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  • Thursday, June 30, 2022

    A Confession About Capablanca's Games

         In my chess library I have four Capablanca books: Chess Fundamentals and My Chess Career by Capablanca, Capablanca's Hundred Bet Games by Harry Golombek and Capablanca, A Compendium of Games, Notes, Articles, Correspondence, 1lustrations and Other Rare Archival Materials on the Cuban Chess Genius Jose Raul Capablanca, 1888-1942 by Edward Winter. 
         Here's my confession...I have never read them. The reason is that Capa's games never appealed to me; I don't know why. However, of late I have been peeking at the books and today's game feature an in instructive game from the 1916 Rice Gambit tournament that was held in New York City in 1916.
         His opponent was David Janowsky, the guy who is probably best remembered as a punching bag for the greats of his day. That's not fair though because Chessmetrics assigns him a high rating of 2776 in July 1904. On the site's May through September list he was ranked number 1 in the world ahead of such players as Maroczy, Tarrasch, Lasker and Pillsbury. 
         The problem was Janowsky played very quickly and was a gambler both on and off the board. He was a sharp tactician who was devastating with the Bishop pair. 
         Capablanca, himself, said, "...when in form [he] is one of the most feared opponents who can exist". Capablanca noted that Janowsky's greatest weakness was in the endgame, and which Janowsky reportedly claimed to detest. Frank Marshall wrote that Janowsky "could follow the wrong path with greater determination than any man I ever met!" 
         Reuben Fine called him a player of considerable talent, but a "master of the alibi" when it came to his defeats. Fine also noted that Janowsky was sometimes unpopular with his colleagues because of his habit of stubbornly playing on in lost positions. 
         In 1915, Isaac Rice started planning the Rice Jubilee Tournament to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of his discovery of the Rice Gambit, but he died on November 2, 1915. 
         Rice planned to invite primarily American masters and leading European players who might be able to compete despite the war. No reply was received from Alekhine and Marshall refused to compete after a dispute over his fee, but Janowsky was able to make it from France. The event consisted of a round robin with the players with the four highest scores playing a final with the preliminary scores carrying over. 


    I understand that Capa himself annotated this game in My Chess Career, but I do not have access to his notes. However, Alex Yermolinsky commented on the opening in The Road to Chess Improvement and stated that the game made an impression on him in regards to the Queens opposing each other on b3 and b6.

    Wednesday, June 29, 2022

    Chess on IECG

    Simon Webb
         The International Email Chess Group was an electronically based organization whose aim was to organize, develop and promote the study and practice of international e-mail or server correspondence chess all over the world. 
         It started in 1995 and ceased operations on December 31, 2010 because e-email play had quickly declined in popularity making it impossible to form tournaments in a reasonable time. 
         There were also other problems with e-mail like viruses and spam filters that made playing by e-mail difficult. It was for that reason that IECG stopped its operations and transferred its activities to Lechenicher SchachServer Server which is run by Dr. Ortwin Paetzold, one of the IECG founders. 
         The last IECG World Champion was IECG Senior Master Sergei Bubir from Ukraine. IECG's first World Champion in 1996 was Simon Webb (June 10, 1949 – March 14, 2005), a British IM and Correspondence GM. He was once ranked seventh in the world in correspondence chess 
         On March 14, 2005, the mild mannered Webb, who was living in Sweden, was stabbed to death in his kitchen. Police said that the attack was carried out by his 25-year-old mentally disturbed son, Dennis. 
         According to teammate Per Soederberg they were playing together in the finals of the Swedish Chess League in Malmo and after the game Webb said goodbye and took a train to Stockholm. Soederberg guessed that Webb must have arrived home at about 1am. And, at about that time he apparently had an argument with his son. 
         Dennis had served four years in prison for drug related offenses and his friends said that, unlike his father's placid demeanor, he had an explosive temperament. Police said that Dennis first shoved his father then grabbed a kitchen knife which he dug into Webb’s stomach. 
         Webb's wife, Anna, heard her husband screaming and came out into the hall to see him lying in a pool of blood having been stabbed repeatedly.   Immediately after the stabbing Dennis grabbed the car keys and stormed out of the house and Mrs. Webb called the police and tried to stop the bleeding. 
         Dennis drove at high speed through the suburb of Kallhaell, a 30-minute drive from the center of Stockholm. According to police Inspector Hans Strindlund's statement Dennis crashed the car at about 80 miles per hour into a bus stop and as a result of the crash he suffered a broken nose. 
         Between 2004 and 2009 I played 41 e-mail games on IECG, scoring +5 -7 =29. There were no rules against the use of engines and the top engines were (I think) Fritz, Junior and Rybka. My first tournament in 2004 was entered at my Correspondence Chess League of America rating which was 2000-something. I was unaware that there wasn't any rules against engine use in IECG tournaments and so my 6th place (out of 7) finish with a +0 -4 =2 score wasn't bad because my draws were with one of the aforementioned engines. 
         Looking over the games today reveals that none of them rates a second look. Consequently, let's take a look at one of Simon Webb's games. 

    A game that I liked (Komodo 14)

    Webb, Simon2682Pecha, Martin23271–0D85IECG World ChampionshipIECG1997Stockfish 15
    Gruenfeld Exchange Variation 1.d4 f6 2.c4 g6 3.c3 d5 4.cxd5 This the main line against the Gruenfeld; white sets up an imposing P-center. xd5 5.e4 xc3 6.bxc3 g7 7.f3 c5 Black will attack the center while white will use it to launch an attack against the King. 8.b1 0-0 9.e2 Black has, in addition to his next move which is by far the most popular, both 9...Nc6 which has not yielded good results and 9...b6 which, while giving better results than developing the N is not so good as the excahnge on d4. cxd4 10.cxd4 a5+ 11.d2 xa2 Keep an eye on black's a- and b-Pawns backed up by the R and supported by the N...they look very dangerous. 12.0-0 An interesting position. Black is two Ps up, but white has scored very well from this position. g4 12...d7 This move increases black's winning chances and so is probably his best choice. 13.e1 b6 14.a1 b2 15.h3 f5 16.b1 a2 17.c1 The position is equal and in Anand,V (2769)-Leko,P (2725) Linares 2000 the game was eventually drawn. 13.g5 At the cost of a tempo white induces black to weaken his K-side. h6 Other moves are worse. 14.e3 b6 15.d3 c8 16.h3 d7 17.d2 c2 18.a3 White need to keep the Qs on is he is to have any hope of mustering up an attack. 18.xc2 xc2 19.d5 d4 20.xh6 a5 is to black's advantage. 18...xd4 19.xh6 Threatening Rfc1 winning the Q c5 20.g3 Black is now under some pressure on the K-side. e5 21.h4 f6 22.g3 e5 23.h4 f6 24.g3 Now 24...Be5 is a three fold repetition. White was willing to allow it because if he had tried to avoid it black would have gained the advantage. As it turns out, black should ahve taken the draw! 24.f4 e5 25.xe5 xe5 and black is better... white's K-side attacking chances have disappeared. 24...c3 While this position is judged to be very slightly better for white, black clearly wants to play for the win. Note that after this move black's R and N never get into the game. 24...c6 was a must if black wants to keep his chances alive. After 25.f3 d4 26.xd4 xd4 The position offers equal chances. 25.f3 Black must now prevent Rfc1. c2 An inaccuracy that gives white a winning edge. 25...c6 Getting his N into play is vital. 26.e3 e5 27.g5 b5 With equal chances; 5 Shootouts were all drawn. 26.e5 xe2 This loses quickly. 26...g7 was his best try although after 27.xg7 xg7 28.fe1 c6 29.a6 d8 30.e6 fxe6 31.b7 ab8 32.xc6 xc6 33.e5+ g8 34.xe6+ h8 35.bc1 wins easily. 27.exf6 exf6 28.bd1 b5 29.d6 h5 30.e3 e6 31.d4 Prevents Nc6. Black is essentially playing a R and N down. e8 32.xe6 fxe6 33.a1 Prevents ...Na6 f5 34.a4 g5 35.xg5 The crusher. g6 36.g4 f5 37.h4 g7 38.h6 f8 39.dxe6 Black resigned. The two passed Ps on the Q-side aided by the R and N that looked so promising early on never even came close to getting into the game. 1–0

    Tuesday, June 28, 2022

    Rubezov's Fatal King Walk

         Lou P. Andvere describes himself as a reasonably strong correspondence player (about 2300+ ICCF) who has written several chess engines. As he explained, these days in correspondence chess a good correspondence player using an engine is always stronger than a lone engine, especially in situations with a material imbalance that are difficult to evaluate. He added, "Correspondence players are a bit like race car drivers. They can’t outrun the car, but that’s not the point - the point is how well do you steer it." 
         Be that as it may, correspondence chess was a lot more fun before engines and it produced games like the following one. 

