Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Chess of Karl Marx
Francis Wheen, the biographer of Karl Marx, wrote that while Marx was waiting for the proofs of Das Kapitol to be returned he spent an evening at a party hosted by the chess master Gustav Neumann. As a memo of that night there remains the record a game in which Marx defeated a fellow named Meyer.
Karl Marx (1818-1883), the ideological father of the Soviet Union, was an avid chess player and it was said that at times he had an unhealthy obsession with the game. In the early 1850s, during the first years of his London exile he would spend entire nights playing one game after another against other German exiles.
One of Marx’s frequent opponents was Wilhelm Liebknecht (1826- 1900) a German socialist and one of the principal founders of the Social Democratic Party of Germany who was a colleague of Marx.
Liebknecht was, at least by his own account, strong enough to have considered a career as a chess professional and he wrote a firsthand account of Marx’s passion for chess. He described Marx as a very enthusiastic player who “tried to make up what he lacked in science by zeal, impetuousness of attack and surprise.” In Liebknecht’s opinion Marx was an excellent checker player, but his chess “did not amount to much.”
Actually, the term “scientific” play didn’t come into use until Steinitz day in the mid-1870s. Marx played in the 1850s when the “Romantic” style was in vogue. Romanticism was characterized by speculative sacrifices in the hopes of creating an attack and hopefully the player with least material was the winner.
Marx was more than a casual player; when he played he was deadly serious. Liebknecht related that when Marx was in trouble “he lost his temper and when he lost a game, he was furious.” When losing he was obnoxious, loud, disagreeable and emotionally volatile, but when winning he was happy and companionable.
Liebknecht described grueling all-day, all-night marathon sessions in which Marx, losing game after game, insisted on repeatedly testing and refining an opening innovation or a middlegame variation until he was finally able to win. Only after he had finally won would he allow his exhausted opponent to quit.
It’s odd that for such a reputedly passionate player, Marx’s works make no mention of chess nor did his wife or daughter mentioned chess in any of their writings about Marx. With the exception of Liebknecht neither did any of the personal memoirs of his contemporaries mention his chess.
In his memoir, Liebknecht recalled an incident that happened in the Marx home in the early 1850s. After a marathon session of chess between Liebknecht and Marx that lasted all day and well into the night, the two men finally broke off. Marx had been losing and was determined to resume play in the morning.
When Liebknecht returned the next morning Marx’s wife and children were not present and it appeared Marx had been up all night analyzing and preparing openings. Play continued and Marx ordered his housekeeper to bring them lunch which they hardly ate. They played far into the night before Liebknecht began winning. After midnight the housekeeper appeared and apparently under the direction of Mrs. Marx told them they must stop playing.
The next morning, the housekeeper visited Liebknecht at his home with a curt message from Mrs. Marx stating that no more chess would be tolerated in the Marx home.
British master and chess author Gerald Abrahams conjectured that Marx was a very weak player, but that opinion was based on analysis of the known game played by Marx, the 28 move casual game played at a party against Meyer mentioned above.
Marx was not in the habit of keeping a score of his games, but another player who was watching the game recorded it. The game itself isn’t very noteworthy, but the opening, a Muzio Gambit, is interesting. Meyer accepted the offer because in those days it was considered declining unsporting to decline a sacrifice. How things have changed!
A few analyst tried to draw superficial conclusions between the scientific and materialist Marx and this game played in the Romantic style. The truth is, with only one sample game, it’s hard to draw any conclusions. Besides, the scientific style was unknown to chess until Steinitz introduced it in the mid-1870s.
The first thirteen or so moves of this game conformed to what was already known theory. The Muzio Gambit had been played for generations prior to this game and all the main variations had been worked out. What is clear is that both Marx and his opponent knew the then current opening theory.
Marx played with great energy and Meyer defended well, but stumbled on move 18 and Marx seized on the inaccuracy with a series sharp moves. Bearing in mind that this was a casual game played at a party, the question is, how good was Marx?
There were quite a few errors making it difficult to consider either player as being of master strength, but they clearly were not weak players either. Perhaps Class A (1800-1999), or Expert (2000-2199) if you’re feeling generous.
Monday, April 27, 2020
1928 Washington-London Cable Match
The year 1928 is really remembered much of anything, but it did have some interesting happenings. Most important of all was probably the Kellogg-Briand Pact that was signed by 65 nations in Paris. The Pact outlawed war. Unfortunately it wasn’t successful.
Richard E. Byrd started his expedition to the Antarctic and didn’t return until 1930. The first of Joseph Stalin's Five Year Plans imposes collectivization on agriculture in the Soviet Union. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
Herbert Hoover was elected president, defeating Alfred E. Smith, governor of New York. Jumping ahead to 1931, there’s a legend of one of old-time radio’s most famous bloopers that involved long-time radio announcer Harry von Zell.
As often happens, the truth is not quite like the legend. The legend is that on a live broadcast in 1931 von Zell introduced Hoover by announcing: “Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Hoobert Heever.” While it is true that von Zell called the President “Hoobert Heever”, the circumstances were quite different.
The occasion was not a live address, but a tribute offered on the anniversary of President Hoover’s birth. Announcer von Zell was reading a lengthy recounting of Hoover’s life, career, and accomplishments and at the very end he mispronounced the President’s name.
von Zell’s explanation was that he was young and very nervous and he had mentioned the name of Herbert Hoover at least twenty times before he made the slip up. So, how did the legend that it happened during a live inaugural broadcast with President Hoover actually present come about?
A fellow named Kermit Schafer fabricated the circumstances for his Pardon My Blooper record album and claimed it was a “genuine recording.” The result was generations were convinced that the apocryphal version was what really happened.
One of the biggest events in 1928 was when John Baird, a Scottish inventor, beamed a television image from England to the United States on January 26th. Baird’s invention, a pictorial-transmission machine he called a televisor, used mechanical rotating disks to scan moving images into electronic impulses that was then transmitted by cable to a screen where it showed up as a low-resolution pattern of light and dark. Baird’s first television program showed the heads of two ventriloquist dummies, which he operated in front of the camera apparatus out of view of the audience.
Also in 1928, GE introduced a television set with a 3 inch by 4 inch screen named the Daven and it sold for $75...quite a princely sum in those days. The same item would cost you over $1,100 today.
In 1928 W3XK, the first American TV station, began broadcasting from suburban Washington, D.C. The station was the outgrowth of the work done by Charles F. Jenkins in devising a way to transmit pictures over the airwaves in a process he called radiovision.
Jenkins sold several thousand receiving sets, mostly to hobbyists and after receiving permission to start an experimental TV transmitting station, aired programming five nights a week until shutting down in 1932.
His television was essentially the wrong technology. His receiving sets relied on a 48-line image projected onto a 6-inch-square mirror to create the picture, rather than using electronics. Jenkins was also the first to air a television commercial. He was fined by the government for doing so because advertising wasn't legal. Much to our dismay that was to change.
The chess world lost two prominent players. On October 19, Emanuel Lasker's brother, Dr. Berthold Lasker (1860-1928) died at the age of 67. Berthold is almost unknown, but he won the New York State Chess Association championship in 1902. On February 28, 1928, Oscar Chajes (1873-1928) died in New York City at the age of 54. Chajes held the championship of New York and Illinois and the Western Chess Association championships many times.
On August 26, 1928, John G. White (1845-1928) died in Jackson Lake, Wyoming at the age of 83. He was founder and donor of the world's largest chess library, the John G. White Collection, at the Cleveland (Ohio) Public Library.
In other happenings, the International Association for Correspondence Chess was formed and the National Chess Federation organized a Radio Chess League. Sultan Khan won the All-India chess championship and Frederick Yates won his 5th British championship, held at Tenby. Max Euwe won the 2nd (and last) world amateur championship.
The second Chess Olympiad was held at The Hague and the Hungarian team (Nagy, A. Steiner, Vajda, and Havasi) took 1st place. Only chess amateurs were allowed. The British and Yugoslavs suspected that the USA team (Isaac Kashdan, Herman Steiner, Samuel Factor, Erling Tholsen and Milton Hanauer) included chess professionals, so they withdrew in protest. The US team finished second.
It's likely those on the US team considered pros were Kashdan, Steiner and, possibly Tholfsen. In 1933 Kashdan had gone into partnership with Al Horowitz to found Chess Review, but it didn't last long because Kashdan needed to make a living. There was an ad appearing in the 1941 issue of Chess Review for Kashdan's insurance business; he offered life, annuities, auto, fire, burglary and liability insurance. Visit his office at 175 Fifth Avenue or call him at ALgonquin 4-2895. You may have seen the building in which his office was located on television because it's the famous Flatiron Building. Later in the 1940s Kashdan moved to California because its better climate helped his son's health problems.
Steiner ran a successful chess club and schmoozed with the Hollywood stars of the day. Tholfsen may have been a pro, but after the Depression ended in 1939 he gave up tournament play and worked as a Spanish teacher in the New York City public school system and was very active in the labor movement for many years. Milton Hanauer was a public school principal.
In July the Brooklyn YMCA banned chess and all the chess tables and pieces were removed. YMCA members couldn’t even play on a magnetic or pocket set. The reason for the ban was that the secretary concluded that chess attracted too many undesirable elements to the YMCA and some of the players and spectators were smoking which was forbidden inside the YMCA. Besides that it cost extra money for supervisory personnel to keep a room open for chess.
In August, the Western Chess Association (US Open) was held in South Bend, Indiana and was won by Detroit master Leon Stolzenberg. In September Abraham Kupchik won the National Chess Championship, held in Bradley Beach, New Jersey. Edward Lasker and I.A. Horowitz tied for 2nd-3rd.
With all this exciting stuff going on, the third cable match for the Insull Trophy that was played on Saturday, November 10th between a team from Washington, DC and a team from London was pretty much forgotten.
Under the terms of trophy's gift, should London win this year the trophy would become the property of the London Chess League.
Play began at 2pm and by 7pm the games were adjournment for a one hour dinner beak. Play resumed at 8pm and things went smoothly until there was a problem in the Goldstein vs. Walker game on board six. Walker’s move was incorrectly decoded in London. Goldstein made his move then retracted it when it was discovered that the Walker's move wasn't correct. It took half an hour to straighten things out.
Between 930pm and 1030pm draws were agreed to on boards 1, 3 and 4 while the other games were still in progress. By 11pm it had become apparent that Sergeant was going to defeat Byler on board 5.
Then at about 1130pm Washington offered to draw the remaining games (boards 2, 5 where Sergeant was winning and 6). At 1150pm London countered with the suggestion of draws on boards 2 and 6 and a win on board 5, but promised that the Cup should be put up for competition the next year. There was no response from Washington and the next week the secretary of the British team was preparing to send the games for adjudication to Max Euwe.
