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  • Tuesday, June 30, 2020

    Alternate Facts And Gambits

         When tested with an engine almost all gambit are unsound, but the old rule that all gambits are sound over the board still seems pretty accurate. What today we would call alternate facts. 
         In the following game white played the Scotch Gambit, one of those openings that has been around a long time, yet has not been used very often in tournament play. One of the main characteristics of it is that it sacrifices the "d" pawn for a lead in development and there are a lot of traps and mating attacks.
         The protagonists in this game that was played way back in 1820 were a couple of interesting characters, John Brand and Jacques-Francois Mouret.  
         1820 was not an especially exciting year. Domestic gas lighting and the electric battery were 20 years old and a punch card for weaving machines had been invented back in 1804 as was a steam locomotive that ran on rails. 
         The arc lamp came in 1807 and in 1810 a precision lathe and tinned food made their debut. In 1814, German Joseph von Fraunhofe came up with the spectrocope for chemical analysis. In 1815 a miners' lamp was invented by Humphrey Davy in England. In 1816 photography made its debut and in 1819 the stethoscope was invented. But in 1820, nothing. The electromagnet, waterproof clothes, passenger railways and the microphone were still a few years away as were the lawn mower and sewing machine which didn’t come into existence until 1830. 
         In the United States the President was James Monroe and his Vice President was somebody named Daniel D. Tompkins. In March, the Missouri Compromise, federal legislation that admitted Maine to the Union as a free state and Missouri as a slave state was enacted. 
         The Land Act of 1820 ended the ability to purchase the country’s public domain lands on a credit or installment system and required full payment at the time of purchase. But, to encourage more sales and make them more affordable, Congress also reduced both the minimum price from $2.00 to $1.25 per acre and the minimum size of a standard tract from 160 to 80 acres. The lands were located on the frontier which included Ohio, the Northwest Territory and Missouri Territory. 
         Out in what is now Seattle, Washington, Mount Rainier erupted. It’s last eruption was in 1894 and it is potentially the most dangerous volcano in the Cascade Range because of its great height, frequent earthquakes, active hydrothermal system and extensive glacier mantle. 
         Not much was going on in the chess world in 1820 either, but thanks to Bill Wall we learn that Alexandre Deschapelles (1780-1847) taught chess to his student, Louis-Charles Mahe de La Bourdonnais (1795-1840). 
       Sometime around 1820, the Dublin pattern chess sets in ebony and boxwood were marketed by Jaques. In 1820, Marcus Kann was born in Vienna. He published analysis on the Caro-Kann in 1886, the same year he died. On December 8, 1820, Thomas Frere was born in New York City. He was one of the foremost promoters of chess in the USA in the 19th century. He helped organize the First American Chess Congress in 1857. He died in 1900, at the age of 79.
         Both of the players in the game below were interesting fellows. John Brand (May 7, 1791 – April 20, 1856, 64 years old) of England appears to have been really weird. The London Times of August 1830 reported the case of a lunacy hearing for Brand who had been accused of various types of bizarre activity and supposedly became particularly strange when playing chess. He reportedly would become extremely agitated when he lost and had lost large sums of money betting on the game. Various altercations were described by relatives and doctors. His defense came from chess club members, one of whom testified that Brand was not more irritable, but less so, than other players. Chess.com has an interesting article on the man title John Brand. Cricketer, Chess Player, and Lunatic. READ.   
         Jacques-Francois Mouret (August 22, 1780 – May 9,1837, 56 years old) was from France and was one of the players who manned The Turk, also known as the Mechanical Turk or Automaton Chess Player. It was a chess playing machine constructed in the late 18th century. From 1770 until its destruction by fire in 1854 it was exhibited by various owners as an automaton. It was built and unveiled in 1770 by Wolfgang von Kempelen to impress the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria. The Turk gave demonstrations in Europe and the Americas for nearly 84 years. Masters who operated it included Johann Allgaier, Boncourt, Aaron Alexandre, William Lewis, Jacques Mouret, and William Schlumberger, but the operators during Kempelen's original tour are unknown.