         Nothing is known of the Soviet correspondence player Anatoly Rubezov except that between 1960 and 1963 he he played, and lost, a game in the 1960 USSR Correspondence Championship to Georgy Borisenko (May 25, 1922 - December 3, 2012) that can be found in several books of chess brilliancies. 
         Borisenko was a Soviet correspondence GM and theoretician who trained, among others, Nona Gaprindashvili, his wife Valentina Borisenko, Viktor Korchnoi, Mark Taimanov and Timur Gareyev. He became a Russian Master of Sport in 1950 and a Russian Correspondence GM in 1966. He won the USSR Correspondence Championship twice, in 1957 and 1962, and came in second in 1965. 
         In the following game Borisenko displays fantastic ingenuity as he forces Rubezov's King on a long walk to its doom. The white King started on e1 and from there went on a journey to g1-f2-e1-d2-c3-c4-d5-d6-e5-e6-f5-e4 and ended up on d5 at which point Rubezov resigned. 
         In the game, at move 13, Borisenko made the sacrifice of the exchange that's often seen in the Sicilian (...Rxf3) and a few moves later makes what looks like a mistake, but was actually a carefully laid plan: a whole Rook down he chases white's King all over the board until there was nothing for Rubezov to do but send off a postcard with the dreaded words, "I resign" or some such. A game that I liked (Komodo 14)
    Anatoly RubezovGeorgy Borisenko0–1B89USSR Correspondence Championship1960Stockfish 15
    Sicilian: Sozin Attack 1.e4 c5 2.f3 c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.xd4 f6 5.c3 d6 6.c4 This aggressive move, the Sozin Attack, sets up tactical possibilities against f7. Afte black plays ...e6 then white can generate threats against the P on e6 and gain good prospects for a K-side attack with f4-f5. e6 7.0-0 e7 8.e3 0-0 9.b3 9.e2 is an alternative. a6 10.ad1 xd4 11.xd4 b5 12.b3 b7 13.a3 b8 14.f3 c6 15.f2 a5 16.fe1 b4 17.axb4 axb4 18.d5 Draw agreed. Gomez Garrido,C (2504)-Vera Gonzalez-Quevedo,R (2446) Panama City PAN 2013 9...a5 At the time this move was considered somewhat suspect because it neglects the center. It was believed that either 9...a6 or 9...Bd7 were better. Stockfish actually prefers the text. 10.f4 b6 In annotating this game Graham Burgess was critical of this move, but did not offer an alternative. Sockfish considers the position equal. 10...e5 is an equally good alternative. 11.fxe5 g4 12.e2 dxe5 13.f5 xf5 14.xf5 xe3 15.xe3 d4 16.xd4 exd4 17.d5 White's pieces are better placed, but there does not seem to be any way for him to make substantial headway. Five Shootout games were drawn. Generally black avoided the exchange ...Nxb3 and played an ending with Bs of opposite color and double Rs. 10...xb3 Burgess said black should avoid this, but that does not appear to be the case. After 11.axb3 e5 Superior to Burgess' 11...b6 12.de2 a5 the position is equal. 11.g4 11.e5 is the main alternative. e8 12.h5 and black has two main choices. xb3 This is probably the safest. 12...b7 This results in some complicated tactics. 13.xe6 fxe6 14.xe6+ h8 15.f7 c8 16.d5 xd5 17.xd5 with equal chances. 13.c6 c7 14.xe7+ xe7 15.axb3 b7 16.b5 a6 17.d4 b5 equals. 11...b7 12.f3 c8 13.g5 xc3 This sacrifice of the exchange is quite common in the Dragon Variation, but, as here, it is often seen in other variations as well. The point is that it weakens white's e-Pawn. 13...d7 is barely playable; it's rather passive and things get tactical. 14.xe6 fxe6 15.xe6+ h8 16.h5 with the initiative. d5 17.f3 g6 18.h6 c5 19.xc5 xc5 20.h3 e7 21.exd5 xf4 22.xg6 g7 23.xg7+ xg7 24.xd7 xd5 White is better. 13...e8 is also too passive and here, too, black ends up on the defensive. 14.h3 xb3 15.axb3 a6 16.f3 b5 17.h5 xc3 18.h3 Black has only one good move here. xe4 19.bxc3 g6 20.f3 c7 Black has beaten back the attack on his K, but white has slightly better chances. 14.gxf6 Excellent! Black has only one reply that does not lose. 14.bxc3 is a mistake. xe4 15.g4 c8 16.f3 xb3 17.axb3 f5 Padevsky-Botvinnik, Moscow 1956. Black soon won. 14...xe3 This is it. 14...c7 15.fxe7 xe7 16.f5 Crushing. xb3 16...e5 17.f6 c7 18.g4 g6 19.f5 e8 20.h4 h5 21.e7+ exe7 22.fxe7 xe7 23.xf7+ g7 24.g5 d7 25.d8 and wins 17.axb3 exf5 18.g5 f6 19.xf5 e5 19...fxg5 20.xe7+ xe7 21.xf8+ xf8 22.xf8+ xf8 23.xa7 xe4 24.c4 with a won ending. 20.xa7 b8 20...xe4 21.xg7+ mates in 21.xb7 xb7 22.f4 e6 23.g4 d7 24.d1 g6 25.g3 white will ultimately win this position: 5-0 in Shootouts. 15.xe3 15.fxe7 is a mistake as after xf3 16.exd8 xf1+ 17.xf1 xd8 Black is a good Pawn up. 15...xf6 16.ad1 Also good was 16...c3 xb3 16...e7 This cautious move was played in Jankovec,I (2320)-Smejkal,J (2515) Trinec 1972 17.c3 g6 18.f3 g7 19.d3 h6 20.e1 e8 21.c2 c6 with equal chances. 17.axb3 a6 This allows white some tactical ideas, but Borisenko is relying on the open lines he gets as compensation. 17...g6 is slightly more accurate, but the results is no more than a draw. 18.e5 dxe5 19.xe6 c8 20.xf8 xc2 21.h3 h4 22.d3 c5+ 23.e3 c2 repeating moves, 18.e5 dxe5 Now this is not good as white seizes the initiative. The best defense was 18...Bh4 when white is only slightly better+ 19.xe6 c8 20.xf8 c6 21.f2 Here white goes astray. He keeps the advantage after 21.Rd2 21.h3 is a colossal blunder! h4 21...xf8 22.d3 equals 22.f3 xf3 23.xf3 xf3 24.d3 g4 25.xh7 exf4 and black has what should be a winning advantage. 21.d2 h4 Threatens mate. 21...h1+ 22.f2 h4+ 23.e2 and the K slips away. 22.f3 Forced xf3 23.xf3 xf3 24.d7 exf4 25.xb6 and white is better. 21...g2+ 21...h4+ is ineffective beause after 22.e2 g2+ 23.d3 e4+ 24.c3 f6+ 25.b4 e7+ 25...xc2 26.xb6 26.c3 The K has escaped and black has to take the draw. 21...xc2+ is also ineffective. 22.d2 f5 23.g1 exf4 24.xf4 g5+ 25.f1 xf8 26.df2 and black's position is difficult. 22.e1 h4+ 23.f2 This threatens to win with 24.Ne6 f3 Meeting the threat and leaving black with a clearly winning position. 24.d8 From here on black is forced to find th very best moves in a remarkable King hunt. 24.e6 is refuted by h1+ 25.d2 xd1+ 26.c3 fxe6 24...g1+ 25.d2 d1+! 25...e4 would lose the game after 26.e8 d1+ 27.c3 f6+ 28.c4 b5+ 29.b4 d6+ 30.c5 xc5+ 31.xc5 e7+ 32.xe7 xf8 33.a7 winning easily. 26.c3 xd8 27.xf3 e4 28.h3 f6+ 29.c4 c7+ Both 29...Kxf8 and 29...Qxf8 would lose almose all of black's advantage. 30.d5 b7+ Again, the most precise. 30...xf8 31.xe4 xc2+ 32.f3 with equal chances. 31.d6 xf8 32.xh7 e7+ 33.e5 f6+ 34.e6 c6+ 35.f5 c8+ 36.xe4 xc2+ 37.d5 The end of the line for white's K! White played quite well, but his play was no match for Borisenko's precision. xh7 White resigned. 0–1