Before the games could be sent to Euwe a cable arrived from Washington agreeing that Sergeant was winning on board 5. However, Washington protested that because the teller in London had decoded one of the moves incorrectly and Goldstein made a reply which he then took back when the mistake was discovered, the US should get a forfeit win on board 6. The dispute was never resolved.
Richard E. Byrd started his expedition to the Antarctic and didn’t return until 1930. The first of Joseph Stalin's Five Year Plans imposes collectivization on agriculture in the Soviet Union. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
Herbert Hoover was elected president, defeating Alfred E. Smith, governor of New York. Jumping ahead to 1931, there’s a legend of one of old-time radio’s most famous bloopers that involved long-time radio announcer Harry von Zell.
As often happens, the truth is not quite like the legend. The legend is that on a live broadcast in 1931 von Zell introduced Hoover by announcing: “Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Hoobert Heever.” While it is true that von Zell called the President “Hoobert Heever”, the circumstances were quite different.
The occasion was not a live address, but a tribute offered on the anniversary of President Hoover’s birth. Announcer von Zell was reading a lengthy recounting of Hoover’s life, career, and accomplishments and at the very end he mispronounced the President’s name.
von Zell’s explanation was that he was young and very nervous and he had mentioned the name of Herbert Hoover at least twenty times before he made the slip up. So, how did the legend that it happened during a live inaugural broadcast with President Hoover actually present come about?
A fellow named Kermit Schafer fabricated the circumstances for his Pardon My Blooper record album and claimed it was a “genuine recording.” The result was generations were convinced that the apocryphal version was what really happened.
One of the biggest events in 1928 was when John Baird, a Scottish inventor, beamed a television image from England to the United States on January 26th. Baird’s invention, a pictorial-transmission machine he called a televisor, used mechanical rotating disks to scan moving images into electronic impulses that was then transmitted by cable to a screen where it showed up as a low-resolution pattern of light and dark. Baird’s first television program showed the heads of two ventriloquist dummies, which he operated in front of the camera apparatus out of view of the audience.
Also in 1928, GE introduced a television set with a 3 inch by 4 inch screen named the Daven and it sold for $75...quite a princely sum in those days. The same item would cost you over $1,100 today.
In 1928 W3XK, the first American TV station, began broadcasting from suburban Washington, D.C. The station was the outgrowth of the work done by Charles F. Jenkins in devising a way to transmit pictures over the airwaves in a process he called radiovision.
Jenkins sold several thousand receiving sets, mostly to hobbyists and after receiving permission to start an experimental TV transmitting station, aired programming five nights a week until shutting down in 1932.
His television was essentially the wrong technology. His receiving sets relied on a 48-line image projected onto a 6-inch-square mirror to create the picture, rather than using electronics. Jenkins was also the first to air a television commercial. He was fined by the government for doing so because advertising wasn't legal. Much to our dismay that was to change.
The chess world lost two prominent players. On October 19, Emanuel Lasker's brother, Dr. Berthold Lasker (1860-1928) died at the age of 67. Berthold is almost unknown, but he won the New York State Chess Association championship in 1902. On February 28, 1928, Oscar Chajes (1873-1928) died in New York City at the age of 54. Chajes held the championship of New York and Illinois and the Western Chess Association championships many times.
On August 26, 1928, John G. White (1845-1928) died in Jackson Lake, Wyoming at the age of 83. He was founder and donor of the world's largest chess library, the John G. White Collection, at the Cleveland (Ohio) Public Library.
In other happenings, the International Association for Correspondence Chess was formed and the National Chess Federation organized a Radio Chess League. Sultan Khan won the All-India chess championship and Frederick Yates won his 5th British championship, held at Tenby. Max Euwe won the 2nd (and last) world amateur championship.
The second Chess Olympiad was held at The Hague and the Hungarian team (Nagy, A. Steiner, Vajda, and Havasi) took 1st place. Only chess amateurs were allowed. The British and Yugoslavs suspected that the USA team (Isaac Kashdan, Herman Steiner, Samuel Factor, Erling Tholsen and Milton Hanauer) included chess professionals, so they withdrew in protest. The US team finished second.
It's likely those on the US team considered pros were Kashdan, Steiner and, possibly Tholfsen. In 1933 Kashdan had gone into partnership with Al Horowitz to found Chess Review, but it didn't last long because Kashdan needed to make a living. There was an ad appearing in the 1941 issue of Chess Review for Kashdan's insurance business; he offered life, annuities, auto, fire, burglary and liability insurance. Visit his office at 175 Fifth Avenue or call him at ALgonquin 4-2895. You may have seen the building in which his office was located on television because it's the famous Flatiron Building. Later in the 1940s Kashdan moved to California because its better climate helped his son's health problems.
Steiner ran a successful chess club and schmoozed with the Hollywood stars of the day. Tholfsen may have been a pro, but after the Depression ended in 1939 he gave up tournament play and worked as a Spanish teacher in the New York City public school system and was very active in the labor movement for many years. Milton Hanauer was a public school principal.
In July the Brooklyn YMCA banned chess and all the chess tables and pieces were removed. YMCA members couldn’t even play on a magnetic or pocket set. The reason for the ban was that the secretary concluded that chess attracted too many undesirable elements to the YMCA and some of the players and spectators were smoking which was forbidden inside the YMCA. Besides that it cost extra money for supervisory personnel to keep a room open for chess.
In August, the Western Chess Association (US Open) was held in South Bend, Indiana and was won by Detroit master Leon Stolzenberg. In September Abraham Kupchik won the National Chess Championship, held in Bradley Beach, New Jersey. Edward Lasker and I.A. Horowitz tied for 2nd-3rd.
With all this exciting stuff going on, the third cable match for the Insull Trophy that was played on Saturday, November 10th between a team from Washington, DC and a team from London was pretty much forgotten.
Under the terms of trophy's gift, should London win this year the trophy would become the property of the London Chess League.
Play began at 2pm and by 7pm the games were adjournment for a one hour dinner beak. Play resumed at 8pm and things went smoothly until there was a problem in the Goldstein vs. Walker game on board six. Walker’s move was incorrectly decoded in London. Goldstein made his move then retracted it when it was discovered that the Walker's move wasn't correct. It took half an hour to straighten things out.
Between 930pm and 1030pm draws were agreed to on boards 1, 3 and 4 while the other games were still in progress. By 11pm it had become apparent that Sergeant was going to defeat Byler on board 5.
Then at about 1130pm Washington offered to draw the remaining games (boards 2, 5 where Sergeant was winning and 6). At 1150pm London countered with the suggestion of draws on boards 2 and 6 and a win on board 5, but promised that the Cup should be put up for competition the next year. There was no response from Washington and the next week the secretary of the British team was preparing to send the games for adjudication to Max Euwe.
Before the games could be sent to Euwe a cable arrived from Washington agreeing that Sergeant was winning on board 5. However, Washington protested that because the teller in London had decoded one of the moves incorrectly and Goldstein made a reply which he then took back when the mistake was discovered, the US should get a forfeit win on board 6. The dispute was never resolved.
[Event "Washington-London Cable Match"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1928.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Stasch Mlotkowski"]
[Black "F.D. Yates"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
{French Tarrasch Variation} 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 {This move is different
from 3.Nc3 in that it does not block the c-Pawn which enables white to play c3
at some point to support his d4-Pawn. Also, this move avoids the Winawer
Variation (3...Bb4). On the other hand, on d3 the N is on a less active
square and at the same time it blocks development of the dark-square B. As a
result white will have to spend an extra tempo to develop his B. In more
recent times the Tarrasch became particularly popular during the 1970s and
early 1980s when Anatoly Karpov used it.} 3... c5 {By far the most popular
reply, but also the most dynamic and complicated one. 3... Nf6 aims to close
the center an get a more classical French-type position. Interesting, but
passive is 3... Nc6 (the Guimard Variation) where after white advances his
e-Pawn black plays ...f6. The Morozevich Variation. (3...Be7) aims to prove
that every white move now has its drawbacks. Another rare line is 3... a6,
which gained some popularity in the 1970s. The idea is to play a waiting move
to make white declare his intentions before committing to a plan.} 4. exd5
{Black has two alternatives. First is 4...Qxd5 with the idea of trading off
the center Ps leaving white with a Q-side P-majority, but black will have an
ectra P in the center (his e-Pawn). On the sown side white gains time for
development by harassing black's Q. This line results in static play in the
form of the P-formation against dynamic play in the harassment of black's Q...
pretty subtle and highly theoretical stuff.} 4... exd5 {This line usually
leads to black having an Isolated d-Pawn which to play correctly either for or
against requires specialized knowledge.} 5. Bb5+ Nc6 6. Qe2+ Be6 7. Ngf3 c4
{Tukmakov, V (2570)-Kholmov,R (2540)/Vilnius 1975 continued with the more
natural ...Nf6, ...Be7 and ...O-O} 8. c3 {Roedl,L-Stahlberg,G/Dresden 1936
continued 8.O-O Be7 9.Re12 and in Martin,T-Konle,W in the 1989 Germany
Championship white played 8. Ne5. All three moves are resasonable.} 8... Be7
{Mlotkowski pointed out that while 8...Qa5 would have forced 9.Bxc6 and after
9...bxc6 10.Ng5 white enoys a significant advantage.} 9. Ne5 Qb6 10. Ba4 Nf6
11. O-O {Mlotkowski later recommended f2-f4, Bc2 and Nd2-f3 claiming it would
have given him an ideal position. Actually, it seems neither better nor worse
that the move played.} 11... O-O 12. Ndf3 {Mlotkowski wrote that now he was
afraid to play 12.f4 Nxc4!? 13. cxd4 Qxd4+ 14.Qf2 Qxf2+ 15.Kxf2 Bc5+ which he
felt left him with an "exceedingly awkward position."} 12... Ne4 13. Nxc4
{Another alternative was 13.Bf4, but it, too, leads to no more than
equality.} 13... Qa6 {Clever but no better was 13. ..Nxc3 14.bxc3 Qc7
regaining the piece but whitewould be slightly better.} 14. Bxc6 bxc6 15. Re1
{Here black could try 15...Nxf2 but after either 16.Qxf2 or 16.Nce5 he would
have no advantage.} 15... Nxc3 16. bxc3 dxc4 17. Ng5 Bxg5 18. Bxg5 { The Bs of
opposite color assure the draw.} 18... Rfe8 19. Qf3 Bd5 20. Qg3 Qa3 21. Bf6
Qf8 22. Rab1 h6 23. Rxe8 Rxe8 24. Be5 1/2-1/2
[Site "?"]