    John Brand - Jacques-Francois Mouret
    Result: 0-1
    Site: Match?
    Date: 1820
    Scotch Gambit

    [...] 1.e4 e5 2.♘f3 ♘c6 3.d4 exd4 My database shows that if white plays 4.Nxd4 almost half of the games are drawn with the rest being almost evenly split between white and black. The same can be said of the Scotch Gambit except that the percent of drawn games drops to 28 percent. 4.♗c4 Now, of course, black should play either 4...Nf6 or 4...Bc5. Instead he plays a risky Q move, but this game was played in 1820 when opening theory was not as sophisticated as it is today. 4...♕f6 5.O-O d6 6.♘g5 Real caveman stuff. After 6.c3 white has a fine game. 6...♘h6 Not really bad, but 5...Ne5 or 5...Be6 were better. 7.f4 ♗e7 8.e5 Hoping black takes the P so he can carry out his attack on f7, but this is mistaken strategy because now black gains the advantage. 8...♕g6 This is best as now black enjoys a considerable advantage.
    8...dxe5 was actually playable because after 9.fxe5 ♕g6 10.♘xf7 ♖f8 11.♘xh6 and chances are even.
    9.exd6 cxd6 10.c3 Black n ow has a choices of good moves: 10...O-O, 10...Bf5 and 10...Bg4 among others. 10...dxc3 But after this white equalizes. 11.♘xc3 O-O 12.♘d5 ♗d7 White should now prevent ... Bg4 with either 13.h3 or 13.Be2. Instead he makes an elementary oversight thta costs the exchange. 13.♖f3 We've all done this...or worse. 13...♗g4 14.♗d3 ♗xf3 15.♕xf3
    15.♘xf3 is no better, but it does contain a trap. After 15...♕h5 16.h3 Black can't take on d5 because of 17.Bxh7+ winning the Q. 16...♖ae8 17.♗xh7 Again the B can't be taken because 18.Ng5+ would win the Q. Nevertheless, black is also much better here, too.
    15...f5 16.♗c4 White's attack only looks dangerous. 16...♔h8
    16...♘f7 17.♘xf7 ♖xf7 18.♘xe7 ♘xe7 19.♕xb7 Much better than taking the R. (19.♗xf7 ♔xf7 20.♕xb7 ♕e6 21.♗d2 ♕d5 and black has equalized.) 19...♖e8 20.♕d7 ♔f8 (20...♖ef8 21.♕xe7) 21.♗xf7 ♕xf7 22.♕xd6 white is better.
    17.♘xe7 ♘xe7 18.♕xb7 ♕f6 Also good was 18...d5 19.♗e3 ♖fb8 20.♕d7 ♖d8 21.♕b7 d5 22.♗b3 ♘c6 23.♗xd5 ♘d4 24.♖d1 ♘e2 This natural looking check actually lets white off the hook.
    24...♖ab8 was better. If 25.♕c7 ♖dc8 26.♕e5 ♘c6 27.♕xf6 gxf6 28.♘e6 ♖xb2
    25.♔h1 This is actually a little safer, but nobody wants to allow a potential first rank mate. But, after 25...♖ac8 with equal chances.
    25...♖ab8 26.♕xa7 ♖xb2 27.♘e6 Black has a draw if he wants it with 27...Ng6+ or he can just move the R away and keep a slight advantage. 27...♕xe6 Tricky, but it allows white to equalize with 28.Bd4 threatening mate and attacking the R.
    27...♘g3 28.♔g1 (28.hxg3 ♕xe6 wins for black.) 28...♘e2 29.♔f1 ♘g3 etc
    28.♗xe6 Natural back in those days...sacrifices were almost never refused. At least it allows a nice finish. 28...♖xd1 This mates in three. (28...♘g3 is mate next move no matter what white plays.) 29.♔f2 and resigned. (29.♔f2 ♘g4 30.♔f3 ♘xh2 31.♔f2 ♖f1#)
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    Monday, June 29, 2020