    Monday, June 27, 2022

    A Sidney Bernstein Brilliancy

    Senior Master Sidney Bernstein
         In 1959 gas was 25 cents a gallon, a postage stamp cost 4 cents and you could buy T-Bone steaks for $1.09 a pound. Membership in the USCF was $5.00 a year and Chess Life was published twice a month on newsprint paper,. 
         If you wanted to play, let's say, in the New Jersey Amateur (rated under 2200) that was held in April at the Midway Diner in Hammonton, New Jersey, the entry fee was $5,00. Accommodations were available at the Lake Front Motel (today it's the Red Carpet Inn) for $3.00 a night, $2.00 for double occupancy. The prizes..."many trophies." 
    Midway Diner

         Most chess books were under $5.00 and Chess Review was selling folding cloth boards for $1.75 to $4.00. An imported German chess clock could be had for $22.00 (plus $2.20 Federal excise tax) and a wooden set with a 3-1/2 inch King cost $35.00; a wood storage box was included. 
         On October 31, 1959, Mikhail Tal won the Candidates Tournament at Bled, Yugoslavia. More importantly, 1959 was the year I started playing postal chess in Class C (Average) with Chess Review. 
         The year 1959 began with 15-year-old Bobby Fischer winning the U.S. Championship with an undefeated +6 -0 =5 and pocketing a $1,000, a little over ten times that amount in today's dollars. 
         Not surprisingly, Fischer was complaining to the tournament organizers before the tournament even started. He said there were "irregularities in procedures" that could unfairly deprive him of the title. His complaint was that the choosing lots to determine who played whom and when was done in private without the players being present. He said the practice was just unfair and threatened to forfeit his games if the pairings were not redrawn in public. 
    a querulous Bobby Fischer

      The tournament officials were adamant. One of the directors was Hans Kmoch, who had double-forfeited Eliot Hearst and Edmar Mednis in the 1956 Rosenwald tournament because neither of them had kept an accurate scoresheet. 
         It was agreed that Fischer's protest had some merit, but the officials were not going to redo the pairings because they had already been published and doing so would only serve to antagonize the other participants.
         They also wisely prepared to deal with Fischer's threat by placing a 22-year-old pre-med student named Anthony Saidy on standby. In the end, Fischer played. 
         According to Edmar Mednis the level of play in the championship, when compared to previous championships, was quite high...as evidenced by the fact that Samuel Reshevsky could only manage third place. 
         Sidney Bernstein agreed, adding that the emphasis was positional play, but that also contributed to a "certain lack of color and excitement." He added that the level of play was higher and that with the rising of the level of play the number of blunders was reduced.    
         Arnold Denker considered the level of play "fairly high,'" but he thought it was a shame that the playing conditions were becoming worse. James Sherwin agreed, calling the playing conditions and prizes "quite unfortunate." 
         In the following game Sidney Bernstein did his part to deal with the lack of color and excitement. He opened with the Orangutan and the play was rather boring until Seidman counterattacked and things got real tactical and Bernstein finished off his opponent with a surprising Queen sacrifice. A game that I liked (Komodo 14)
    Sidney BernsteinHerbert Seidman1–0A001959-60 US Champ, New YorkNew York, NY USA29.12.1959Stockfish 15
    Orangutan 1.b4 Bernstein played 1.b4 four times in this event, scoring 2. 5-1.5. He claimed that this win over Seidman was worth more than one point! A00: f6 2.b2 e6 3.b5 a6 4.a4 axb5 5.axb5 xa1 6.xa1 d5 6...c5 7.e3 7.bxc6 bxc6 8.e3 d5 9.f3 bd7 10.e2 d6 11.c4 0-0 12.0-0 a6 13.cxd5 Draw agreed. Waht could be more boring than that?! Lorenc,T (2102)-Skliba,M (2233) Vsetin CZE 2015 7...d5 8.f3 bd7 9.c4 b6 10.e2 b7 11.0-0 with equality. Tkachiev,V (2575)-Karpov,A (2765) Alma Ata KAZ 1995 7.f3 e7N 7...bd7 8.e3 d6 9.c4 c6 10.bxc6 bxc6 The draw outcome was hardly surprising in Haralambof,V-Haygarth,M Tel Aviv 1964 8.e3 The position is equal. bd7 9.e2 0-0 10.0-0 e8 11.c4 f6 12.c3 dxc4 13.xc4 d6 14.e2 b6 15.a2 b7 16.xf6 xf6 17.b4 e5 18.d4 g5 19.g3 h6 20.c2 h3 21.bc6 A good square for the N which is going to play a surprising part in the game in the future. So far the game has not been particularly exciting, but that is about to change. h8 Getting his K out of reach of the N on c6, but 21...Ra8 was better. 22.a1 22.f3 to keep the N off g4 was more accurate. xc6 23.xc6 23.bxc6 c8 24.f4 leaves black badly tied up. e8 25.a4 f6 Black wants to play ...e5 26.a7 e5 27.fxe5 fxe5 28.xc7 exd4 29.xd6 Threatening mate with Rf8+ e6 30.xe6 xe6 31.exd4 White wins. 23...f5 is equal. 22...g4 Counterattack. 23.f3 A reasonable possibility was 23.Bxg4 eliminating the N. h5 After this white gets a significant advantage because the Q will be exposed to attack by the B. 23...e5 Threatening to drive off the N keeps the chances even and results in an entertaining display of tactical fireworks. 24.d3 xb5 25.d4 e4 26.f1 h5 27.h4 g5 28.h3 xe3 29.fxe3 gxh4 30.g4 g5 31.xb5 xb5 32.e5 f6 33.xc7 fxe5 34.e7 e8 35.xb7 exd4 36.a7 g6 37.a8 xa8 38.xa8+ g7 39.b7+ f7 40.xe4 dxe3 41.xe3 f6 with a likely draw. 24.a4 This R along with the N on c6 have a bright future. 24.h4 was a good alternative. g5 25.a4 gxh4 26.xg4 24...xh2 This dangerous looking move loses thanks to a fine tactical display by Bernstein. 24...h3 25.d1 e8 26.a7 f6 27.d4 e5 and white can claim no more than a minimal advantage. 25.fe5 The game is over after this amazing move. 25.xh2 No doubt this is what Seidman was expecting. xe2 26.d4 e1+ 27.f1 e5 28.c6 e2 29.xe5 xb5 with what is likely a winning endgame advantage. 25...xe2 The reply to this move must have been shocking. 25...g5 26.xh2 White is a piece up. 26.xh7+ An abrupt end...it's mate in three. 26.xh2 loses to xf2+ 27.h3 f5 28.g4 f6 29.d7 f7 26.xh7+ xh7 27.h4+ h5 28.xh5+ g8 29.e7# 1–0