[Date "1928.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Stasch Mlotkowski"]
[Black "F.D. Yates"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
{French Tarrasch Variation} 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 {This move is different
from 3.Nc3 in that it does not block the c-Pawn which enables white to play c3
at some point to support his d4-Pawn. Also, this move avoids the Winawer
Variation (3...Bb4). On the other hand, on d3 the N is on a less active
square and at the same time it blocks development of the dark-square B. As a
result white will have to spend an extra tempo to develop his B. In more
recent times the Tarrasch became particularly popular during the 1970s and
early 1980s when Anatoly Karpov used it.} 3... c5 {By far the most popular
reply, but also the most dynamic and complicated one. 3... Nf6 aims to close
the center an get a more classical French-type position. Interesting, but
passive is 3... Nc6 (the Guimard Variation) where after white advances his
e-Pawn black plays ...f6. The Morozevich Variation. (3...Be7) aims to prove
that every white move now has its drawbacks. Another rare line is 3... a6,
which gained some popularity in the 1970s. The idea is to play a waiting move
to make white declare his intentions before committing to a plan.} 4. exd5
{Black has two alternatives. First is 4...Qxd5 with the idea of trading off
the center Ps leaving white with a Q-side P-majority, but black will have an
ectra P in the center (his e-Pawn). On the sown side white gains time for
development by harassing black's Q. This line results in static play in the
form of the P-formation against dynamic play in the harassment of black's Q...
pretty subtle and highly theoretical stuff.} 4... exd5 {This line usually
leads to black having an Isolated d-Pawn which to play correctly either for or
against requires specialized knowledge.} 5. Bb5+ Nc6 6. Qe2+ Be6 7. Ngf3 c4
{Tukmakov, V (2570)-Kholmov,R (2540)/Vilnius 1975 continued with the more
natural ...Nf6, ...Be7 and ...O-O} 8. c3 {Roedl,L-Stahlberg,G/Dresden 1936
continued 8.O-O Be7 9.Re12 and in Martin,T-Konle,W in the 1989 Germany
Championship white played 8. Ne5. All three moves are resasonable.} 8... Be7
{Mlotkowski pointed out that while 8...Qa5 would have forced 9.Bxc6 and after
9...bxc6 10.Ng5 white enoys a significant advantage.} 9. Ne5 Qb6 10. Ba4 Nf6
11. O-O {Mlotkowski later recommended f2-f4, Bc2 and Nd2-f3 claiming it would
have given him an ideal position. Actually, it seems neither better nor worse
that the move played.} 11... O-O 12. Ndf3 {Mlotkowski wrote that now he was
afraid to play 12.f4 Nxc4!? 13. cxd4 Qxd4+ 14.Qf2 Qxf2+ 15.Kxf2 Bc5+ which he
felt left him with an "exceedingly awkward position."} 12... Ne4 13. Nxc4
{Another alternative was 13.Bf4, but it, too, leads to no more than
equality.} 13... Qa6 {Clever but no better was 13. ..Nxc3 14.bxc3 Qc7
regaining the piece but whitewould be slightly better.} 14. Bxc6 bxc6 15. Re1
{Here black could try 15...Nxf2 but after either 16.Qxf2 or 16.Nce5 he would
have no advantage.} 15... Nxc3 16. bxc3 dxc4 17. Ng5 Bxg5 18. Bxg5 { The Bs of
opposite color assure the draw.} 18... Rfe8 19. Qf3 Bd5 20. Qg3 Qa3 21. Bf6
Qf8 22. Rab1 h6 23. Rxe8 Rxe8 24. Be5 1/2-1/2
Friday, April 24, 2020
Attacking An Uncastled King

A correspondence master rating seemed within reach and to that end specialty opening books and foreign chess magazines became important purchases.
The problem is that when you start out in postal chess as a kid in Class C reaching master takes a long time...remember this was using post cards because computers and the Internet were in the future.
After getting to within about hundred points of my goal life interfered and the result was a 13 year hiatus. By the time I returned to correspondence play it was being done on the Internet and Fritz 5.32 was on the scene. Climbing higher proved impossible because while using Fritz was illegal the rules didn’t matter to a lot of people. The result was that instead of being a young patzer I found myself an old patzer.
Things might have been different if I had found Purdy back in the old days. The simplicity and clarity with which he wrote makes him one of the greatest instructors ever. A sample of his advice:
* When playing against an isolated d-Pawn avoid Bd3 (or ...Bd6)
*The average player will more easily learn to play commonsense chess from the games of Morphy than any other player...we commend them to all who find modern games too complex to understand.
* Positional play is the treatment of positions in which sound tactical play is not possible. It means strengthening one’s own position or weakening the opponent’s...if neither is possible avoid weakening your own position.
Purdy wrote that to play chess well requires imagination and intuition and you will develop these qualities by thinking methodically and at the same time you will avoid many blunders. To this end he devised the Purdy Method to be followed at every move:
(1) What are his threats or his objective? Before parrying them, see if they can be ignored.
(2) Have I a sound combination? The emphasis is on sound. A lot of rating challenged players seem to think just willy-nilly giving up a piece is playing tactical chess, but quite often they are just throwing away a piece for nothing.
(3) If there is not a sound tactical continuation, and there usually isn’t, what should be my aims? This is where planning comes in and that does not necessarily mean a 20 move long plan. It often is nothing more than the improvement of a piece’s position. Hint: if you can’t think of anything to do, find your least active piece and try to improve its position.
(4) Before playing any move ask if it will allow you opponent a sound combination.
(5) During your opponent’s turn to move, make a reconnaissance, looking quickly all the squares each piece commands; ask how safe are the Kings and other pieces, what Pawns are weak and what squares? (Note: this is going to require that somewhere along the line that a player must become familiar with strategy)
(6) I might add this: most gross blunders (dropping pieces, etc.) can be eliminated by visually scanning ranks files and diagonals after your opponent moves and before you move.
Following his advice won’t make you a Master, but it will eliminate a lot of blunders and raise you rating...how much is anybody’s guess.
When attacking the King it makes no difference whether it is uncastled or has been driven from its castled home, the problem facing the attacker is the same. It should be mentioned that just because a King is uncastled, a mating attack is not always justified. Its loss of castling must be accompanied by its exposure to attack.
An attack against an uncastled King usually has three phases:
1) draw it away
2) pursue it and
3) set up a mating net.
That said, there have been times when the King escaped, so the attacker has to be alert to make sure the prey can't get away. A good example is seen in this offbeat variation of Alekhine’s Defense: 1.e4 Nf6 2.Bc4 Nxe4 3.Bxf7+ Kxf7 4.Qh5+ Black can’t castle and white regains the sacrificed N, but has he no advantage whatsoever in spite of the fact the black's King appears to be in serious danger. In fact, black may actually stand a little better.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Richard Verber
![]() |
A Chicago legend |
Richard Verber (June 3, 1944 – Dec. 10, 2001) passed away at the age of 57. Suffering from obesity, his later years were plagued with health issues and he was confined to a wheelchair. His passing was attributed to complications of diabetes.
Verber had been playing chess competitively for only two years when in 1961, at the age of 17 while a student at St. Ignatius High School, he achieved the Master title. He achieved the Senior Master (2400+) title in 1971.
He received his undergraduate degree from Loyola University in 1966 and did graduate studies in art history at the University of Chicago.
He won the 1962 Chicago Open and 1966 North Central Open, and tied for first in the 1970 Illinois Open. He represented the United States at the World Student Team Championships in 1967, 1969, and 1970. In the 1970 event in Haifa, Israel, his 5½-1½ score won the gold medal on fourth board and helped the US win the championship.
Verber served as president of the Chicago Chess Club during the early 1970s and was responsible for organizing the 1973 US Open at the La Salle Hotel in downtown Chicago; the event drew more than 700 players.
He declined two invitations to the US Championship. In 1974, even though it was held in Chicago and the 1975 tournament in Oberlin, Ohio. The 1974 event was won by Walter Browne who went undefeated. Benko and Evans tied for second. I got to witness every round of the 1975 tournament which was also won by Browne. Kenneth Rogoff was second and the popular local player, Dr. Milan Vukcevich, was third.
Also a National Tournament Director, he organized many important events in Chicago including multiple US Opens, US Championships, international title tournaments and simultaneous exhibitions.
Verber ran for the USCF Policy Board in 1975 for the only time and was expected to win, but he was upset by Fred Townsend of Connecticut.
As an organizer Verber’s enthusiasm was sometimes excessive and occasionally he promoted his tournaments to the point that entry fees didn’t cover expenses, including prizes.
In one event he was unable to pay much of the guaranteed prize fund and player complaints resulted in the suspension of his Director certification. He eventually was able to pay all the winners in full and his certification was reinstated.
Verber’s talent talent for the game was as both a tactician and strategist. National Master John Thomas, a friend and former US Amateur Champion stated that rather than relying on calculation Verber relied on intuition. Thomas added that Verber always knew that while he would be a good player, he'd never be a great one and so there were many other things that interested him. With his background in art history, he read widely in a number of languages.
For some reason Verber did not save his score sheets and as a result almost all of his games are unknown. In the beginning he played highly theoretical and often risky lines. By the early 1970s, after realizing that he would not be a professional player, Verber changed his openings and began playing by rote solid openings that had little theory attached to them, but often they contained sophisticated traps in which he could catch unwary and less talented opponents.
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James Warren |
His contribution to Illinois chess as a player, organizer, patron and volunteer was unparalleled and along with his wife Helen he founded the Illinois Chess Association.
Warren was instrumental in the implementation by the USCF of the Elo rating system in 1960. He also served as USCF's Rating Statistician and wrote a computer program for calculating ratings. It was at his suggestion that the terms Master, Expert, Class A, Class B, Class C be used in conjunction with the Elo system.
Besides selling chess books, organizing tournaments and being involved in the ICA, Warren and his wife organized American Postal Chess Tournaments, the Warren Junior Program and the once popular Midwest Masters tournaments.
[Event "Illinois Open"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1963.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Richard Verber"]
[Black "James Warren"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
{B88: Sicilian: Sozin Attack} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5.
Nc3 d6 6. Bc4 {The Fischer-Sozin Attack. Sozin wasn't the first to play this.