    Give a little, get a lot

       The 25th congress of the German Chess Union was held in 1927 in Magdeburg and was attended by 13 German master plus Rudolf Spielmann of Austria. The surprise was the good performance of the veteran Walther Holzhauswn and Paul List. 
         Pawel M. List was born in Odess in 1887 and died in 1954, probably in London. List emigrated to Britain in 1937 but never became a British citizen. He had several early successes in Russian tournaments before moving to Germany in the 1920s where he also had a number od successes in German tournaments. In 1937 he settled in Britain where he again had some excellent results in British events. 
         The 50th anniversary congress of the Deutscher Schachbund held in Magdeburg in 1927 was the last German chess congress in the history of the DSB. 
         The Deutscher Schachbund (DSB) was founded in Leipzig on July 18, 1877. When the next meeting took place in the Schutzenhaus on July 15, 1879, sixty-two clubs had become member of the federation. At Magdeburg the two surviving participants of Leipzig in 1877, Alexander Fritz and Fritz Riemann were guests and when they entered the tournament room they were greeted with a standing ovation. Also, after a long absence it was decided that cash prizes were needed and so they were reintroduced at this tournament. Spielmann was awarded a prize sponsored by Lufthansa for the most beautiful game...a free flight to anywhere within Germany. 

         Today’s game is the round 5 game between the leaders, Spielmann and Bogoljubow which turned out to be one of the critical encounters. Spielmann gave this game in his book The Art Of Sacrifice In Chess and example of making a sacrifice in order to gain material. In other words, a sham sacrifice in which you give a little to get a lot. 
         As a rule, the opportunity for such combinations arises in positions where one already has the advantage, sometimes also after serious errors on the opponent's part. In order to find those combinations Spielmann talked about the necessity of having “sound judgment as to the state of development at the time and a practiced eye for the strength or weakness of a position.” Developing those attributes come under the heading of pattern recognition
         Spielmann continues..."Inexperienced or overoptimistic players often neglect their development. They rack their brains over some sham sacrifice which promises them a gain in material and as often as not commit themselves to it without taking into account the fact that the combination cannot possibly be sound, owing to the state of development. The consequences are painful and often fatal surprises.” 
         “Superior development, simultaneous attacks on points which can only be protected with difficulty, loose or badly protected hostile units, finally any kind of weakness in the enemy camp those are the crucial points where opportunities for temporary sacrifices can be looked for and where they are frequently found.”

    Efim Bogoljubov - Rudolf Spielmann
    Result: 0-1
    Site: Magdeburg GER
    Date: 1927.07.21
    Caro-Kann: Two Knights Variation