    Friday, June 24, 2022

    Fluorescent Lights, Walter Browne and Bobby Fischer

         Fluorescent lights are highly versatile and the type of lighting that you most likely to see in offices, schools and commercial buildings because it's known for its energy efficiency compared to other types of lighting. 
         There are several different types of fluorescent lighting, but what are known as linear fluorescent tubes, the kind that are commonly used in overhead fixtures, are probably most familiar to us. 
         Fluorescent lighting is the result of a chemical reaction inside of a glass tube. Fluorescent lights have a ballast. Its main purpose is to take the alternating current and turn it into a steady and direct stream of electricity. This stabilizes and maintains the chemical reaction that is occurring inside the bulb. 
         From the ballast electricity flows to the electrodes inside the glass tube, which is kept under low pressure. Inside of the tube are inert gasses and mercury which are excited by the electrical current. The mercury vaporizes and the gasses begin reacting with each other to produce an invisible UV light that we actually cannot see with our naked eye. 
         The tube is coated with phosphor powder coating that glows when it is excited by the invisible UV light producing a visible white light. Environmentalists emphasize that because of the mercury it is important to recycle fluorescent bulbs after they’ve burned out. 
         If you look at a large room that's lit mostly by fluorescent lights there's a good chance that you'll see all kinds of different colors coming from them. That's because of something called color shifting. 
         The longer the bulbs burn the more likely it is that the chemical properties change and cause an imbalanced reaction. As a result the lights are less white and not as bright. In order for the fluorescents to reach their full brightness it may take anywhere between 10-30 seconds for warm up. 
         Fluorescent lighting has been around over 100 years, but it doesn't work well everywhere and relying on solely on fluorescent lighting can produce negative ergonomic and health effects
         Aside from the EPA and environmental concerns about broken fluorescent bulbs and their disposal, frequent switching on and off results in early failure.
         Light that comes from them is omni-directional...it scatters light in every direction which is grossly inefficient because only about 60-70 percent of the light given off is being used and the rest is wasted. 
         Prior to 1978 magnetic ballasts were required to operate fluorescent lights and they could produce a humming or buzzing noise. The problem was eliminated with the introduction of high-frequency, electronic ballasts. 
         Ultraviolet light can also affect artwork like watercolors and textiles. Artwork must be protected by the use of additional glass or transparent acrylic sheets placed between the source of light and the painting. 
         More importantly, in a 1993 study researchers found that ultraviolet light exposure from sitting under fluorescent lights for eight hours is equivalent to one minute of sun exposure. 
         Health problems relating to light sensitivity may become aggravated in sensitive individuals. Researchers have suggested that the UV radiation emitted by this type of lighting had led to an increase in eye diseases, most notably cataracts. 
         Other medical professionals have theorized that retinal damage, myopia or astigmatism can also be attributed side effects of fluorescent light. And it's not easy on the eyes! If you have bloodshot or dry eyes it could be because fluorescent tubes n an office space can cause people to subconsciously squint due to the harsh light. The best designs in those spaces soften the light that reaches the ground. 
         players notorious for demanding the light in the tournament room meet their personal specifications were Walter Browne and Bobby Fischer. Browne even went so far as to withdraw from the 1978 U.S. Championship in a dispute over the lighting.
         The 1978 championship would have been Browne's biggest test in the U.S. Championship because virtually all the top players were participating and there was some doubt that he'd be able to win it. 
         The tournament was held on the Southern California campus of the Worldwide Church of God where Bobby Fischer was holed up and several of the players were granted brief audiences with him. 
         At the initial meeting of players Browne made what was by then his familiar complaint about the lighting, claiming it was inadequate and that it could seriously undermine his chances. Most of the players either humored him or ignored him.
         The tournament director was Isaac Kashdan who had run ins with Browne in the past and when Browne bellyached about the lighting Kashdan arranged to have the college's lighting technician meet with Browne to work things out to Browne's satisfaction. 
         A few hours before Round 1, Browne chanced to run into Kashdan and told him the lighting was good enough, but with the proviso that he be allowed to sit at a particular table for the entire event. The players' seating assignments was rotated, but Kashdan agreed. 
         Shortly after that and before the first round started Kashdan was inspecting the tournament room and noticed one of the tables out of line so moved it back. When Browne entered the playing area late and noticed "his" table had been moved from under the spot he thought offered ideal lighting conditions he approached Kashdan who was unaware that it had been Browne himself who had moved the table out of line. 
         After a brief conversation with Kashdan, a belligerent Browne, who accused Kashdan of hating him, stormed out which resulted in him being forfeited against Larry Christiansen. 
    Isaac Kashdan
         Later, Kashdan called a meeting of the appeals committee (William Lombardy, Kenneth Rogoff and Andrew Soltis) and Browne presented his case, saying that he would walk out right then if forfeit stood. If the forfeit was erased, he agreed to play Christiansen on whatever day Christiansen and the appeals committee decided. The committee, not wanting to put Christiansen on the spot, upheld the forfeit. Lombardy then tried to convince Browne to continue in the tournament, but it was a waste of time. Browne left. 
         Isaac Kashdan was, unfortunately, involved in another dispute over lighting. This time with Bobby Fischer during the 1971 Candidates Semifinal match played in Denver, Colorado. 
         In a Sports Illustrated article that never got published Kashdan explained how the lights were a problem based on Fischer's demands. It seems Fischer had made a special study of the subject and his specifications called for twenty fluorescent fixtures, each with four daylight tubes, to be twenty feet above the playing surface. 
         The committee in charge of such things made sure his specifications were met, but when Fischer arrived he complained that the lights were...too bright! The electricians explained that fluorescent lights are brighter than rated when newly installed and so Fischer asked for changes which ended up having to be made on a daily basis! Add four blue lights, lower the fixtures three feet, try yellow lights, try soft white lights, etc. Somehow, in spite of Fischer's demands, the match reached a conclusion with Fischer winning 6-0.
         The World Chess Hall of Fame has a fascinating page on Fischer and you can listen to interviews in which Browne, Helgi Olafsson, Viktors Pupols, Larry Remlinger, Aben Ruby, Dr. Anthony Saidy, Yasser Seirawan, James T. Sherwin and Walter Shipman reminisce about Fischer. VISIT SITE

    Thursday, June 23, 2022

    Marshall vs. Manhattan 1941

         When the Marshal and Manhattan chess clubs met on Saturday, May 3rd, 1941, to determine the championship of the Metropolitan League of New York City, the front page of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle was filled with news of the war in Europe, but there was no hint of what was to come on Sunday, December 7, 1941, at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu. 
         At the time, the U.S. Navy was patrolling at least 2,000 miles off the coast and within 1,500 miles of western British ports for the purpose of spotting Axis surface ships, submarines and aircraft. The Navy's orders was to report their location and maintain contact until British forces arrived. The Navy was under strict order not to fire unless it was necessary in order to avoid getting sunk. 
         In other news, back on February 2, 1941, 24-year-old Patsy Lasasso and his partner, Michael Gurlo robbed Louis Ozinsky, a laundry collector; they got 7 cents. They told Ozinsky that they thought he had a lot more money on him. He replied, "Not today. I make my next collection on March 8th. See you then; same time and place." 
         The brainless bandits kept the appointment and detectives concealed nearby as the result of Ozinsky's report of the first hold-up arrested them. It turned out that after the Ozinsky incident the two thieves had also robbed Frank Purpura, a barber, on February 8th. For his crimes, on May 3rd, 1941, Lasasso was sentenced to 15-30 years in Sing-Sing prison; his partner was still awaiting sentencing. 
         Buried on the back page of the Eagle was a story about how the previous year four Brooklyn police detectives were returning by train from Auburn prison with a prisoner who they wanted to question concerning the shooting of two police officers. 
         When the train pulled into Yonkers, the prisoner tried to escape and according to the article, the prisoner "was pumped full of .38 calibre bullets, one of which would be enough to rip a horse." The prisoner later died in the hospital and the four detectives were commended in a Brooklyn Police Department bulletin for foiling the escape. 
         About that Met league championship...it was determined in 1941, as usual, by the match in the final round between the Manhattan CC and the Marshall CC. Playing 18 boards, the Marshall team emerged victorious with a final score of 9.5-8.5. Having drawn one of their earlier matches (with North Jersey), the Marshall team had to beat the Manhattan team to win back the title. A drawn match would give the championship to the Manhattan team which was undefeated. 
         The upset of the match was Albert Pinkus' victory over Reuben Fine in what was the first game Fine had lost for a long time and after he had just scored an impressive win in the Marshall club championship. 

         At the conclusion of four hours of play the Marshall team was one point ahead but the games at boards 2, 6 and 11 were unfinished. 
         Frank Marshall at board 2, fought a grueling battle with Arnold Denker and emerged with a Rook and Bishop against Denker's Rook, Bishop and Pawn. Although Denker was a Pawn up the game was a sure draw. 
         On board 6, Herbert Seidman had blundered away a whole piece early in his game against State Champion Robert Willman, but fought back and reached a Rook and Pawn ending only a Pawn down. The two didn't adjourn and played on until Seidman finally succeeded in establishing a drawn position. 
         The remaining unfinished game between Irving Heitner and Geoffrey Mott-Smith was a different story. After he sacrificed the exchange, Mott-Smith failed to find the winning continuation and by adjournment even his drawing chances were in jeopardy and Heitner had excellent winning chances. That meant the result of the match depended upon this game. For Marshall to win the match and the championship Mott-Smith needed to salvage a draw. 
         The game was resumed eight days later and on May 11th after 40 more moves Mott-Smith managed to salvage the draw the game and so win the match for Marshall. 
         Here is Albert Pinkus' win by very precise play over Reuben Fine. As sometimes happened to Fine in domestic tournaments, he made a gross blunder in an even position. Over confidence maybe? 