Examples date back to the 1800s, but Sozin was one of the first to develop the
plan of advancing the f-Pawn to f5 to put pressure on black's e6. Sozin played
it during the 1930s, and it became popular in the 1950s when it was frequently
employed by Bobby Fischer who refined ts theory.} 6... e6 {This is the usual
reply, but the alternative 6...Qb6 has enjoyed considerable success as has the
les frequently seen 6...Bd7} 7. O-O Be7 {Also good is ...a6 at some point.}
8. Be3 O-O 9. Bb3 Bd7 {This move is rock solid...in my database about half the
games are drawn whereas against 9...a6 only about one third of the games are
drawn,} 10. f4 Nxd4 11. Bxd4 Bc6 12. f5 {The point of the Sozin. What happens
if black takes on f5? After 13.Rxf5 then Qd2 and Raf1 the engine says white
stand better by about one Pawn. However, a Shootout demonstrated that white's
advantage is much more than that. White scored +4 -0 =1. Of course black
can't take the e-Pawn either because after 12...Nxe4? 13.fxe6 he is facing
disaster.} 12... e5 {The only move.} 13. Be3 Nxe4 14. Nxe4 Bxe4 {Black has won
a P, but white has sufficient compensation.} 15. Qg4 Bc6 {This is an outright
blunder! After 15...d5 black would have had a satisfactory position. As
noted after black's 20th move, 15...Bc6 is not an obvious blunder because a
2300 rated player made the same mistake 48 years later!} 16. Bh6 {Black can't
defend with 16...g6 because of the pin on the f-Pawn. 17.fxg6 hxg6 18.Qag6+
mates next move.} 16... Bf6 17. Bxg7 h5 18. Qg6 {For all practical purposes
the game is over.} 18... Qb6+ 19. Rf2 Qxb3 {Did black think this was going to
save the game? After 20.axb3 fxg6 black is winning. However, white does not
have to take the Q.} 20. Qxf6 Qxb2 21. Raf1 {Even stronger was 21.Rad1 as in
Eidelson,R (2242) -Tomilova,E (2317)/St Petersburg 2011 when white mated hios
opponent in a few moves.} 21... Qd4 22. Bh6 Qg4 23. h3 Qg3 24. Rf3 {It's mate
in 5 so Warren resigned.} 1-0
[Site "?"]
[Date "1963.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Richard Verber"]
[Black "James Warren"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
{B88: Sicilian: Sozin Attack} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5.
Nc3 d6 6. Bc4 {The Fischer-Sozin Attack. Sozin wasn't the first to play this.
Examples date back to the 1800s, but Sozin was one of the first to develop the
plan of advancing the f-Pawn to f5 to put pressure on black's e6. Sozin played
it during the 1930s, and it became popular in the 1950s when it was frequently
employed by Bobby Fischer who refined ts theory.} 6... e6 {This is the usual
reply, but the alternative 6...Qb6 has enjoyed considerable success as has the
les frequently seen 6...Bd7} 7. O-O Be7 {Also good is ...a6 at some point.}
8. Be3 O-O 9. Bb3 Bd7 {This move is rock solid...in my database about half the
games are drawn whereas against 9...a6 only about one third of the games are
drawn,} 10. f4 Nxd4 11. Bxd4 Bc6 12. f5 {The point of the Sozin. What happens
if black takes on f5? After 13.Rxf5 then Qd2 and Raf1 the engine says white
stand better by about one Pawn. However, a Shootout demonstrated that white's
advantage is much more than that. White scored +4 -0 =1. Of course black
can't take the e-Pawn either because after 12...Nxe4? 13.fxe6 he is facing
disaster.} 12... e5 {The only move.} 13. Be3 Nxe4 14. Nxe4 Bxe4 {Black has won
a P, but white has sufficient compensation.} 15. Qg4 Bc6 {This is an outright
blunder! After 15...d5 black would have had a satisfactory position. As
noted after black's 20th move, 15...Bc6 is not an obvious blunder because a
2300 rated player made the same mistake 48 years later!} 16. Bh6 {Black can't
defend with 16...g6 because of the pin on the f-Pawn. 17.fxg6 hxg6 18.Qag6+
mates next move.} 16... Bf6 17. Bxg7 h5 18. Qg6 {For all practical purposes
the game is over.} 18... Qb6+ 19. Rf2 Qxb3 {Did black think this was going to
save the game? After 20.axb3 fxg6 black is winning. However, white does not
have to take the Q.} 20. Qxf6 Qxb2 21. Raf1 {Even stronger was 21.Rad1 as in
Eidelson,R (2242) -Tomilova,E (2317)/St Petersburg 2011 when white mated hios
opponent in a few moves.} 21... Qd4 22. Bh6 Qg4 23. h3 Qg3 24. Rf3 {It's mate
in 5 so Warren resigned.} 1-0
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Hastings 1949/50
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Szabo |
Chess Review magazine had belittled the status of the previous tournament (1948/49) by pointing out that the tournament had reached its peak in 1934/35 when Capablanca, Euwe, Botvinnik, Flohr and Lilienthal played.
Chess Review opined that English chess fans must have felt like underprivileged children because the 1948/49 tournament had slipped to the status of local competition with a “sparse leavening of second rate foreign players.” Harsh!
The magazine went on to say the best of these second rate foreign players was the “stringy, hollow cheeked Nicolas Rossolimo, a Greek born in Russia and living in France.” The magazine also claimed that his four wins and five draws “in this mediocre field” showed that he was no world beater.
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Rossolimo |
Curious about just how good Rossolimo was in 1950, I went to Chessmetrics and discovered he was ranked, at 2654, number 23 in the world four different months between the January 1950 and the May 1951 rating lists. Thus he was in the neighborhood of players like, among others, Averbakh, Bogoljubow, Lilienthal, Salo Flohr, Bondarevsky, Taimanov, Euwe, Pachmann, Rossetto, Barcza, Ragozin etc. He remained in the top 50 until the mid-1950s. Maybe he wasn’t a world beater, but he was pretty good!
Chess Review also had biting words for Paul Schmidt (6th place +1 -1 =7) and Robert Wade (8th place +1 -3 =5) stating that both had “failed to distinguish themselves.”
The magazine was especially critical of Schmidt, pointing out that his moment of glory came in 1937 when he finished ahead of Keres, Stahlberg and Flohr in an Estonian tournament, but in this tournament “proved unequal to the chore of winning games...but was at least able to draw them.” Of poor Wade the magazine commented he “was not any too good at that.”
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Schmidt in later years |
The 1949/50 event was an improvement over the previous Hastings. In addition to the winner of the previous event (Rossolimo) there were former world champion Max Euwe and Hungarian GM Laszlo Szabo who had been a top European player since he burst onto the chess scene in 1935 when at the age of 18 he won the Hungarian Championship. This was Szabo’s third win at Hastings.
Also playing was 17-year old Larry Evans, who was in those days described as a prodigy. Larry M. Evans (March 22, 1932 – November 15, 2010) won or shared the US Championship five times and the US Open four times. He wrote a long-running syndicated chess column and wrote or co-wrote more than twenty chess books.
Evans first won his first championship in 1951 ahead of Samuel Reshevsky, and his last in 1980 when he tied with Walter Browne and Larry Christiansen. He was awarded the IM title in 1952 and the GM title in 1957.
Evans was born in Manhattan and learned much about the game by playing for ten cents an hour on 42nd Street in New York City. At age 14, he tied for 4th–5th place in the Marshall Chess Club championship. The next year he won it outright, becoming the youngest Marshall champion at that time. He finished equal second in the 1947 US Junior Championship and in 1948, at the age of 16, he played in the US Championship and tied for eighth place with 11.5-7.5.
Evans tied with Arthur Bisguier for first place in the US Junior Championship in 1949. Evans didn’t have much respect for his mother and didn’t treat her very well and Bisguier didn’t like it...that is until he met the woman. Bisguier didn’t elaborate on what the problem with Mrs. Evans was.
[Event "Hastings 1949/50"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1950.1.7"]
[Round "9"]
[White "Nicolas Rossolimo"]
[Black "Larry M. Evans"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
{C53: Giuoco Piano sidelines} 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 {Rossolimo was one of
the very few who played this regularly and he had many fine wins with it.}
3... Bc5 4. c3 {The point of 4. c3 is to play d4 quickly but a third defender
of d4 is required. The disadvantage is that 4.c3 fails to develop a piece, it
also takes away the Ns best square, which in turn makes the P on e4 a little
weaker also. Black has some tricky replies. If he does nothing active, like
4...d6, then white grabs the center with 5. d4.} 4... Qe7 {This rare sideline
(usual is 4... Nf6) gets a thumbs down from the engines.} 5. d4 {This involves
a P-sac.} 5... exd4 {Rare as black almost always plays 5...Bb6, but like his
previous move, Stockfish doesn't like it, but it has good results.} 6. O-O d3
{A good move in that it doesn't aid white's development. Sermek,D
(2517)-Mrkonjic,N (2285)/ Bizovac CRO 2000 continued 7...d6, but black's best
is probably 7...d5. In either case white has an active position.} 7. e5 h6 8.
b4 Bb6 9. a4 a5 {This opening is out of the past: Leonhardt, P-Marco,G/Ostende
1905 continued 10.b5 Nd8 11.Ba3 and white is better, but he eventually lost.
Rossolimo's next move is an improvement.} 10. Ba3 axb4 11. cxb4 {White can be
considered to be winning here, but hsi next move voluntarily walking into a
pin only makes matters worse. Somewhere Evans' whole opening has gone wrong.}
11... Nxb4 12. Nc3 Bc5 13. Qb3 Ra5 14. Bxb4 Bxb4 15. Nd5 Rxd5 {The only move
otherwise white simply takes on b4.} 16. Bxd5 c6 17. a5 h5 18. Bxf7+ Qxf7 19.
Qxb4 {Superficially it looks like balck has some compensation for the
exchange, but his K is in mortal danger as Rossolimo demonstrates.} 19... Ne7
20. Ng5 Qg6 21. Ne4 Nf5 22. Rfe1 {There is no satisfactory way to meet the
threatened Nd6+} 22... Rf8 23. Nd6+ Nxd6 24. exd6+ Kf7 {White no begins a K
hunt.} 25. Qc4+ Kf6 26. Re3 Rh8 27. Rf3+ { Not that it matters, but 27.Re7
mates in 9 moves.} 27... Ke5 28. Qc5+ Ke6 29. Re1+ { Facing mate next move,
Evans resigned. A forceful win by Rossolimo.} 1-0
[Site "?"]
