Monday, July 3, 2023

Queen Sacrifice Pointers by Spielmann

     In his excellent book The Art of Sacrifice in Chess, Rudolf Spielmann classifies sacrifices according to their objective and they fall into two groups, sham and real. 
     Sham sacrifices involve losses of material only for a definable amount of time (i.e. a certain number of moves before the material is regained). Real sacrifices, the amount of time required for recovering the material is not clear. 
     Therefore sham sacrifices are temporary and involve no risk. After a series of forced moves the material is either recovered with advantage or mates delivered. The consequences of the sacrifice were foreseen from the first. Spilemann made the clever observation that “Properly speaking, there is no sacrifice, only an advantageous business deal.” 
     He divided sham sacrifices into three groups: 1) positional sacrifices (they lead to forced recovery of the material lost with an improvement in position, 2) sacrifices for gain and 3) mating sacrifices. 
     Real sacrifices involve giving up material, but the player cannot calculate the consequences with accuracy. Instead, he has to rely on his judgment. 
     In real sacrifices the player obtains dynamic advantages which, hopefully, can realize gradually. Failure will most likely result in the loss of the game. These sacrifices are risky and compared with sham sacrifices, they real are much more difficult to categorize. Unlike the sham sacrifice where the aims are clear, real sacrifices are vague. 
    When it comes to Queen sacrifices, real Queen sacrifices are always a partial sacrifice...the loss of the Queen is offset by other material, but not fully. For example, compensation may be a Rook and a minor piece or some such, but always less than the material equivalent of the Queen. 
     The following game features a Queen sacrifice about which Spielmann made some helpful observations. He observed that, “In the real Queen sacrifice, the minimum compensation which has to be looked for, should comprise two minor pieces and two Pawns. If it is smaller than that, the sacrifice, if sound, is necessarily a sham sacrifice. “ Spielmann also stated, where the material compensation for the Queen ism say three minor pieces or two Rooks then the exchange cannot be called a sacrifice, but rather a “favorable exchange or even a gain of material.” 
     The bottom line, according to Spielmnn, is that “the Queen sacrifice has its own characteristics, based on material circumstances and cannot be classified...with other types (of sacrifices).

  A game that I liked (Fritz 17)

[Event "Gothenburg"] [Site "Gothenburg SWE"] [Date "1920.08.04"] [Round "?"] [White "Rudolf Spielmann"] [Black "Jorgen Moeller"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C33"] [Annotator "Stockfish/Komodo"] [PlyCount "55"] [EventDate "1920.08.02"] {King's Gambit Accepted} 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Qf3 Nc6 4. c3 Nf6 5. d4 d5 6. e5 Ne4 7. Bb5 {Very interesting...and technically a bad mistake, but Spielmann already is planning a Q sacrifice...and it's going to be successful!} (7. Bxf4 g5 {followed by ...g4 and black has the initiative.}) 7... Qh4+ {Spielmann commented that with this move black accepts the challenge, but as an alternative he could have continued his development with 7...Be7. Actulyy, the text move secures what practically amounts to a winning advantage for black.} 8. Kf1 (8. g3 {is no better.} fxg3 9. hxg3 Qxg3+ 10. Qxg3 Nxg3 {Black is two Ps up and has a won position because white has zero compensation for them.}) 8... g5 {This move is more dangerous to white than the immediate 9...g3+} (8... Ng3+ 9. hxg3 Qxh1 10. Qxd5 Bd7 11. Bxf4 {White only has a N+P for the R and he is better developed, but black's defenses are adequate so that black actually has the advantage.}) 9. Nd2 {[%mdl 32]} Bg4 {While this wins the Q black should have decline the offer with 9...Bf5! Of course, capturing the Queen is tempting and it's made all the more so since black has an extra P.} (9... Bf5 { and black stays clearly on top.} 10. Bd3 Ng3+ 11. hxg3 Bxd3+ 12. Qxd3 Qxh1 13. gxf4 {and black clearly has the better position after either 13...g4 or 13... gxf4}) 10. Nxe4 Bxf3 11. Nxf3 {White only has a B+N vs Q+P which is not enough compensation, nut he does have active piece play. Technically it's not enough, but practically black must defend accurately...which he does not.} Qh6 12. Nf6+ Kd8 {A slightly more accurate defense is 12...Ke7, but only an engine would see that!} 13. h4 {This excellent move is Spielmann's point. Black has a significant material advantage in having a Q vs white's N+B, but 13.h4 completely shatters his P-formation so that he cannot avoid the loss of several Ps.} Be7 {We will soon see black's pieces, especially his K, become insecure while white's gain scope. Also, white's solid P-formation does not allow black's Q any targets and will be exposed to harassment from white's pieces. Spielmann makes the observation that the sacrifice has, as they often do, resulted in the opponent failing to succeed in finding a useful plan. He adds, "The fact that a sacrifice frequently causes planlessness and confusion in the opponent's game, is confirmed in this instance also."} (13... g4 { was more active. After} 14. Ng5 Qg6 15. Nxd5 f3 16. gxf3 gxf3 17. Rh3 h6 18. Nf4 Qf5 19. Bd3 Qd7 20. Ne4 Be7 {Black is hanging in there.}) 14. Nxg5 Qg6 15. Nxd5 Bxg5 16. hxg5 Qc2 {Spielmann stated that the Q is badly placed here because it is in danger of being trapped.} (16... Qxg5 17. Bxf4 Qf5 {and black should be able to defend his position. Even though the position is evaluated as equal, white's pieces are very active which is a promising situation.}) 17. Be2 {To prevent ...Qd1+} Ne7 18. Nxf4 c5 {Black is entirely undeveloped plus his K and Q are badly placed. Add bad P weaknesses on the K-side and threats from white's active pieces and it's cler that black is in trouble. Bow he makes a further mistake in opening up the position. Relatively best was 18... Ng6. Another possible defense was 18...a5 with the idea of getting the R into play with ...Ra6} 19. Rh3 {This gets the R into the action.} cxd4 {[%mdl 8192] As noted black should not have opened up the position and so this is a decisive mistake.} (19... Ng6 {was a better defense.} 20. Nd5 Rc8 21. Rd3 c4 22. Rf3 Rc6 23. Rxf7 Rf8 24. Rf6 {White is better.}) 20. Rd3 {And so black's Queen is trapped and 21.Bd1 is threatened and the only escape square (a4) is easily refuted.} Kd7 (20... Qa4 21. Rxd4+) 21. Bd1 Qxd3+ 22. Nxd3 dxc3 23. bxc3 {In addition to the superior position white has the advantage of two Bs and a P vs a Rook which assures him on an easily won game.} Rad8 24. Be2 Nf5 25. Bf4 Kc7 26. Rb1 b6 27. e6+ Kc8 28. Ne5 {Black resigned} 1-0

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