    [...] 1.e4 c6 2.♘c3 d5 3.♘f3 The Two Knights Variation was played by Bobby Fischer in his youth, but has since declined in popularity. White's idea is rapid development and at the same time to retain options regarding his d-Pawn. 3...♘f6 This is not often seen today as black almost always plays 3...Bg4. The move 3...dxe4 is seen occasionally, but black has not done well with it. 4.e5 ♘e4 5.d4 (5.♘xe4 dxe4 6.♘g5 ♕d5 7.d3 exd3 8.♗xd3 ♕xe5 and white has nothing.) 5...♗f5
    5...♗g4 and after 6.♘xe4 dxe4 7.h3 exf3 8.hxg4 fxg2 9.♗xg2 e6 in L'Ami,E (2636)-Lai,H (2447)/Dieren NED 2018 white quickly developed a strong attack and black ended up losing a minature.
    6.♘h4 This move neglecting his devlopment gets a hand slap from Spielmann.
    6.♗e2 e6 7.O-O ♗e7 8.♗e3 h6 9.♘xe4 dxe4 10.♘d2 is equal. Shuvalova,P (2441)-Kabanova,E (2095)/St Petersburg 2018.
    6...e6 7.♘xf5 exf5 8.♘xe4 This is the only move to give white any chances at securing attacking chances.
    8.♘e2 c5 9.f3 ♘g5 10.dxc5 ♘e6 11.♘f4 as in Szapiro,G-Porat,Y/ Netanya 1961with equality.
    8...fxe4 Here, instead of the hyper-aggressive 9.Qg4, white might do better to bolster his center with c3, developing his Bs and castling. 9.♕g4 Hoping to hinder black's castling, but the move does not have the desired effect. 9...♕d7 Spielmann correctly states that the exchange of Qs was better. 10.♕g3 c5 Undermining white's P-center. 11.dxc5
    11.c3 doesn't work either. After 11...cxd4 12.cxd4 ♗b4 13.♗d2 ♗xd2 14.♔xd2 O-O black is better.
    11...♘c6 12.c3 ♗xc5 Black offers up his g-Pawn for the sake of devlopment, but it would be unwise for white to take it. 13.♗e2
    13.♕xg7 O-O-O 14.♗f4 h5 with a promising position. Note that white can't castle Q-side. 15.O-O-O If you wanted to play this give yourself two question marks. Sooner or later the Q gets trapped. For example... 15...♖dg8 16.♕f6 ♗e7 17.♕xf7 ♖f8 18.♕g7 ♖hg8 19.♕h7 ♕g4 20.g3 ♖h8 21.f3 ♕e6 22.♕g7 ♖fg8
    13...O-O 14.♗f4 f6 The slight weakening of black's K-side created by this move is of no consequence because white is in no position to take advantage of it. 15.exf6 ♖xf6 White's P-center has disappeared, but at least his position has no structural weaknesses so black can claim no more than a slight advantage. 16.♗e3
    16.O-O allows black a sharp attack after 16...♖g6 17.♕h4 ♖f8
    16...d4 An excellent move opening up the position and now black's pieces spring to life. 17.cxd4 ♘xd4 18.♗xd4 Better, but not by much was 18.Bc4+
    18.♗c4 ♔h8 19.O-O-O
    19.O-O would be very bad... 19...♖g6 with a winning position no matter what white does. Just one example if white tries to save his Q... 20.♕f4 ♕h3 21.g3 ♘f3
    19...♕a4 and white's K is in greater danger than black's.
    18...♕xd4 19.O-O ♕xb2 20.♗c4 ♔h8 White's f2 is under heavy attack. 21.♖ae1 ♖af8 22.♖e2 ♕d4 23.♗b3 The attacker (black) has by far the better game, principally from the positional point of view. The extra Pawn in itself is not a deciding factor, as there are Bishops on opposite colors. But the pressure on White's KB2 allows a decisive blow to be struck, as his King lacks a loophole. The combination is obvious and arises naturally out of the position. (Spielmann) 23...♖xf2 Success! Black has a won position. 24.♖exf2 ♖xf2 25.♕xf2 Forced. (25.♖xf2 ♕a1 mate next move.) 25...♕e5 The point: black wins the Queen; and with Queen and two Pawns against Rook and Bishop he has an overwhelming advantage. The sham sacrifice has paid off handsomely. (Spielmann) 26.g3 h5 27.♖d1 ♗xf2 28.♔xf2 ♕f6 Although white does not have nearly enough compensation for the Q it still requires some technique by Spielmann to bring home the point. 29.♔e3 ♕f3 30.♔d4 e3 31.♖d3 ♕f2 32.♖xe3 ♕xh2 33.♔e4 ♕g2 34.♔d3 ♔h7 35.♔d4 ♔h6 36.♗d5 ♕d2 37.♔e4 b5 38.♖d3 ♕e2 39.♖e3 ♕c2 40.♔e5 a5 41.♔d6 g6 42.g4 hxg4 43.♖e6 b4 White resigned.
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    Friday, June 26, 2020