[Date "1950.1.7"]
[Round "9"]
[White "Nicolas Rossolimo"]
[Black "Larry M. Evans"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
{C53: Giuoco Piano sidelines} 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 {Rossolimo was one of
the very few who played this regularly and he had many fine wins with it.}
3... Bc5 4. c3 {The point of 4. c3 is to play d4 quickly but a third defender
of d4 is required. The disadvantage is that 4.c3 fails to develop a piece, it
also takes away the Ns best square, which in turn makes the P on e4 a little
weaker also. Black has some tricky replies. If he does nothing active, like
4...d6, then white grabs the center with 5. d4.} 4... Qe7 {This rare sideline
(usual is 4... Nf6) gets a thumbs down from the engines.} 5. d4 {This involves
a P-sac.} 5... exd4 {Rare as black almost always plays 5...Bb6, but like his
previous move, Stockfish doesn't like it, but it has good results.} 6. O-O d3
{A good move in that it doesn't aid white's development. Sermek,D
(2517)-Mrkonjic,N (2285)/ Bizovac CRO 2000 continued 7...d6, but black's best
is probably 7...d5. In either case white has an active position.} 7. e5 h6 8.
b4 Bb6 9. a4 a5 {This opening is out of the past: Leonhardt, P-Marco,G/Ostende
1905 continued 10.b5 Nd8 11.Ba3 and white is better, but he eventually lost.
Rossolimo's next move is an improvement.} 10. Ba3 axb4 11. cxb4 {White can be
considered to be winning here, but hsi next move voluntarily walking into a
pin only makes matters worse. Somewhere Evans' whole opening has gone wrong.}
11... Nxb4 12. Nc3 Bc5 13. Qb3 Ra5 14. Bxb4 Bxb4 15. Nd5 Rxd5 {The only move
otherwise white simply takes on b4.} 16. Bxd5 c6 17. a5 h5 18. Bxf7+ Qxf7 19.
Qxb4 {Superficially it looks like balck has some compensation for the
exchange, but his K is in mortal danger as Rossolimo demonstrates.} 19... Ne7
20. Ng5 Qg6 21. Ne4 Nf5 22. Rfe1 {There is no satisfactory way to meet the
threatened Nd6+} 22... Rf8 23. Nd6+ Nxd6 24. exd6+ Kf7 {White no begins a K
hunt.} 25. Qc4+ Kf6 26. Re3 Rh8 27. Rf3+ { Not that it matters, but 27.Re7
mates in 9 moves.} 27... Ke5 28. Qc5+ Ke6 29. Re1+ { Facing mate next move,
Evans resigned. A forceful win by Rossolimo.} 1-0
Monday, April 20, 2020
Close Race At Amsterdam 1950
In 1950 paranoia over Communism, or the “Reds” as they were called, had a lot of people scared. The Red Scare lasted through the late 1940s and early 1950s with Wisconsin’s Senator Joe McCarthy as the leader.
McCarthy used hearsay and intimidation to establish himself as a powerful and feared figure. He leveled charges of disloyalty at celebrities, intellectuals and anyone who disagreed with his political views, costing many of his victims their reputations and jobs. McCarthy’s reign of terror continued until his colleagues finally denounced his tactics in 1954.
The FBI’s head, J. Edgar Hoover also compiled extensive files on suspected subversives through the use of wiretaps, surveillance and the infiltration of leftist groups.
Many ordinary Americans felt the effects of the Red Scare on a personal level. Thousands of alleged communist sympathizers were hounded by law enforcement, alienated from friends and family and fired from their jobs.
Movies were still popular, but television was starting to take a big bite out of the film industry’s revenue. Every night families huddled around the TV to watch sitcoms and game shows. I Love Lucy began a three year run at the top of the ratings. Game shows like $64,000 Question and The Price is Right were very popular.
In 1950 the automobile industry established a new all-time production record of 7,987,000 vehicles. The most serious event of the year was the re-imposition of Regulation W, the government’s credit control bill which had limited purchases during and immediately after World War II. It required a one-third down payment with the balance to be paid within 21 months (three months longer than the wartime version) was restored in September. This caused some financial problems and two manufacturers introduced new small cars during 1950, to meet the demand for an economical car for middle income families and a car with an initial price that placed it within reach of many people who previously had to buy used cars.
In chess, the year 1950 started off with Laszlo Szabo of Hungary winning at Hastings 1949/50 with an 8-1 score and 16-year old Larry Evans finished 4th.
Lyudmila Rudenko (1904-1986) won the 2nd Women's World Championship, held in Moscow. James B. Cross won the US Junior championship. Arthur Bisguier won the US Open, held in Detroit.
On May 27, 1950, chess patron and former president of Manhattan Chess Club Maurice Wertheim (1886-1950) died in Cos Cob, Connecticut at the age of 64.
1950 saw the birth of the International Correspondence Chess Federation. The first Candidates Tournament, held in Budapest from April 9 to May 16, 1950. Reshevsky was unable to play when the State Department decreed that American citizens could not travel to Hungary. The event was won by David Bronstein and Isaac Boleslavsky. Bronstein won the playoff, 7.5-6.5.
Madame Chantel Chaude de Silans (1919-2004) played on the French team at the Dubrovnik Olympiad, the first woman to play on a men’s team. She played first reserve board, winning 1 game, drawing 1 game, and losing 4 games. The Yugoslav team (Gligoric, Pirc, Trifunovic, Rabar, Vidmar junior, Puc) won and the USA took 4th. The US team was Reshevsky, Steiner, Horowitz, Shainswit, Kramer and Evans.
FIDE awarded the first Grandmaster titles to 27 players. The first list also included 94 International Masters and 17 International Women Masters. The GMs were: Bernstein, Boleslavsky, Bondarevsky, Botvinnik, Bronstein, Duras, Euwe, Fine, Flohr, Gruenfeld, Keres, Kostic, Kotov, Levenfish, Lilienthal, Maroczy, Mieses, Najdorf, Ragozin, Reshevsky, Saemisch, Smyslov, Stahlberg, Szabo, Tartakower, and Vidmar.
In November the first USCF rating list appeared and had 2,306 players on it. Fine was top rated at 2817 and Reshevsky was second at 2770.
Boris Velinsky (born 1888) died in Moscow at the age of 62 on October 30, 1950. He was Moscow champion in 1928 and USSR Champion in 1929. He was on the 1950 list as one of the original IMs.
In 1950 Lodewijk Prins of The Netherlands organized an international tournament that was held at the stock exchange in Amsterdam from from November 11th to December 9th.
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Old rivals meet |
Invitations were sent to all the strongest masters of the day. The Soviet Chess Federation declined the invitations and, in fact, their masters weren’t allowed to play in any international tournaments until 1952. Laszlo Szabo of Hungary also declined his invitation.
All of the best Dutch masters played including former world champion Max Euwe and the recent Hoogovens champion, 23 year old J.H. Donner. Najdorf scored a spectacular success when he went undefeated and finished clear first. Najdorf finished one point ahead of Samuel Reshevsky who was also undefeated.
This tournament played a large part in causing Reshevsky to seek out a match against Najdorf which didn’t take place until 1952.
Najdorf’s opponent in this game was Gudmundur Gudmundsson (May 11, 1918 – April 20, 1974) was one of Iceland’s best players from the late 1930s to late 1950s. He was Icelandic Champion in 1954. It’s a typical Najdorf rout of a lesser player.
[Event "Amsterdam"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1950.11.13"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Miguel Najdorf"]
[Black "Gudmundur Gudmundsson"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
{D45: Semi-Slav: 5 e3} 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 e6 {In this
position position black is threatening to capture the P on c4 and hold it
with ...b7-b5. White can avoid this in a number of ways, but almost always
plays either 5.Bg5 which involves a very sharp P-sacrifice or 5.e3 which safe,
but it restricts his dark-squared B from going to g5.} 5. e3 {White gives
priority to developing his light-squared B and accepts that for the time being
his other B will remain out of play.} 5... Nbd7 {The Main Line. White is at a
crossroads here. The Meran Variation is 6. Bd3, provoking the continuation 6..
dxc4 and 7...b5 where black surrenders his center in exchange for Q-side
expansion and some tempi at the expense of white's B.} 6. Qc2 {Thee Anti-Meran
Variation which became very popular in the 1990s when Anatoly Karpov
pipularized it. The idea is to wait for black to commit to ...dxc4 before
playing Bd3. Black commonly replies with 6...Bd6 and then white can choose
between a couple of very different continuations.} 6... Be7 7. b3 O-O 8. Bb2 {
Believe it or not, this B is going to play a vital role in the attack on
black's K.} 8... b6 9. Bd3 Bb7 {Here white almost always castles K-side In the
game Brazdzionis,A (2335)-Tokranovs,D (2325)/Panevezys 2017 white tried
10.O-O-O but ended up at a disadvantage.} 10. Ne5 g6 {Better was 10...Rc8 or
10...c5. Instead black begins an artificial maneuver that ultimatley weakens
his K-side. } 11. f4 Ne8 12. O-O-O f6 13. Nxg6 {Typical Najdorf although
13.Nxd7 and 14.h4 was a safe way to attack black's K. With careful play b;ack
should hold his own against this.} 13... hxg6 14. Bxg6 Bd6 {Better was
14...Bb5. Here black is planning ...e5 which is not a good idea because it
opens up the game for white's pieces.} 15. f5 e5 16. Qe2 Qe7 17. Qg4 Qg7 18.
Ne2 {Bring the N into play. Black must conduct his defense with extreme
care.} 18... exd4 {Which he fails to do. Instead he helps white's pieces
spring to life. Correct was 18...c5 after which white has better chances, but
black could have offered stouter resistance.} 19. exd4 Nc7 {The losing move
because it diverts a piece away from the defense of the K. Better was
19...Rf7 and ...Re7} 20. Kb1 {Avoiding . ..Qh6+ and ...Qg5 exchanging Qs and
blunting white's attack.} 20... Rfe8 21. Ng3 Re7 {Black has managed to place a
R on e7 and but the N on c7 will be missed. Note that the exchange 21...Bxg3
eliminates the N but opens up the h-file which is equally bad for black.} 22.
Nh5 {With the N on e8 the f-Pawn would have had another defender.} 22... Qh8
23. Rhe1 Rxe1 24. Rxe1 Kf8 25. Bc1 {The dead B come to life.} 25... Rd8 26.
Bf4 {Very nice. If black exchanges Bs then white's Q could go to d6 with a
fatal check.} 26... Ne5 {Equal to resignation.} 27. dxe5 Bxe5 28. Nxf6 {
Finally the f-Pawn bites the dust.} 28... Bxf4 {Not that it matters, but
28...Bxf6 delays the mate in 5 that this move allows.} 29. Nh7+ Kg8 30. Bf7+
{Black resigned because 30...Kxf7 31.Qg6 mate.} 1-0
[Site "?"]