    A game that I liked (Komodo 14)

    Reuben Fine (Marshall)Albert Pinkus (Manhattan)0–1E02Metropolitan League Match, New YorkNew York Marshall CC-Manhattan1941Stockfish 15
    Open Catalan 1.d4 f6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 The Catalan is a combination of the Queen's Gambit and Reti. White's play will be on the Q-side. Black has two main approaches: the Open Catalan where he plays ...dxc4 and either try to hold on to the pawn with ...b5 or give it back to gain time to free his game. In the Closed Catalan, black does not capture on c4 which can lead to a somewhat cramped position, but one that is quite solid. 4.g2 dxc4 Pinkus was an attacker so he goes for the Open Catalan. 5.a4+ Black does very slightly better against this than he does against 5.Nf3 d7 6.xc4 c6 7.f3 d5 8.d3 c6 8...c5 9.c3 c6 10.0-0 cxd4 11.xd4 xg2 12.xg2 bd7 13.d1 e7 14.e4 0-0 equals. Nogueiras,J (2560)-Korchnoi,V (2655) Clermont Ferrand 1989 9.0-0 9.c3 b4 10.d1 xf3 11.xf3 xd4 12.xd4 c2+ 13.f1 xd4 14.xb7 equals. Petrovs,V-Mikenas,V Rosario 1939 1-0 (59) 9...e4 10.d1 10.b3 keeps more tension in the position. xf3 11.xf3 xd4 12.xb7 xf3+ 13.exf3 d5 14.xc7 xf3 15.e3 White is slightly better. 10...e7 11.c3 d5 12.xd5 exd5 13.e5 0-0 14.f4 d6 15.c1 e7 16.g5 e4 17.f4 c6 18.f3 f6 19.e4 e8 20.f2 f5 Risky! 20...dxe4 21.fxe4 xe5 22.dxe5 g6 is completely equal. 21.d3 xf4 22.xf4 c7 23.b3 g5 24.d3 b8 25.d1 h8 26.exf5 xf5 27.e5 d6 28.c3! be8 29.f4 gxf4! 30.xf4 Black must now prevent Rdf1. e6 But this is not the best way to o it. 30...b5 31.e1 g8 32.g4+ g7 33.d2 xd4 Black is better. 31.f2 g8 Guarding the R so that now ...Nexd4 would win. 31...exd4 32.xd4 xe5 33.df4 xc3 34.bxc3 e1+ 35.f1 wins the N on f5 32.h3 32.g4 was more accurate. h8 33.df1 fxd4 34.h6 xf2 35.xf2 with equal chances. 32...exd4 This position is equal, but black would have a slight advantage after taking with the other N because it would have avoided the annoying pin on the N on f5. Fine's next move is a miscalculation that costs him the game. That said, the best move is hard to find. 32...fxd4 33.xf8+ xf8 34.xd4 xe5 and black is better. 33.xd4 A losing blunder in a position that offered equal chances. 33.xf5 favors black after xf5 34.e1 f6 Oddly, there is no way for white to take advantage of the pinned N. 35.f4 35.g4 g7 36.h3 d6 35...h5 33.d7 This surprising move keeps things equal. e2+ 34.xe2 xe2 35.xf8 h6 35...xf8 36.f1 wins the N. 36.d3 e3+ 37.xe3 xe3 38.f1 xb2 39.e1 c2 40.e8 f7 41.b8 The complications are enormous. In Shootouts five games were drawn. 33...xd4 The correct reply. Black now has a won game. 33...xe5 This move only results in equality. 34.xf5 xf5 And not 35.g4+ g5 36.e2 xc3 37.xg5+ f7 38.f5+ g7 39.xe8 c1+ 40.f1 c5+ In this position the chances are even. 33...xe5 is just plain bad. 34.df4 e6 35.f3 e1+ 36.g2 e3 37.g4+ h8 38.xf5 34.xf8+ xf8 35.d7+ Now it's too late for this to do any good, but there was nothing better. 35.xd4 xe5 36.xa7 xb2 Black is winning. 35...xd7 36.xd7 e2+ 37.f1 xc3 38.xe8 xa2 The ending is won for black, but the K+P ending after 39...Kxe8 would have been even easier. 39.d7 b4 The ending still requires some finesse on the part of Pinkus. 40.e2 e7 41.f5 h6 42.g4 f6 43.h4 c5 44.f3 d4 45.e4 45.e4 and here, too, white is hopelessly lost. d3 46.e3 c4 47.e4 b5 48.d2 e5 49.h1 f4 50.g5 hxg5 51.h5 f5 52.e4+ f6 53.h6 g4 54.h7 g7 55.e1 a5 45...c4 46.xb7 c3 47.bxc3 dxc3 48.e3 a5 49.e4 e5 50.g5 h5 51.g6 a4 White resigned. 51...a4 52.xh5 d5+ 53.f2 c2 54.g6 f6 55.f3 c1 0–1