    Kashdan Stomps Lajos Steiner

         Things were looking grim in 1930. It was the first year of the Great Depression and 1,350 banks in the US failed and high unemployment caused problems in every area of life. 
         Politicians panicked and unsuccessfully started to turn to protectionism in order to try to prevent further loss of American jobs and commerce from competition abroad. Adding to the miseries was the worst ever drought that caused enormous hardship in farming community and lead to dust bowl years. These "black blizzards" carried away the soil and made it all but impossible to plant crops. 
         Under President Herbert Hoover the United States embarked on a public works program that included the building of the Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam). 
         Most people had radios and listening to it was free. The most popular broadcasts were those that distracted listeners from their everyday struggles: comedy programs like Amos and Andy, soap operas and sporting events. Swing music was popular and band leaders like Benny Goodman and Fletcher Henderson drew crowds of young people to ballrooms and dance halls around the country. Even though money was tight, people kept on going to the movies. Musicals, comedies and gangster pictures offered audiences an escape from the grim realities of life. 
         In the US, chess aficionados were treated to a match between the 24-year old sensation Isaac Kashdan and the tough Lajos Steiner of Hungary. Kashdan was the 1929 Manhattan Chess Club champion and the rising star of American chess. He had been the first board of the American team at 1928 Olympiad where he scored an impressive +12 -1 =2. 
         Unfortunately, Kashdan could not support his family on his chess earnings and had to resort to taking a full-time job in the insurance business. Later, because of his son’s health, Kashdan moved his family to Southern California. 
         The match was played in the Manhattan Chess Club from April 19th to May 4eh, 1930 and was for the best of 12 games, with the winner the first to score five wins. Draws didn’t count! 
         The 26-year-old Lajos Steiner had come to the United States to participate in the Bradley Beach 1929 tournament, where he had finished a close second to world champion Alekhine. 
         IM Lajos Steiner (1903-1975), an engineer by profession, was born in Nagyvarad (or as it is also known Oradea) in northwest Romania. He was educated in Budapest and got his degree in mechanical engineering in 1926 in Germany. Both he and his elder brother, Endre, started playing in master chess events in Budapest while they were schoolboys and Lajos was was awarded the Master title at the age of 19. 
         In the late 1920s Steiner spent two years working as an engineer in the US and when he returned to Europe he turned professional and made a precarious living from tournaments. In 1936, he toured Australia and played in the 1936-37 Australian championship in Perth where he won all of his games, but as a foreigner, not the title. He returned to Western Australia in March of 1939, en route to settle in Sydney. His father and brother died in Nazi concentration camps.  
         Steiner played in six Australian championships, winning four of them: 1945, 1946-47, 1952-53 and 1958-59. He also won nine of his ten attempts at the New South Wales title (1940-41, 1943, 1944, 1945-46, 1953, 1955, 1958). In 1948 he made his only return to Europe where he played in three tournaments: Karlsbad (4th place out of 20), Budapest (11th out of 16) and Saltsjobaden (19th out of 20). 
         Steiner was a good amateur wrestler, swimmer, tennis player and sculler. He stopped competing in major tournaments in the early 1960s, but continued to play for his chess club where he helped young players. In his prime, Steiner was likely of GM strength, but was never awarded the title. 
    Kashdan had white in the odd-numbered games. 

