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  • Friday, October 7, 2016

    Don't Stop Me If You've Seen This Before

         I have seen a position from this game in tactics books, but have never played through the entire game until now.  Henneberger won the second brilliancy prize for the game. I think he deserved it because of his brilliant defensive play. 
         Eliskases built up a promising position, but at move 22 he got too fancy. He no doubt already had his trappy and rather ingenious 23rd move in mind, but it was a mistake. Henneberger found the only defense, and a brilliant defense it was, when he played 26...Qf7. Eliskases, forgetting that in chess captures are not always mandatory, grabbed the Q with check and must have been stunned when Henneberger calmly slid his K out of check leaving white facing an unstoppable mate. 
         The game was played in a long forgotten tournament that was held in Bad Liebenwerda, a spa town, in Eastern Germany. The final standings were: 

    1) Salo Flohr 9.5 
    2) Fritz Saemisch 7.5 
    3) Karl Gilg 7.0 
    4-6) Max Bluemich, Emil Zinner and Rudolf Pitschak 6.0 
    7-9) Sandor Boros, Erich Eliskases and Albert Becker 5.5 
    10) Franz Herzog 4.5 
    11) Walter Henneberger 2.5 
    12) August Haida 0.5

         I have previously posted on Flohr and Eliskases and a game by Pitschak. Eliskases' opponent in this game, Walter Henneberger (May 19, 1883 – January 15, 1969), was a Swiss master who won the Swiss Championship in 1904, 1906 (jointly), 1911 (jointly), and 1912. In international events he finished 16th at The Hague 1928 (World Amateur Chess Championship, Max Euwe won). He shared 9th at Bern 1932 and finished 10th at Zurich 1934. He also participated for Switzerland in matches against Yugoslavia (1949), Belgium (1950), and West Germany (1952).

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