    Wednesday, June 22, 2022

    Make 'em sweat. Play Basman's Defense

         English IM Michael Basman (March 16, 1946) is a prolific writer who has made a lot of contributions to the field of openings. 
         What I like about Basman is that he is particularly known for playing bizarre openings in his own games. Stuff like the St. George Defense (1.e4 a6), the Grob (1.g4), the Creepy Crawly (a3, h3 followed by a quick c4) and the Basman Defense, aka the Borg Defense (1...g5). 
         Besides the Grob which I have played for years, I also like the Basman Defense and play both of them a lot on Chess Hotel. Of course, they both severely weaken the K-side, but the Basman more so because black is already a tempo behind. 
         According to Modern Chess Openings black is only somewhat worse, but that doesn't seem right! One source I looked at asserted that the data gives white a very high chance of winning (almost 59 percent), while black only has a 41 percent chance of winning. That doesn't seem right either because the drawing percentage is zero! 
         Whatever the percentages are I'm convinced that against average players Basman's Defense is not all that bad because they often seem to get totally bewildered when they face it. All in all, it's not a bad defense to keep in your back pocket. 
         The following wacky game is a good example of the kind of fun you can expect when you meet 1.e4 with 1...g5. A game that I liked (Komodo 14)
    GuestTartajubow0–1B00Chess Hotel2022Stockfish 15
    Basman's Defense 1.e4 g5 2.f3 I have met this unusual move a number of times. Stockfish thinks it's OK, but I am always happy to see it. 2.d3 h6 3.c3 g7 4.g3 d6 5.g2 c5 6.ge2 f6 7.0-0 c6 and a draw was agreed. Zelcic,R (2540) -Palac,M (2545) Pula 1998 2.c4 e6 3.d4 a6 4.a4 g7 5.c3 c6 6.e3 h6 7.ge2 d6 8.g3 f6 9.d2 e5 10.d5 e7 and a draw was agreed. Finocchiaro, G (2064)-Faraoni,E (2085) Savigliano 2009 2.d4 This is the usual move and I think it's probably the best. g7 2...h6 3.c3 g7 4.e3 d6 5.d2 c6 6.0-0-0 a6 favors white. Collins,S (2387) -Williams,S (2427) West Bromwich 2004 3.xg5 c5 4.e3 b6 5.f3 Better is 5.Nc3 xb2 6.bd2 cxd4 7.c4 Now, of course, black should play 7...Qc4+ when white would be only slightly better. In the game I chose the crazy Q-sacrifice 7...dxe3 and after many mistakes by both side I eventually won. 2...g4 2...h6 3.c4 f6 4.d3 g7 5.e5 d5 6.xd5 xd5 7.c3 Very, very poor play by white! At least he realized he was quite lost here and resigned! Reed,A-Beilby,K Brisbane 2006 2...g7 3.d4 Yes, taking the P was better. d6 4.e2 a6 5.0-0 d7 6.e3 c5 7.c3 b5 8.dxc5 dxc5 9.c2 b7 10.d1 c7 11.a4 c4 White is better. Madsen,S-Andersen,D (1997) Esbjerg 2007 3.g1 Technically there's nothing wrong with this, but retrograde development can't be good! The best try is 3.Ne5 3.e5 h5 Also acceptable is 3...Nf6 4.d4 d6 5.c4 g7 White is slightly better. 3...d5 4.e5 Better was 4,exd5 d4 I'm proud of this which is also Stockfish's preferred move. Both Ps put a kink in white's efforts to develop his pieces. 5.e2 5.h3 This is actually his best try, but after c6 6.hxg4 xe5 black is doing quite well. 5...h5 Hoping to eventually bust open the K-side and tear his King limb from limb. 5...d5 looked inviting, but fortunately, thanks to white's next move, it's even more effective on move 6. 6.xg4 xg4 7.xg4 The g-Pawn is defended, so... xe5+ the position is equal. 6.f4 His best bet was still 6.,h3 d5 The threat to his g-Pawn is a nasty one. 7.f1 As with his 3rd move retrograde development can't be good so 7.Kf1 is certainly better although white's position is pretty ugly after either move. d3 Question mark! This move is over-finessing. Developing with 7...Nc6 or 7... Bc5 were better options. 8.cxd3 This is just plain bad because his B is locked in. Best is 8.Nc3 and if I retreat the Q white plays 9.Bxd3 and at least the B is freed and he can develop the N. If I play 8...dxc2 after 9.Qxc2 and the Q has to retreat. White can then play 10.d4. In either case his position would be slightly better. f5 9.c3 d7 Black has compensation for the loss of time. White's P on d3 hinders his development. 10.e4 With his position already cramped the sin of moving a piece a second time in the opening is exacerbated. 10.d4 c6 11.b5 Black is a P down, but has compensation in his active position. 10...c6 Hoping to play the juicy ...Nb4 which white prevents. 11.a3 0-0-0 12.e2 h4 This is in line with the plan of busting open the K-side and tearing his King limb from limb mentioned on move 5, but it was not the strongest move according to the engine. 12...xd3 This attacks the N on e4 and there is really no good way to defend it. 13.2c3 d4 14.e2 14.b5 xe4 15.xe4 xe4+ 16.e2 xe2+ 17.xe2 black has won a piece. 14...b6 Stockfish assigns black about a 1.5 P advantage here, but in reality it's probably about half that and there is no clear way for black to continue. Therefore, practically speaking, I still like 12...h4 13.b4 xd3 14.2c3 14.c5 was just a smidgen better. c4 15.b2 e6 16.b3 xb3 17.xb3 White is getting untangled and the danger of an attack on his K has disappeared. 14...xe4 Of course retreating the Q to d4 keeps the pressure on, but this crazy Queen sacrifice looked like too much fun to pass up. 15.xd3 It was surprising to discover in the postmortem that white's advantage is only about one Pawn according to Stockfish. Komodo 14 on the other hand puts white's advantage at two Pawns. That, too, was surprising because Komodo's evaluation is usually about half ogf Stockfish's. xd3 16.e2 This is a mistake because now the evaluation by Stockfish drops to 0.00. 16.xg4+ e6 17.f3 f5 18.e4 d4 White has picked up a P and black has no real threats. 16...e6 17.0-0 h6 18.f2 Better was 18.Bb2 f5 19.b3 This loses the game because it leaves the N undefended. Black is now able to generate a very strong attack while white has two pieces (the B and R) that are nothing but bystanders. 19.b2 g3 This is what I would have played, but Stockfish likes 19...Be7 which leads to nothing definite. 20.hxg3 hxg3 21.f3 xe2 22.xe2 h4 23.e4 e7 24.d3 dh8 25.f1 Black has no effective way of continuing the attack and white is just slightly better. 19...g3 20.f3 xe2 Materially black has two Ns and a B for the Q, more than enough compensation, but more importantly, white's R, B and Q sontribute nothing to the defense. 21.e3 cd4 Adding the other N to the fray. 22.c3 xe3 23.xe3 I now have a R, B and N vs. the Q...an even better material advantage than before. gxh2+ 24.xh2 h3 25.gxh3 g4 Black can win in a number of ways. 25...g8 is also good. 26.b2 f3+ 27.h1 xd2 28.c3 According to the engine best is 28.Qxd2, but only because it avoids an immediate mate. c2 29.c1 xc1+ 30.xc1 c4 and I'm informed that black has a mate in 11. 26.b2 f5 27.c3 27.f2 eventually loses the Q. xh3+ 28.g2 h4+ 29.g1 e7 30.d4 g8 31.f1 f5 32.e2 d3+ 33.d1 h1+ 27...xh3+ 28.xh3 xh3 29.xh3 The complications are over and black, a piece up, can win as he chooses. d3+ 30.g4 Black mates in 5, but retreating to g2 loses the B. g3+ Obvious. The problem is I only had about 90 seconds left on the clock. The time limit was 8 minutes plus 2 seconds. 31.h5 h3+ This gained two seconds! Black still has a mate in 5, but the B has to join the battle to pull it off. 31...e7 32.g1 xg1 33.d3 g6 34.a4 g7# 32.g4 g3+ 33.h5 Here I had to use some of my remaining time to figure out that I needed the B in the action, but I still didn't see a mate and my opponent, who had about 2.5 minutes, was moving instantly. I began wondering if I was going to lose on time! e7 It's mate in 3, but I still didn't see it. 34.c1 g6 I had about 10 seconds left. 34...g7+ was my intended move, but I realized he slips out of the mating net after 35.h6 and with only seconds left there was no way I could move fast enough to avoid running out of time in a completely won position. 35.d4 35.xc7+ delays mate one move. xc7 mate next move. 35...g7# Just for fun I ran a Chessbase Centipawn analysis on this game and the scores were: White Centipawn loss = 72 (Average), Black Centipawn loss = 25 (Expert/Master). Pretty meaningless for one game, but interesting nonetheless. 0–1