[Date "1950.11.13"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Miguel Najdorf"]
[Black "Gudmundur Gudmundsson"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
{D45: Semi-Slav: 5 e3} 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 e6 {In this
position position black is threatening to capture the P on c4 and hold it
with ...b7-b5. White can avoid this in a number of ways, but almost always
plays either 5.Bg5 which involves a very sharp P-sacrifice or 5.e3 which safe,
but it restricts his dark-squared B from going to g5.} 5. e3 {White gives
priority to developing his light-squared B and accepts that for the time being
his other B will remain out of play.} 5... Nbd7 {The Main Line. White is at a
crossroads here. The Meran Variation is 6. Bd3, provoking the continuation 6..
dxc4 and 7...b5 where black surrenders his center in exchange for Q-side
expansion and some tempi at the expense of white's B.} 6. Qc2 {Thee Anti-Meran
Variation which became very popular in the 1990s when Anatoly Karpov
pipularized it. The idea is to wait for black to commit to ...dxc4 before
playing Bd3. Black commonly replies with 6...Bd6 and then white can choose
between a couple of very different continuations.} 6... Be7 7. b3 O-O 8. Bb2 {
Believe it or not, this B is going to play a vital role in the attack on
black's K.} 8... b6 9. Bd3 Bb7 {Here white almost always castles K-side In the
game Brazdzionis,A (2335)-Tokranovs,D (2325)/Panevezys 2017 white tried
10.O-O-O but ended up at a disadvantage.} 10. Ne5 g6 {Better was 10...Rc8 or
10...c5. Instead black begins an artificial maneuver that ultimatley weakens
his K-side. } 11. f4 Ne8 12. O-O-O f6 13. Nxg6 {Typical Najdorf although
13.Nxd7 and 14.h4 was a safe way to attack black's K. With careful play b;ack
should hold his own against this.} 13... hxg6 14. Bxg6 Bd6 {Better was
14...Bb5. Here black is planning ...e5 which is not a good idea because it
opens up the game for white's pieces.} 15. f5 e5 16. Qe2 Qe7 17. Qg4 Qg7 18.
Ne2 {Bring the N into play. Black must conduct his defense with extreme
care.} 18... exd4 {Which he fails to do. Instead he helps white's pieces
spring to life. Correct was 18...c5 after which white has better chances, but
black could have offered stouter resistance.} 19. exd4 Nc7 {The losing move
because it diverts a piece away from the defense of the K. Better was
19...Rf7 and ...Re7} 20. Kb1 {Avoiding . ..Qh6+ and ...Qg5 exchanging Qs and
blunting white's attack.} 20... Rfe8 21. Ng3 Re7 {Black has managed to place a
R on e7 and but the N on c7 will be missed. Note that the exchange 21...Bxg3
eliminates the N but opens up the h-file which is equally bad for black.} 22.
Nh5 {With the N on e8 the f-Pawn would have had another defender.} 22... Qh8
23. Rhe1 Rxe1 24. Rxe1 Kf8 25. Bc1 {The dead B come to life.} 25... Rd8 26.
Bf4 {Very nice. If black exchanges Bs then white's Q could go to d6 with a
fatal check.} 26... Ne5 {Equal to resignation.} 27. dxe5 Bxe5 28. Nxf6 {
Finally the f-Pawn bites the dust.} 28... Bxf4 {Not that it matters, but
28...Bxf6 delays the mate in 5 that this move allows.} 29. Nh7+ Kg8 30. Bf7+
{Black resigned because 30...Kxf7 31.Qg6 mate.} 1-0
Friday, April 17, 2020
A Sham Queen Sacrifice
In his book The Art of Sacrifice in Chess, Rudolf Spielmann distinguishes between real and sham sacrifices.
A sham sacrifice leads to a forced and immediate advantage, usually in the form of mate or regaining the sacrificed material after a forced line.
In a real sacrifice the loss of material is offset by other compensation.
Bent Larsen wrote that giving up the Q for a R and two minor pieces is sometimes called a Queen sacrifice, but since a R plus two minor pieces is more valuable than the Q, he believed it should not be considered a sacrifice.
In his book Spielmann doesn’t say anything specific about Queen sacrifices, but gives as examples Spielmqnn-Maroczy, Vienna, 1907 and Spielmann-Moller, Gothenburg, 1920.
In the above position I made a rare (for me) Queen sacrifice. It was a sham sacrifice because as Stockfish pointed out, I had a forced mate. At the time I thought it was a real sacrifice because, not seeing the mate, I envisioned my R strutting back and forth along the seventh rank capturing material and leaving me with, if not a mate, a material as well as a positional advantage and an easy win. Post mortem analysis with Stockfish convinced me that even with a huge evaluation in my favor there was no guarantee I could have won the ending as I envisioned it.
It didn't matter because we never reached the above position. In the first diagram after 17.Qh5+ Nxh5 18.Bg6+ nothing happened for about two minutes then I got a message that the disgusting little twit had left the site.
A sham sacrifice leads to a forced and immediate advantage, usually in the form of mate or regaining the sacrificed material after a forced line.
In a real sacrifice the loss of material is offset by other compensation.
Bent Larsen wrote that giving up the Q for a R and two minor pieces is sometimes called a Queen sacrifice, but since a R plus two minor pieces is more valuable than the Q, he believed it should not be considered a sacrifice.
In his book Spielmann doesn’t say anything specific about Queen sacrifices, but gives as examples Spielmqnn-Maroczy, Vienna, 1907 and Spielmann-Moller, Gothenburg, 1920.
White mates in 8 moves:
In the above position I made a rare (for me) Queen sacrifice. It was a sham sacrifice because as Stockfish pointed out, I had a forced mate. At the time I thought it was a real sacrifice because, not seeing the mate, I envisioned my R strutting back and forth along the seventh rank capturing material and leaving me with, if not a mate, a material as well as a positional advantage and an easy win. Post mortem analysis with Stockfish convinced me that even with a huge evaluation in my favor there was no guarantee I could have won the ending as I envisioned it.
This is the position I envisioned:
It didn't matter because we never reached the above position. In the first diagram after 17.Qh5+ Nxh5 18.Bg6+ nothing happened for about two minutes then I got a message that the disgusting little twit had left the site.
[Event "Online Game 10"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2020.4.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Tartajubow"]
[Black "A Little Twit"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
{Modern Defense: Averbakh Variation} 1. e4 e6 2. c4 {I always play this hoping
for 2...d5 3.exd5 exd4 4.d4 which I like as white.} 2... d6 {The Modern (or
Robatsch) Defense in which black allows white to occupy the ideal center with
pawns on d4 and e4, then proceeds to attack and undermine it. The Modern is
closely related to the Pirc, the primary difference being that in the Modern,
black delays developing his N to f6 which gives white the option of blunting
the g7-bishop with c2-c3. There are numerous transpositional possibilities
between the two openings.} 3. d4 {Averbakh center (Ps on c4, d4 and e4) where
white can attack on the Q-side. It's one of the toughest systems for black to
face. Black will play an eventual ...e5 break. Of course the game can
transpose into the K-Indian.} 3... g6 {This probably is not as good as 3...Nf6
sticking to Modern lines. In this K-Indian type set up he has wasted tiem
with ...e6.} 4. Nc3 Bg7 5. f4 {I just like the 4Ps attack and never miss a
chance to play it.} 5... Nd7 6. Nf3 {In Ludvigsen,F (2085)-Tisma,I
(2206)/Paracin SRB 2015 black tried 6...Ne7 but after 7.Be3 O-O 8.Bd3 c5 white
stood well} 6... b6 7. Bd3 Bb7 {In Lisanti,A (2350)-Fritsche,L (2365)/GER 1998
black played the better 7...Ne7, but white still had the more promising
position.} 8. O-O Ne7 9. Be3 {Black doesn't have any goos P breaks. If 9...d5
10.cxd5 exd5 11.e5 followed by the advance of the f-Pawn. And, if 9...e5
01.fxe5 dxe5 11.d5 with an excellent position. His best move is probably
9...O-O and then await developments.} 9... c5 {This turns out to be the worst
of the P breaks!} 10. d5 { Also quite good was 10.Nb5 putting some seriosu
pressur eon black's d-Pawn. Now black has two playable options: 10...O-O or
10...exd5. In either case white would be slightly better.} 10... Bxc3
{Apparently black was concerned about Nb5, but this move, weakening his K-side
is much worse.} 11. bxc3 {Black is facing a situation where because his B is
gone, catling would be very dangerous, but so is leaving his K in the center.
Maybe something like 11... Qc7 was his best chance.} 11... e5 {The
auto-annotation feature in Fritz slapped two ?? on this move because of
12.fxe5! Nxe5 13.Nxe5 dxe5 14.Bh6 and black is helpless. At least he is if he
happened to be playing Stockfish. Fortunately for black that wasn't the case.
I am not seeing a +6.00 advantage for white after 14.Bh6.} 12. f5 {In the post
mortem Stockfish didn't think this was too bad (about 1.75 in white's favor)
and recommends 12...h6 to control g5 then after 13.fxg6 Nxg6 white has to come
up with a plan.} 12... gxf5 {Opening up paths to his K...always nice for the
attacker!} 13. exf5 Nf6 {Here the engine likes 14.Bh6 threatening a fork on g7
so 14...Rg8 15.Bg5 with an excellent position.} 14. Ng5 {I like this move
(headed for 36) better than the suggested engine move. Actually, there's not
that much difference in the engine evaluation betwwen this and 14.Bh6.} 14...
h6 {There really wasn't anything better.} 15. Ne6 { Stockfish's evaluation
puts white's advantage at a little over 3 Ps, but hrere's a little secret: if
black plays 15...Qd7 I had absolutrly no idea how to continue! Stockfish
recommends 16.Bf2 to be followed by Bh4.} 15... fxe6 {This is one of the worst
moves on the board.} 16. fxe6 {Obviously the threat is 17. Rxf6 and he can't
play 16...Nfg8 because 17.Qh5+ mates in three. Equalkly hopeless is 16...Qc7
17.Rxf6 O-O-O 18.Bh6.} 16... Neg8 {Now he can meet my intended 17.Bg6+ with
17...Kf8. Stockfish puts white's advantage at 6 Ps, but to my eyes, I'm not
seeing that big of an advantage.} 17. Qh5+ {In auto-annotation mode Fitz
awards two !! for this move which mates in 7.} 17... Nxh5 18. Bg6+ {Here is
the mating line: 18...Ke7 19. Rf7+ Ke8 20. Raf1 Qf6 21. R7xf6+ Kd8 22. Rf8+
Kc7 23. R1f7+ Ne7 24. Rxe7 mate. The only thing is I didn't see 20.Raf1 and
envisioned the R sliding back and forth picking off the B and a-Pawn then
going to d7 with a double check and capturing the Q, also with a check.
