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  • Monday, October 27, 2014


        The stated aim of Chess24 is to become the home for players from beginners to professionals. The site allows you to play chess in real time against a computer or humans, watch video lessons by top players, watch major chess events live and follow the latest news from the chess world. The site is available in English, Spanish and German and you can try it out without creating an account.
         Viswanathan Anand and Rustam Kasimdzhanov, Peter Svidler, Paco Vallejo and Jan Gustafsson are involved with the site.
         I checked it out today and Bullet ratings are listed for a few alleged GM’s like Francisco Vallejo, David Anton and David Lariño Nieto; they may or may not really be who they say. Who knows? Same for all the players with ratings over 2400. Who knows whether they’re real players or guys with engines?
         Macauley Peterson is the main man behind the site. Peterson is Content Director for Cisha GmbH in Hamburg and is the founder and President of Chess Digital Strategies LLC, which provides media production, consulting and web services for companies and organizations involved in professional chess. Prior to that he served as a content creator and reporter for ICC, the Internet Chess Club and Chess.FM. Peterson written work has appeared in various publications around the world and in 2008 he was voted 2008 "Chess Journalist of the Year" by the Chess Journalists of America.
         In 2006, he completed work as an editor on Adam Nemett's independent feature film, The Instrument, which appeared at the 2005 Dances With Films festival, in L.A., and was part of New York’s Anthology Film Archives' New Filmmakers series, and he has produced the DVD releases of A Turnpike Runs Through It (2008), and Excess Hollywood (2006), for the Princeton Triangle Show.
         Appears to be worth checking out.

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