    Tuesday, June 21, 2022

    A Flurry of Tactics by Reshevsky

         The 1942 U.S. Championship was the most controversial ever. In January the USCF had canceled the tournament because the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor on Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, and the government had issued a call for an all-out struggle in the war. In an attempt to comply, the USCF stated that because our way of life was in great peril, it was not a propitious time for holding the championship. 
         Al Horowitz dissented in his magazine, Chess Review pointing out that Washington had encouraged the continuation of professional sports and that other nations at war, such as Great Britain, had continued holding tournaments. The USCF relented and the top players agreed (surprise!) to forego appearance fees and guarantees of prize money agreeing to play for modest prizes. 
         The lineup wasn't a very strong one with only seven real contenders: Reshevsky, Kashdan, Denker, Steiner, Pinkus, Horowitz and Seidman. The winner should have been Isaac Kashdan. 
         The tournament was a race between him and Reshevsky, but Kashdan got cheated out of the title. 
          In the 6th round tournament director, the infamous L. Walter Stephens, incorrectly forfeited Denker after Reshevsky supposedly exceeded the time limit...or did he? 
         Both players were in time trouble and it has often been reported that Reshevsky's flag fell when Denker made the drawing move and punched the clock. According to the report on the incident in Chess Review they "were using a battered old clock with no flag indicators." 
         Stephens, standing behind the clock, picked it up and turned it around so that the clocks were facing opposite sides and then, declaring that Denker had exceeded the time limit, ruled him to have forfeited. 
         When his mistake was pointed out, Stephens refused to change his decision. The spectators demonstrated their disapproval of Stephens' ruling with boos and jeers and Denker filed a protest because Reshevsky was not keeping score. It was all to no avail because his protest was disallowed! 
         Isaac Kashdan reported on the incident in Chess Review stating that Reshevsky defeated Denker in a drawn position when Denker overstepped the time limit and Stephans' ruling "(caused) a commotion and near riot." Kashdan wrote, "The spectators and officials all (got) a look at the clock which (was) carried about and handled by all and sundry. There (was) a wide divergence of opinion, but the referee (had) ruled and (was) later upheld by the tournament committee." 
         From beginning to end the tournament was a neck and neck race between Reshevsky and Kashdan. After nine rounds they were tied at 8.5 points apiece! Reshevsky had drawn with Matthew Green in the third round and Kashdan had drawn with Jacob Levin in the fourth. Their scores put them ahead of their closest competitors by two points. 
         The remaining rounds were a battle between the two. In the tenth round Reshevsky took the lead when Kashdan overlooked what was called a brilliant Queen sacrifice by Herman Steiner and lost. But, then in the next round Reshevsky could only draw against the last place finisher, Herman Halhbohm, a minor master from Chicago. 
         After finishing his last round game Kashdan had a 12.5-2.5 score. Reshevsky, at 12-3, adjourned his game against Horowitz who had outplayed him and was two Pawns up. But, thanks to opposite colored Bishops and a better placed King, Reshevsky had drawing chances. 
         Upon resumption Horowitz' 58th move allowed Reshevsky to draw and so tie with Kashdan. In the 14-game playoff Reshevsky took the lead after the fifth game and won the match +6 -2 =3. 
         The U.S. Women's Championship was held concurrently and, unlike the men's event, it was no contest. May Karff scored 8-0 and outdistanced the second placed finishers, Adele Belcher and Nancy Roos by two points. 
         I was going take a look at that Kashdan-Steiner game because the "brilliant Queen sacrifice" description caught my eye, but after looking at the game it turned out the Steiner only offered his Q in a won position and Kashdan didn't take it. In fact, Kashdan was forced to surrender his Q two moves later. 
         Probably the most brilliant game of the tournament was Reshevsky's win by a flurry of tactics over Herbert Seidman. Let's take look at it. 
         Reshevsky's style was often criticized because it was said he was lucky and that his play was boring. But, as they, good players are always lucky. 
         As for the boring part, back in 1940 in Meet the Master, Dr. Max Euwe wrote that Reshevsky liked boring positions and then went on to explain that many situations which other masters would abandon as won or drawn were analyzed more correctly by Reshevsky who often discovered numerous hidden possibilities.
         Reshevsky's rival, Dr. Reuben Fine, preferred to say that Reshevsky was "the tactician par excellence." Fine explained, "Regardless of the nature of the position, he is rarely prepared to accept any conventional judgment and he will exhaust all his resources before he admits that he is wrong." 
         Looked at from that viewpoint, Reshevsky's win in the following game was quite typical of his style. Herbert Seidman (1920-1995) was a Senior Master from New York City known for his swashbuckling style. He played several U.S. Championships and took the scalps of many notable players, including Benko, Bisguier, Donald Byrne, Denker, Lombardy, Mednis and Reshevsky. In the U.S. Open in 1974 he defeated the formidable Dutch GM Jan Timman on the black side of a Scandinavian Defense. A game that I liked (Komodo 14)
    Herbert SeidmanSamuel Reshevsky0–1C86US Championship, NewYork1New York, NY USA10.04.1942Stockfish 15
    Ruy Lopez: Worrall Attack 1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.b5 a6 4.a4 f6 5.0-0 e7 6.e2 In this, the Worrall Attack, white substitutes 6.Qe2 for 6.Re1. The idea is to use the Q to support the e-Pawn and play Rd1 to support the advance of the d-Pawn, although there is not always time for this. b5 7.b3 d6 8.a4 g4 9.c3 0-0 10.h3 An important move...it forces black to make up his mind whether the B will go to the K-side or return to the Q-side or if he should exchange it. 10.d1 and Fine recommended b8 11.d4 exd4 12.cxd4 d5 13.e5 e4 which was not played until 40 years later in Anand,V (2690)-Kamsky,G (2655) Moscow 1992 which continued 14.axb5 axb5 15.h3 h5 16.e3 d7 17.c1 b6 18.c3 with equal chances. 10...h5 At the time the book move was 10...Bd7, but Reshevsky was never too concerned with such matters and he instinctively plays the move that is considered best today. Incidentally, it Stockfish's recommended move. 11.d1 11.d3 a5 12.c2 d7 13.b4 b7 14.g4 g6 15.d4 with equality. Varavin,V (2510)-Yemelin, V (2520) Elista 1994 11...b4 The tactician, Reshevsky takes the opportunity to create complications. 11...d5 is also acceptable. 12.d3 12.exd5 is a mistake. a5 13.c2 and now black wins with e4 14.xe4 xe4 15.xe4 b3 16.a2 g6 12...d4 13.g5 h6 14.xf6 xf6 15.g4 g6 16.d5 White is better. Shkuran,D (2383)-Podolsky,A (2127) Zhovkva UKR 2010 12.d4 Strictly speaking not bad, but more exact was 12.a5 fixing the black a-Pawn and depriving the N of the important square a5. bxc3 This might look bad, but Reshevsky has seen that the position is deceptive and he's hoping Seidman will go astray...which he does! 13.g4 This is not really bad, but it is, like his previous move, not good either. Evidently Seidman was under the impression that he will either win a piece or secure an overwhelming position. The chances would have been equal after the better 13.bxc3 b8 Technically 13...Rb8 was better, but his sets a subtle trap. 13...g6 This may have been what Seidman was expecting. After 14.dxe5 Things get complicated now and OTB things get dicey for both sides! xe4 15.xc3 xc3 16.bxc3 e8 17.d5 a5 18.d4 dxe5 19.xa8 exd4 20.d5 d3 21.xd3 xd3 22.xd3 and white, having the initiative, is slightly better. 14.d5 Into which Seidman falls. To paraphrase Fine, Seidman and his good position are parted. 14.c4 is the most accurate. cxb2 15.xb2 xg4 16.hxg4 xg4 This position with its unbalanced material is unclear. 14...xd5 15.exd5 g6 In the complications Seidman seems to have underestimated this elementary move. 15...cxb2 allows white a slight advantage after 16.xb2 e4 17.h2 g6 18.dxc6 16.bxc3 a5 Threatening to win a piece with 17...Nb3 17.bd2 exd4 17...e4 was even stronger. 18.xe4 b7 19.e1 xd5 20.ed2 fe8 Black is better. 18.xe7 White finds himself in a very difficult situation after this. 18.xd4 e8 19.f3 g5 20.f5 and black is only slightly better. 18...e8 Black is in control. 19.g5 dxc3 20.h4 With this move Seidman embarks upon a desperate adventure. 20.f1 is hardly an improvement though. f6 21.f4 e4 22.g3 c2 23.e1 xe1 24.xe1 b1 25.xc2 xc2 Black is winning. 20.d4 this is relatively best. h6 21.f4 cxd2 22.xd2 e4 23.f3 xd4 24.xa5 c4 followed by ... Bc2 and black's advantage is minimal. 20...f6 Wisely avoiding capturing on d2. 20...cxd2 21.xd2 b3 22.xg6 fxg6 22...hxg6 23.ab1 and white is very close to equalizing thanks to the annoying pin on the N. 23.ab1 xd2 24.xd2 24.xb8 f3+ 25.g2 xg5 26.xe8+ xe8 and white has lost a piece. 24...d8 and black has only a minimal advantage. The heavy pieces afford white plenty of counterplay. 21.f4 c2 this is even better than 21. ..cxd2 22.f5 22.f1 is not much better. cxd2 23.xd2 22...xd1 23.e4 xe4 Nice! 23...c2 allows white to complicate things with 24.h6+ gxh6 25.xf6+ h8 25...g7 26.xh6+ f7 27.g5 and the position is equal. 26.xe8 xe8 27.f6+ g8 28.xc3 Black has a decisive advantage. 24.xe4 It should be pointed out that Seidman, while not on Reshevsky's level, was also a very good tactician and with this move he threatens to win with Qe6+. e8 24...b3 A pass to demonstrate white's threat. 25.e6+ h8 26.h6 f8 27.xg7+ xg7 28.xg7 xg7 29.xd1 and white wins. 25.b4 b3 ...Qe1+ is the strong threat. 26.b1 xc1 This is probably worthy of a question mark as it lets slip a large portion of black's advantage. The play of both sides now gets a little inexact and it's quite possible that time pressure was a factor for both players. 26...e1+ is crushing as after 27.g2 c2 white is out of reasonable moves. 28.xb3 e4+ 29.f3 e2+ 30.g1 d1+ 31.h2 xf3 There is no good answer to the threat of mate on g2 27.xc1 c2 Stronger that 27...Bxa4 27...xa4 28.xc3 d7 29.xc7 xf5 30.gxf5 h5 31.b7 with drawing chances. 28.b7 28.c3 makes black's job tougher. c8 29.d4 e5 30.e3 Black is better, but white is still alive. 28...d8 28...g6 would have wrapped up the game fairly quickly. 29.d4 e1+ 30.g2 f8 31.e6 f3+ 32.g3 xc1 29.b3 b8 29...h5 results in a winning R+P ending and was more precise. 30.d4 b8 31.d3 hxg4 32.xc2 xc2 33.xc2 gxh3 34.xc7 xc7 35.xc7 b4 and wins 30.a2 Missing his last chance. 30.d3 b4 31.d4 f5 32.xc2 xc2 33.xc2 fxg4 34.h4 xh4 35.xc7 f4 36.c8+ f8 37.e6+ h8 38.f5 d8 39.xg4 with drawing chances. 30...h5 31.d4 hxg4 32.hxg4 e8 33.xc2 e2 34.g5 fxg5 34...g4+ forces mate. 35.f1 e2+ 36.e1 c4 37.xc4 xc4 38.gxf6 e8+ 39.e3 xc1+ 40.e2 b2+ 41.e1 xf6 42.e2 a5 43.d3 xf2 44.d1 e2+ 45.c3 xd1 46.b2 b8+ 47.c3 b3+ 48.c4 d3# 35.a3 xc2 36.c3 e4 37.xc7 g4+ Facing mate in 2, Seidman resigned. 0–1