Finally ending the series with Bxh5. The fly in the ointment is that in the
final position, white has two Bs and two Ps vs a R and N which yields only a
slight endgame advantage. It turns out black was a real jerk and after about
two minutes a message popped up that he had left the game.} 1-0
[Site "?"]
[Date "2020.4.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Tartajubow"]
[Black "A Little Twit"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
{Modern Defense: Averbakh Variation} 1. e4 e6 2. c4 {I always play this hoping
for 2...d5 3.exd5 exd4 4.d4 which I like as white.} 2... d6 {The Modern (or
Robatsch) Defense in which black allows white to occupy the ideal center with
pawns on d4 and e4, then proceeds to attack and undermine it. The Modern is
closely related to the Pirc, the primary difference being that in the Modern,
black delays developing his N to f6 which gives white the option of blunting
the g7-bishop with c2-c3. There are numerous transpositional possibilities
between the two openings.} 3. d4 {Averbakh center (Ps on c4, d4 and e4) where
white can attack on the Q-side. It's one of the toughest systems for black to
face. Black will play an eventual ...e5 break. Of course the game can
transpose into the K-Indian.} 3... g6 {This probably is not as good as 3...Nf6
sticking to Modern lines. In this K-Indian type set up he has wasted tiem
with ...e6.} 4. Nc3 Bg7 5. f4 {I just like the 4Ps attack and never miss a
chance to play it.} 5... Nd7 6. Nf3 {In Ludvigsen,F (2085)-Tisma,I
(2206)/Paracin SRB 2015 black tried 6...Ne7 but after 7.Be3 O-O 8.Bd3 c5 white
stood well} 6... b6 7. Bd3 Bb7 {In Lisanti,A (2350)-Fritsche,L (2365)/GER 1998
black played the better 7...Ne7, but white still had the more promising
position.} 8. O-O Ne7 9. Be3 {Black doesn't have any goos P breaks. If 9...d5
10.cxd5 exd5 11.e5 followed by the advance of the f-Pawn. And, if 9...e5
01.fxe5 dxe5 11.d5 with an excellent position. His best move is probably
9...O-O and then await developments.} 9... c5 {This turns out to be the worst
of the P breaks!} 10. d5 { Also quite good was 10.Nb5 putting some seriosu
pressur eon black's d-Pawn. Now black has two playable options: 10...O-O or
10...exd5. In either case white would be slightly better.} 10... Bxc3
{Apparently black was concerned about Nb5, but this move, weakening his K-side
is much worse.} 11. bxc3 {Black is facing a situation where because his B is
gone, catling would be very dangerous, but so is leaving his K in the center.
Maybe something like 11... Qc7 was his best chance.} 11... e5 {The
auto-annotation feature in Fritz slapped two ?? on this move because of
12.fxe5! Nxe5 13.Nxe5 dxe5 14.Bh6 and black is helpless. At least he is if he
happened to be playing Stockfish. Fortunately for black that wasn't the case.
I am not seeing a +6.00 advantage for white after 14.Bh6.} 12. f5 {In the post
mortem Stockfish didn't think this was too bad (about 1.75 in white's favor)
and recommends 12...h6 to control g5 then after 13.fxg6 Nxg6 white has to come
up with a plan.} 12... gxf5 {Opening up paths to his K...always nice for the
attacker!} 13. exf5 Nf6 {Here the engine likes 14.Bh6 threatening a fork on g7
so 14...Rg8 15.Bg5 with an excellent position.} 14. Ng5 {I like this move
(headed for 36) better than the suggested engine move. Actually, there's not
that much difference in the engine evaluation betwwen this and 14.Bh6.} 14...
h6 {There really wasn't anything better.} 15. Ne6 { Stockfish's evaluation
puts white's advantage at a little over 3 Ps, but hrere's a little secret: if
black plays 15...Qd7 I had absolutrly no idea how to continue! Stockfish
recommends 16.Bf2 to be followed by Bh4.} 15... fxe6 {This is one of the worst
moves on the board.} 16. fxe6 {Obviously the threat is 17. Rxf6 and he can't
play 16...Nfg8 because 17.Qh5+ mates in three. Equalkly hopeless is 16...Qc7
17.Rxf6 O-O-O 18.Bh6.} 16... Neg8 {Now he can meet my intended 17.Bg6+ with
17...Kf8. Stockfish puts white's advantage at 6 Ps, but to my eyes, I'm not
seeing that big of an advantage.} 17. Qh5+ {In auto-annotation mode Fitz
awards two !! for this move which mates in 7.} 17... Nxh5 18. Bg6+ {Here is
the mating line: 18...Ke7 19. Rf7+ Ke8 20. Raf1 Qf6 21. R7xf6+ Kd8 22. Rf8+
Kc7 23. R1f7+ Ne7 24. Rxe7 mate. The only thing is I didn't see 20.Raf1 and
envisioned the R sliding back and forth picking off the B and a-Pawn then
going to d7 with a double check and capturing the Q, also with a check.
Finally ending the series with Bxh5. The fly in the ointment is that in the
final position, white has two Bs and two Ps vs a R and N which yields only a
slight endgame advantage. It turns out black was a real jerk and after about
two minutes a message popped up that he had left the game.} 1-0
Thursday, April 16, 2020
1957 Soviet Championship
![]() |
Leona Gage - stripped of her title |
By mid-summer it had reached the United States, where it initially infected relatively few people, but several months later numerous cases were reported, especially in young children, the elderly, and pregnant women. This upsurge was the result of a second pandemic wave that struck the Northern Hemisphere in November 1957.
The second wave was particularly devastating and by March 1958 an estimated 69,800 deaths had occurred in the United States.
Some infected individuals experienced only minor symptoms, such as cough and mild fever, others experienced life-threatening complications. Those persons who were unaffected by the virus were believed to have possessed protective antibodies.
The rapid development of a vaccine and the availability of antibiotics to treat secondary infections limited the spread and mortality. Interestingly, the Center for Disease Control believes there are laboratories throughout the US that are still storing the 1957 virus.
When Elvis Presley appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show for the 3rd time the cameras would only show him from the waste up. By that time he was being called Elvis the Pelvis because of his striptease-like behavior on stage. Jack Gould of The New York Times declared Elvis had no discernible singing ability and John Crosby of the New York Herald Tribune called Elvis “unspeakably untalented and vulgar.”
Parents, religious groups and the Parent-Teacher Association condemned Elvis and rock 'n' roll music by associating both with juvenile delinquency. At a live concert in Seattle Elvis asked his audience to please stand for the national anthem. When they did, he picked up his guitar, began his vulgar gyrating and sang You Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog. The crowd ate it up.
The director of the Detroit Public Library banned The Wizard of Oz for having "no value for children of today," for supporting "negativism"
Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes accidentally invented bubble wrap while trying to create plastic wallpaper. At first it was marketed as a greenhouse insulator. Apparently that didn’t sell and eventually it was sold as the packaging material we know today.
When Northeast Airlines Flight 823 crashed on Rikers Island on February 1, 1957, prisoners were released from the prison building to help pull people from the wreckage. Some had their sentences commuted or reduced for acts of heroism during the incident. Story
The idea that there was a nationwide web of organized crime wasn't recognized until police raided the Appalachian Meeting, a mafia summit in upstate New York in 1957. Story
Racist South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond set a record for the longest filibuster by a lone senator when the old windbag talked for 24 hours and 18 minutes as he opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 which basically was designed to make sure blacks in the South had the right to vote. He also later opposed ending segregation.
Bits and Pieces:
Stan Laurel (of Laurel and Hardy) refused to ever perform publicly again after the death of his friend and partner Oliver Hardy.
Laika, a dog, was the first living creature to be sent into space, in Sputnik 2; she didn’t survive the trip.
Kent cigarettes used asbestos filters from 1952-1957. The were marketed as offering "the greatest health protection in the history of cigarettes."
Journalist Drew Pearson claimed that John F. Kennedy's Pulitzer Prize winning book Profiles in Courage had been ghost-written by his speechwriter Ted Sorenson. JFK's father sued and ABC retracted the statement and apologized. In 2008 Sorensen admitted he wrote most of the book.
Miss USA 1957, Leona Gage was stripped of her title when it was revealed that she was 18, married, and the mother of two children.
During a Philadelphia Phillies baseball game, a foul ball off the bat of Richie Ashburn hit a fan and broke her nose. When play resumed, as she was being taken out on a stretcher, another foul ball off Ashburn’s bat hit her again. What are the odds?
A US Air Force pilot caught in bad weather discovered his prototype F-107 jet fighter had no cockpit lighting. He managed to navigate and land the aircraft by periodically flicking a Zippo cigarette lighter and using the flame to read the instruments.
James Vicary created a controversy when he announced that he invented subliminal advertising at a Fort Lee, New Jersey movie theater and he was flashing messages between film frames telling people to buy Coke and popcorn. In 1962, he said he made the whole thing up.
Lawrence Joseph Bader, a cookware salesman from Akron, Ohio, disappeared on a fishing trip on Lake Erie in 1957. Eight years later he was found alive in Omaha, Nebraska, as a local TV personality, Fritz Johnson.
The horror film Texas Chainsaw Massacre was partially based on the real murderer Ed Gein. When Gein's house was searched by authorities in 1957, they found, among other things, a belt made from a human and a lampshade made from human skin
The chess world lost several prominent players in 1957. On January 5, 1957, Czech Champion Oldrich Duras died in Prague at the age of 74 on January 5th and on February 15th Harald Malmgren, the Swedish Correspondence Champion in 1942 died in Uppsula at the age of 52. On April 6, 1957, Nancy Roos, US Women’s Champion, died of cancer at the age of 52 in Los Angeles at the age of 52. Max Pavey passed away in New York at the age of 39 on September 4th. He won the Scottish Championship in 1939, was US Lightning Champion in 1947, New York State Champion in 1949 and Manhattan Chess Club Champion in 1952-53 and 1955-56.
Vasily Smyslov defeated Mikhail Botvinnik to become world champion thus ending Botvinnik's nine-year reign. Botvinnik regained his title in the rematch the following year.
In June, the World Junior championship was held in Toronto and won by William Lombardy with a perfect score.
Bobby Fischer won a typewriter for taking first in the US Junior Championship in San Francisco. He also won the US Junior Speed Championship. In August Fischer tied for 1st-2nd with Arthur Bisguier at the US Open in Cleveland. The tournament the TD, Georges Koltanowski, originally awarded the title, trophy and prize money to Bisguier based on incorrectly calculated tiebreaks. Later it was determined Fischer was actually the winner and at the age of 14. His rating was 2264. See my post on the SNAFU HERE.