    Game 1) Kashdan got nothing in the opening, but had the technique to hold an unfavorable R and P ending. 
    Game 2) Kashdan sacrificed a P for a Q-side attack that got him nothing and Steiner, with the exchange to the good simplified and won easily. 
    Game 3) Steiner equalized then miscalculated and allowed Kashdan to push his d-Pawn through, costing Steiner first the exchange and then the game.  
    Game 4) Kashdan left his K in the center and played aggressively on the Q-side. Then he made a mistake by exchanging his Q for two Rs and Steiner’s Q penetrated Kashdan’s position and delivered mate. After four games Steiner leading by 2-1, but then a miracle happened and Kashdan won the next three games. 
    Game 5) This one was filled with fireworks. It was a see saw battle in which Steiner played the opening inaccurately, but Kashdan let him off the hook. In the end, Kashdan won in the endgame. 
    Game 6) This was a very sharp game. There was a lot of positional maneuvering until Kashdan broke through with a nice B-sac. See below. 
    Game 7) Steiner, playing black, decided to play aggressively, got nothing and eventually lost. 
    Game 8) Kashdan equalized out of the opening with the result being a solid, if boring, draw. The score was now 5-3 in favor of Kashdan who had white in the next game. 
    Game 9) Kashdan got some advantage out of the opening, but disdained playing for a draw. Instead, he attacked, but overpressed his luck by sacrificing a N for a K-side P-storm. Steiner counter-sacrificed a B and turned the tables. He was now only one point behind and he had white in the next game. 
    Game 10) Steiner made little progress with his K-side attack and Kashdan’s Q-side counterattack broke through and secured the win and the match by two points.

    Lajos Steiner - Isaac Kashdan
    Result: 0-1
    Site: New York, NY USA
    Date: 1930.04.27
    Closed Ruy Lopez: Chigorin Defense