    Monday, June 20, 2022

    New York Met League Match 1954

         At the end of New York City Metropolitan League, two undefeated teams, the Marshall Chess Club Seniors and the Manhattan Chess Club, met at the Manhattan club in the seventh and last round on Saturday, May 22, 1954.
         The weather was partly cloudy with a high of 65 and a low of 45. The front page of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle had a story that was a prelude of what was to come. 
         Halfway around the world in what was then known as Indo-China, it was reported that Communist troops overwhelmed the French fortress at An Xa in the Red River delta and then struck northward toward Hanoi 40 miles away. 
         The outpost in Quang Nam Province fell after three weeks of bloody fighting when 800 Communist Vietminh regulars overcame the exhausted company of Vietnamese by sheer weight of numbers. 
         Just 11 years later, on October 3, 1965, 30 men from Company M, 3d Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment were walking across a rice paddy in eastern Quang Nam Province when rifle fire and mortar explosions erupted from three sides. The ambush was nearly perfect. About 200 Viet Cong had surrounded the Marines. Caught in the open with no cover they were pinned down. The firefight that resulted lasted for almost eight hours and 13 Marines were killed in one of the costliest days since the United States had entered the war. 
         When relief reached the patrol the firing suddenly ceased and the Viet Cong slipped away into the gathering night. The Marines rescued what was left of the patrol and retrieved the dead and wounded. The firefight had nearly annihilated the patrol and all of them had been wounded and nearly half were dead. 
         The dead were: 26-year-old 1st Lieutenant Adam E. Simpson, Jr., Staff Sergeant Roscoe Ammerman (age 37), Private First Class Robert W. Allen who was 2 days shy of his 18th birthday. Sergeant Nelton R. Bryant (age 26), Corporal Eugene L. Ellwood (age 19), Private First Class Louie G. Fritts (age 19), Private First Class Michael R. Fulk (age 18), Sergeant Paul Hamilton, Jr. (age 27), Corporal Larry D. Harvey (age 21), Private First Class Leon P. Lampley (age 20). Oddly, Lampley was from the same hometown (Hamilton, Ohio) as Corporal Ellwood. Private First Class Bernard J. Masny (age 19), Sergeant Reginald Nicolas (age 29) and Private First Class James Edward Thomas (age 19). Semper Fi, Marines!
         Back to the chess match. By mutual agreement, there were 12 players to a side for this match. The names for the first six for each side were shuffled and drawn to determine who played whom. By a happy coincidence, US Champion Larry Evans and former Champion Arnold Denker met. The lower six were similarly drawn. 
         At adjournment, Manhattan led by 4.5-3.5. In the play-offs, however, the match turned out one-sided and Manhattan won 8-4. 
         In the following game Simonson put up a fierce struggle, but he was unfortunate as the dubious opening variation he chose saddled him with a weaknesses which plagued him throughout all the phases of the game.

    A game that I liked (Komodo 14)

    Arthur Bisguier, Manhattan CCAlbert C. Simonson, Marshall CC1–0A00Met League Match, New York1954Stockfish 15
    Sicilian: Richter-Rauzer 1.d4 c5 2.e4 cxd4 3.f3 c6 Here 3..e5 transposes into Smith-Morra (or, as it was known at the time of the game, the Morra Gambit). Such positions were not to Simonson's taste because he was a coffeehouse player who preferred the initiative at all be costs. 4.xd4 f6 5.c3 d6 6.g5 The Richter–Rauzer Attack threatening to double black's Ps after Bxf6 and forestalling the Dragon by rendering 6...g6 unplayable. After 6. ..e6 Rauzer introduced the modern plan of Qd2 and 0-0-0 in the 1930s. White's pressure on the d6-pawn often compels black to respond to Bxf6 with ...gxf6, rather than recapturing with a piece (e.g. the queen on d8) that also has to defend the d-pawn. This weakens black's K-side P-structure, but in return black gains the two Bs and a central Pawn majority. a5 Starting out as a QP opening it has now transposed and no doubt because of his unfamiliarity with the latest lines Simonson feared walking into a prepared variation and so chose the inferior text move deliberately. Usual and better is 6...e6 7.xf6 gxf6 8.b5 d7 9.h5 With this unusual move Bisguier makes an attempt to exercise pressure on black's K-side, particularly the f-Pawn. 9.b3 first is usual. c7 10.d5 d8 11.h5 a6 12.e2 Lotero,F (2162)-Panesso Rivera,H (2368) Medellin 2014 9...a6 10.b3 d8 11.e2 e6 11...c8 12.0-0-0 g7 13.b1 f5 14.exf5 xc3 15.bxc3 Black is slightly better. Blomqvist,E (2454)-Bryntze,S (2155) Stockholm 2012 11...g8 12.0-0 e5 13.f4 g4 14.xg4 b6+ 15.h1 xg4 favors white. Perez Candelario,M (2496) -Korneev,O (2657) Elgoibar 2006 12.0-0 b6 13.ad1 e7 14.h1 0-0-0 15.a4 15.xf7 h5 Bisguier avoided this because his Q is in danger. The text is the consistent continuation and the reason why he castled. on the K-side. 16.d4 hf8 16...xd4 17.xe7 xe2 18.xe2 xb2 19.f4 he8 20.xd6 is good for white. 17.g7 g8 18.h7 h8 19.g7 hg8 with a draw. 15...e8 16.a5 c7 17.f4 b8 18.d2 Also good was 18.Bf3 f5 19.exf5 d5 An excellent reply. 19...xa5 is strongly met by 20.f6 xb3 21.fxe7 xd2 22.exd8+ xd8 23.d1 f5 24.h6 e4 25.xe4 fxe4 26.xe6 and white is better. 20.h6 d4 Slightly better would have been 20...Bd7 21.xd4 21.g7 was a better try because after f8 22.e4 exf5 23.f6 d7 24.d5 d6 25.xd4 xd5 26.xc6+ xc6 27.e5+ with the initiative. 21...xd4 22.xd4 c6 Oddly, Bisguier misjudged this move thinking it was inferior to 22... Rxd4 which is not the case. 22...xd4 23.g7 Bisguier claimed that white would now emerge with both material and positional superiority, but that is not the case. xf4 24.xh8 xf1+ 25.xf1 White is only a P up and the chances are equal. In Shootouts white scored +1 -0 =4. 23.xd8+ xd8 24.d1 24.h5 was slightly better. f8 25.f3 xf3 26.xf3 xa5 27.fxe6 fxe6 White is better. 24...g8 25.h3 exf5 25...c8 was only a slight improvement over the text. 26.fxe6 fxe6 27.f3 b4 28.xc6 xc6 26.f3 c8 27.xc6 bxc6 White has clearly established an advantage, but the game is far from over. 28.e3 c7 29.a4 The N will be repositioned to c4 d8 29...xa5 loses after 30.xe7 xa4 31.e5+ 30.xd8+ xd8 31.b6+ This simplification wins, but the ending is not devoid of problems. xb6 32.xb6 c7 33.g3 f6 34.c4 c5 35.g2 c6 36.f3 b5 37.b3 b4 37...d4 was called for. White then dare not play 38.Ne3 38.e2 38.e3 xe3 39.xe3 xa5 40.c3 b5 and it's black who is winning. For example... 41.h3 a5 42.d3 h5 43.d2 c4 44.c2 cxb3+ 45.xb3 c5 46.h4 a4+ 47.xa4 c4 with a won K+P ending. 38...b4 38.e3 Threatening Nd5+ d4 38...d8 39.d5+ a3 40.e2 xa5 41.e3 b4 42.d3 h5 43.xf5 white wins the ending. 38...xa5 39.e2 b5 40.xf5 b4 41.e3 d4 42.d5+ a3 43.d3 b2 44.g4 a5 45.g5 h8 46.e3 c1 47.h4 g7 48.c4 etc. 39.xf5 White is clearly winning. Bisguier commented that the last few moves were the only easy part of this difficult struggle. Black never completely recovered from the effects of his unfortunate opening play. c3 40.xd4 xd4 41.e2 c3 42.d1 h5 43.f5 f6 44.h3 d4 45.e2 e4 46.c3 Simonson resigned. In the auto-annotation Stockfish 15 evaluated Bisguier's play as "very precise." 1–0