In September, the first women's chess Olympiad was held in Emmen, Netherlands and was won by the USSR.
There was a time when a feature of the finals of the Soviet Championship was that a crop of new talent was discovered, adding to the already large number of Soviet GMs. 1956 was such a year with several talented young masters who had fought their way through the semi-finals to qualify.
Mikhail Tal was one of those players. For him 1956 was a year of great progress. Not yet a GM, his results and his play were showing signs of genius.
The 23rd USSR Championship was held in Leningrad from January 10 through February 15, 1956. While not as strong at the previous championship it did feature the first appearance of Tal and Polugaevsky. They did well, but the tournament was a battle between Averbakh and Spassky. Taimanov made a hard charge by winning his last three games and so managed to catch them.
Tal's opponent in this game, Alexander Tolush, is barely known today, but a few years before this game Botvinnik described him as the one Master in the Soviet Union who above all others based his play on sound reasoning coupled with strong attacks and tricky tactics. Tal’s most potent weapon was his ability to orient himself in positions with head whirling complications. When these two met you could expect an exciting game!
[Event "USSR Championship, Leningrad"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1956.2.6"]
[Round "17"]
[White "Mikhail Tal"]
[Black "Alexander Tolush"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7. f4 Qb6 {The
complications have started.} 8. Qd2 Qxb2 {For a long time the Poisoned Pawn
was rejected as unsound by almost everybody, but there were always adventerous
players who cooked up improvements and improvements on the improvements in
their home labs. One of the pioneers of this line was Bronstein, who tied the
1951 World Championship match against Botvinnik. Later Fischer played it with
great success. He played it twice in his 1972 World Championship match against
Spassky. In the first, he reached a decent position and drew. In the second he
got surprised by Spassky who won the game after Fischer defended poorly. World
Champions Kasparov, Anand and Karpov have also played it. The line is
theoretically important even today.} 9. Rb1 Qa3 10. e5 dxe5 11. fxe5 Nfd7 12.
Ne4 {A most interesting position! One annotator observed that white's
centralized Ns and all his other pieces (except the R on h1) are poised to
attack black's K which is a ready target. The danger to white's K is of no
consequence. Also, black cannot take the e-Pawn. 12...Nxe5? 13.Nb5!
threatening mate on d8. The only good answer is 13...Nd3+ 14.Bxd3 axb5 15.
Bxb5+ and white has what should be a winning attack.} 12... Qxa2 {Two years
later in a game against Korchnoi, Tolush played 12...h6 which was believed to
be an improvement because he succeeded in winning. Even today 12...h6 remains
the most popular move.} 13. Rb3 Qa1+ 14. Kf2 Qa4 15. Bb5 {In some books you'll
see this move given with one or two ! and it's been called a beautiful move
that introduces a whole series of forcing tactics and from now on Tal plays
with great accuracy. Bah! Humbug! That's annotation based on results. The
truth is, the move is both pretty and clever, but it should have resulted in
giving black a slight advantage. The correct move is 15.Ne6!! fxe6 16. Nd6+
Bxd6 17. Qxd6 Rf8+ 18. Kg3 Nf6 19. exf6 and white is winning.} 15... axb5 16.
Nxb5 {The threat is Nc7 mate, so black's next move is forced.} 16... f6 17.
exf6 {It's black's next move that lsoes the game because it allows white's
attack to gain momentum. On;y good enough for equality was 17...Nf5, but after
17...Qxe4 18. fxg7 Bc5+ black has the upper hand.} 17... gxf6 {After this
black is lost.} 18. Re1 { Very good! It brings is last piece into play. The
attractive looking 18.Nc7+ Kf7 19.Nxa8 would only leave black with a winning
material advantage. Black can't take the N because after 18...fxg6 19,Nc7+ Kf7
20.Rf3+ his K is in a mating net. Also,. it should be noted that black has
what at first glance (Stockfish's initial reaction!) appears to be a
remarkable resource avialbable. ..he can give up his Q with 18...Nc6!! 19.Bxf6
Qxe4!! 20. Rxe4 Nxf5 21.Nc7+ Kf7 22.Rf3 Ra5 23.Rxf6+!! (the key) 23... Kxf6
24.Qc3+ e5 25,Rc4 h5 26,Rxc6+ bxc6 27.Qxa5 and white has a Q and N vs. a R and
two Bs. That whiote wins was verified in Shootouts all of which were won by
white.} 18... Ra6 {Much better, but still insufficient was 18...Nc6. White
still should avoid checking on c7 and taking the R which is good for black.
Best is 19.Bxf6 and now black's best answer is to try the Q sac as in the
previous note: 19...Qxe4! It won't save the game, but at least black has a
fighting chance.} 19. Bxf6 Nxf6 20. Nxf6+ Kf7 21. Rf3 {This has been called a
key move in weaving a mating net. At the same time it's been acknowledged that
the winning process is far from easy. The simple 21.Ne4 was quite sufficient.
Now not 21...Nxb5 23.Nd5+ Ke8 24.Nc7+ and wins} 21... Qh4+ 22. Kf1 e5 23.
Qd5+ Be6 {Tal's next move has often been give a ! with the comment that black
can only avoid mate by giving up material, but that's wrong! His next move
should have allowed black to establish equality! Correct was 24.Nh5+!! and
25.Qd3+} 24. Nd7+ {Incredibly black's K can find a safe haven on e7. After
24...Ke7!! 25.Qc5+ Ke8 26.Qc8+ Ke7 27.Qxb8 Bg7 28. Qxb7 and white is only a P
up with a very complicated position.} 24... Kg6 {Now the game is over and Tal
comncludes with a murderous attack.} 25. Nxe5+ Kg7 26. Rg3+ Qxg3 27. Qxb7+
Nd7 28. hxg3 Rb6 29. Qc7 Bc5 30. Nxd7 Bc4+ 31. Re2 {Tolush exceeded the time
limit.} 1-0
[Site "?"]
[Date "1956.2.6"]
[Round "17"]
[White "Mikhail Tal"]
[Black "Alexander Tolush"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7. f4 Qb6 {The
complications have started.} 8. Qd2 Qxb2 {For a long time the Poisoned Pawn
was rejected as unsound by almost everybody, but there were always adventerous
players who cooked up improvements and improvements on the improvements in
their home labs. One of the pioneers of this line was Bronstein, who tied the
1951 World Championship match against Botvinnik. Later Fischer played it with
great success. He played it twice in his 1972 World Championship match against
Spassky. In the first, he reached a decent position and drew. In the second he
got surprised by Spassky who won the game after Fischer defended poorly. World
Champions Kasparov, Anand and Karpov have also played it. The line is
theoretically important even today.} 9. Rb1 Qa3 10. e5 dxe5 11. fxe5 Nfd7 12.
Ne4 {A most interesting position! One annotator observed that white's
centralized Ns and all his other pieces (except the R on h1) are poised to
attack black's K which is a ready target. The danger to white's K is of no
consequence. Also, black cannot take the e-Pawn. 12...Nxe5? 13.Nb5!
threatening mate on d8. The only good answer is 13...Nd3+ 14.Bxd3 axb5 15.
Bxb5+ and white has what should be a winning attack.} 12... Qxa2 {Two years
later in a game against Korchnoi, Tolush played 12...h6 which was believed to
be an improvement because he succeeded in winning. Even today 12...h6 remains
the most popular move.} 13. Rb3 Qa1+ 14. Kf2 Qa4 15. Bb5 {In some books you'll
see this move given with one or two ! and it's been called a beautiful move
that introduces a whole series of forcing tactics and from now on Tal plays
with great accuracy. Bah! Humbug! That's annotation based on results. The
truth is, the move is both pretty and clever, but it should have resulted in
giving black a slight advantage. The correct move is 15.Ne6!! fxe6 16. Nd6+
Bxd6 17. Qxd6 Rf8+ 18. Kg3 Nf6 19. exf6 and white is winning.} 15... axb5 16.
Nxb5 {The threat is Nc7 mate, so black's next move is forced.} 16... f6 17.
exf6 {It's black's next move that lsoes the game because it allows white's
attack to gain momentum. On;y good enough for equality was 17...Nf5, but after
17...Qxe4 18. fxg7 Bc5+ black has the upper hand.} 17... gxf6 {After this
black is lost.} 18. Re1 { Very good! It brings is last piece into play. The
attractive looking 18.Nc7+ Kf7 19.Nxa8 would only leave black with a winning
material advantage. Black can't take the N because after 18...fxg6 19,Nc7+ Kf7
20.Rf3+ his K is in a mating net. Also,. it should be noted that black has
what at first glance (Stockfish's initial reaction!) appears to be a
remarkable resource avialbable. ..he can give up his Q with 18...Nc6!! 19.Bxf6
Qxe4!! 20. Rxe4 Nxf5 21.Nc7+ Kf7 22.Rf3 Ra5 23.Rxf6+!! (the key) 23... Kxf6
24.Qc3+ e5 25,Rc4 h5 26,Rxc6+ bxc6 27.Qxa5 and white has a Q and N vs. a R and
two Bs. That whiote wins was verified in Shootouts all of which were won by
white.} 18... Ra6 {Much better, but still insufficient was 18...Nc6. White
still should avoid checking on c7 and taking the R which is good for black.
Best is 19.Bxf6 and now black's best answer is to try the Q sac as in the
previous note: 19...Qxe4! It won't save the game, but at least black has a
fighting chance.} 19. Bxf6 Nxf6 20. Nxf6+ Kf7 21. Rf3 {This has been called a
key move in weaving a mating net. At the same time it's been acknowledged that
the winning process is far from easy. The simple 21.Ne4 was quite sufficient.
Now not 21...Nxb5 23.Nd5+ Ke8 24.Nc7+ and wins} 21... Qh4+ 22. Kf1 e5 23.
Qd5+ Be6 {Tal's next move has often been give a ! with the comment that black
can only avoid mate by giving up material, but that's wrong! His next move
should have allowed black to establish equality! Correct was 24.Nh5+!! and
25.Qd3+} 24. Nd7+ {Incredibly black's K can find a safe haven on e7. After
24...Ke7!! 25.Qc5+ Ke8 26.Qc8+ Ke7 27.Qxb8 Bg7 28. Qxb7 and white is only a P
up with a very complicated position.} 24... Kg6 {Now the game is over and Tal
comncludes with a murderous attack.} 25. Nxe5+ Kg7 26. Rg3+ Qxg3 27. Qxb7+
Nd7 28. hxg3 Rb6 29. Qc7 Bc5 30. Nxd7 Bc4+ 31. Re2 {Tolush exceeded the time
limit.} 1-0
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