    [...] 1.e4 e5 2.♘f3 ♘c6 3.♗b5 Should amateurs play the Ruy Lopez? It is one of the most complex and strategically deep openings there is and it's a must for masters to know it, but for amateurs it's another questions. They need to learn elementary tactical motifs, basic endgames and im the opening it's enough to be able to reach a playable middlegame. To that end, the Ruy Lopez is probably as good a debut as any other opening. 3...a6 This is so common it's easy to forgrt that it has a name...the Morphy Defense. The main point of 3...a6 is that after 4.Ba4, black will have the possibility of breaking a pin on his N with ...b5. 4.♗a4 The only plausible alternative is 4.Bcc6. Now black has a choice of 7 reasonable replies: 4...b5, 4...Bc5, 4...Nge7, 4...g6, 4...f5, 4...d6 and 4...Nf6. 4...♘f6 In turn, white can reasonably play 5.Nc3, 5.Qe2, 5.d4, 5.d3 and 5.0-0. As mentioned, the Ruy Lopez is a complex opening. 5.O-O ♗e7 6.♖e1 b5 7.♗b3 d6 8.c3 ♘a5 9.♗c2 c5 10.d4 ♕c7 All of this has been seen countless times. The real question now is does white really need to to prevent ...Bg4? 11.h3
    11.♘bd2 ♗g4 White is in what appears to be an uncomfortable pin, but there is no way for black to utilize the pin and white actually stands slightly better. 12.h3 ♗h5 13.d5 O-O 14.♘f1 ♘b7 15.g4 ♗g6 16.♘g3 and white has promising K-side attacking chances.
    11...O-O 12.♘bd2 ♗d7 13.♘f1 ♖ac8 14.d5 ♘e8 15.g4
    15.♘g3 is solid if of little promise. 15...g6 16.♗h6 ♘g7 17.b3 ♘b7 18.♘h2 f6 19.♕d2 ♘d8 20.♖f1 ♘f7 21.♗xg7 ♔xg7 22.f4 and a draw was agreed in Rogulj,B (2412)-Mrdja,M (2393)/Sibenik 2010.
    15...g6 16.♘g3 ♘g7 17.♗h6 Before undertaking any action black has been tending to the defense of his K. 17...f6
    17...c4 was tried in Skrzypnik,M (2138) -Kolesnik,E (2393)/Koszalin POL 1999, but it turned out black had to play ...f6 anyway. 18.♔h2 ♘b7 19.♘g1 ♗h4 20.♘1e2 f6
    18.♘d2 ♖b8 19.b3 ♘b7 Steiner's next move is consistent but risky. Remembering Alekhine's statement that the opening of the a-file is always favorable for white in the Ruy Loez, he might have considered 20.a4 20.f4 (20.a4 ♖fc8 21.axb5 axb5 22.♕e2 etc.) 20...exf4 21.♗xf4 ♘d8 22.♕e2 ♘f7 23.♖f1 ♕c8 Something like ...Qa5 and ...Ne5 would have been a safe course, but on suspects Kashdan might be thinking of someday making a sacrifice on g4. The move also supports the advance of his c-Pawn.
    23...h5 is interesting. If 24.♘f3 g5 white can play either 25.e5 or 25.Bxg5 with all kninds of complications. That wasn't the Kashdan way though.
    24.♖f2 ♘e5 25.♖af1 c4 26.b4 a5 27.a3 axb4 28.axb4 ♖a8 Here Alekhine is proven wrong because white's previous play by white abandoned any idea of occupying the a-file. 29.♘f3 ♖a3 30.♗d2 ♖a2 Kashdan still could have played 30...h5, but chooses a more clear plan of play on the a-file. 31.♗b1 ♖a1 Is anybody tired of all this positional maneuvering? White should now have continued with either 32.Rg2 or better yet 32.Nxe5 fxe5 33.Rxf8+ with equality. His next move is a slip that Kashdan jumps on. 32.♗h6 ♗xg4 Oddly, after this the game is going to be decided in black's favor on the Q-side! 33.hxg4
    33.♘f5 was interesting because it introduces complications. White's position would still be inferior, but in the complications anything could happen after 33...gxf5 34.hxg4 fxg4 35.♘d4
    33...♕xg4 34.♘d4 This looks reasonable, but his best try was the defensive 34.Rg2
    34.♖g2 ♘xf3 35.♕xf3 ♕xf3 36.♖xf3 ♖xb1 But even here black has a winning position thanks to his active Rs. In Shootouts black scored 4 wins and one loss.
    34...♕xg3 35.♖g2 ♕xc3 36.♘f5 ♘xf5
    36...gxf5 would be a serious mistake. 37.♖xg7 ♔h8 38.♕h5 and at best the game is a draw. 38...♕d4 39.♔g2 ♕b2 40.♔h1 ♖xb1 41.♖xh7 ♔xh7 42.♗c1 (42.♗xf8 loses. 42...♔g8 43.♕xf5 ♖xf1 44.♕xf1 ♔xf8) 42...♔g7 43.♖g1 (43.♗xb2 loses to 43...♖xf1 44.♔g2 ♖h8) 43...♘g4 44.♕h6 ♔g8 45.♕g6 draws.
    37.exf5 g5 For a small material price Kashdan eliminates all potential threats to his K. 38.♗xf8 ♗xf8 39.♕h5 ♕xb4 Steiner is now lost and has to content himself with some rather meaningless checks. 40.♖xg5 fxg5 41.♕xg5 ♔f7 42.♕h5 ♔e7 43.♕xh7 ♔d8 44.f6 This P presents no real danger thanks to the B. 44...c3 The same cannot be said of this P though. 45.♕b7 Black has a won game, but he could still booger things up if he is not careful. 45...♕c5
    45...♖xb1 would have been an awful mistake. 46.♕a8 ♔c7 47.♕a7 ♔d8 48.♕b8 ♔d7 49.♕b7 ♔e8 and white has a draw. The prettiest line being 50.f7 ♘xf7 51.♕xf7 ♔d8 52.♕xf8 ♔c7 53.♕e7 ♔b6 54.♕d8 etc.
    46.♔g2 ♕c7 Now all danger fron white's Q is eliminated at the cost of a P. 47.♕xb5 c2 48.f7 Threatening Qe8+ 48...♘xf7 49.♖xf7 ♕xf7 50.♕b8 White gets in a few spite checks before he resigns. 50...♔e7 51.♕c7 ♔f6 52.♕c3 ♔g5 Steiner resigned (52...♔g5 53.♕xc2 ♕xd5 is beyond hope for white.)
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