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  • Saturday, December 9, 2017

    asmFish...the new kid on the block

        asmFish is derived from Stockfish and uses a code that makes it faster. I have read that it's easy to make mistakes when translating a program to another language and the engine is much more power consuming than Stockfish so some computers are likely to crash.  I've not been running the engine much, but in a 5-minutes per game match against Stockfish 8 it didn't run into any problems. The score was +1 -1 =10.
         I am not familiar with any of the technical details of asmFish, but on the CCLR 40/40 rating list it stands out as the number one rated engine at 3425. Ratings for the remaining top 5 spots are:
    2- Houdini 6 64-bit 4CPU (3412)
    3- Komodo 11.2 64-bit 4CPU (3398)
                                   4- Deep Shredder 13 64-bit 4CPU (3294) 
                                   5- Fire 6.1 64-bit 4CPU (3286).

    asmFish has the following very impressive scores against its rivals:
    Houdini 6  (+6−2=38)
    Komodo 11.2 (+11−1=37)
    Deep Shredder 13 (+19−0=31)
    Fire 6.1 (+26−1=23)
    Against Stockfish 8 its score is: (+8−2=40)

         Not that it proves anything, but in the following position from the Spielmann-Chekhover game after white's 13th move, I let the engines run for 3 minutes and the moves and evaluations were:

    SugaR PrO (13...b4 eval=0.35)
    Stockfish 8 (13...b4 eval=0.88)
    asmFish (13...b4 eval=0.70)
    Komodo 10.1 (13...Qf6 eval=0.72)

    I was able to download the engine at King of Chess HERE

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