to trap the Q
with 15...Qc7?? 16.Qxa8 Bb7 17.Qa7 Bc5. However, the trap is refuted by
18.Nxe6! leaving white a won game. The question is, after 15.Qf3 Ra7 how does
white continue his attack? 16.Nf5! Rd7 17.Nxe7+ leads to equal chances.} 15.
Rad1 Qc7 16. Rf3 {The threat is Rh3 and after ...h6, Bxh6 with a winning
attack.} 16... g6 17. Qh6 {This line was known from Inkjov-Lukov, Sofia 1983.
In that game Lutikov played 17...f5 and after 18.Nxf5?! exf5 19.Nd5 the game
was quickly drawn by perpetual check. But de Firmian's innovation ruins
white's hopes.} 17... f6 18. Ne4 {At Amsterdam 1996 de Firmian himself played
18.Rfd1 against Ivanchuk and soon drew: 18.Rfd1 e5 19. Rg3 Bd8 20.Nf3 Nc6
21.Bc5 Ne7 22.Rxg6+ with a perpetual check. Black should now probably play
18...Rf7 which places the R in a favorable defensive position.} 18... e5 19.
Rg3 Bd8 {Now retreating to f3 would keep the position even. Instead Bouaziz
makes a violent, but not quite sound, effort to get an attack going.} 20. Ne6
Bxe6 {After his next move white is lost. Unfortunately for Bouaziz he missed
his best chance by first playing 21.Bc5! Rf7 and only then 22.Rxg6+. Black
would then only stand slightly better, but white's attack is still
dangerous.} 21. Rxg6+ hxg6 22. Rxd8 {Black should avoid 22...Rxd8 23. Qxg6+
Kf8 (But not 23...Qg7 because he gets mate dafter 24.Nxf6+) 24.Qxf6+ Bf7 and
white is still kicking.} 22... Qg7 23. Nxf6+ {A last shot. If 23...Qxf6 white
can get a draw with 24.Rxf8+ followed by Qxg6+ and Qxe6+} 23... Kf7 {Very
good! White can't avoid simplification, yet Bouaziz stubbornly plays on.} 24.
Rxf8+ Qxf8 25. Qh7+ Kxf6 26. Bh6 Qc5+ 27. Kf1 Bf7 28. Qh8+ Kf5 29. g4+ Ke4
30. Qf6 Nd7 31. Qxf7 Rf8 0-1
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