Saturday, April 22, 2023

Karpov vs. Fischer

     I recently received an email from the Dutch player Wijnand Engelkes describing an interesting project he has been working on called Hidden Games.    
     Fischer - Karpov 1975 would possibly have been one of the greatest World Championship matches of all time, but it never took place. What would have happened if those two had played each other? That’s something the projects speculates upon. 
     He has selected 25 of top players in history, made databases of their games and then combined the games of players who never played each other to see what might have happened had they actually met. For an example, compare Karpov vs Bellon (Madrid, 1983) where Karpov copied the moves of Saidy vs Fischer (New York, 1968). 
     Mr.Engelkes is looking for other people to help him to find more of these games and if you are interested in helping out you may contact him direct;. His email address is: A game that I liked (Fritz 17)
[Event "HDT1073"] [Site "P046"] [Date "????.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Anatoly Karpov"] [Black "Robert Fischer"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A00"] [PlyCount "97"] {[%evp 0,1,16,-34] The hidden game ends with 23. Kh7. There are some transpositions.} {Karpov-Bellon Lopez Madrid International Madrid 1/2-1/2} 1. c4 {[%eval 704,0]} ({Saidy-Fischer USA-chT New York 1969.??.?? 0-1} 1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. g3 f5 4. Bg2 Nf6 5. e3 Bc5 6. d3 f4 7. exf4 O-O 8. Nge2 Qe8 9. O-O d6 10. Na4 Bd4 11. Nxd4 exd4 12. h3 h5 13. a3 a5 14. b3 Qg6 15. Nb2 Bf5 16. Qc2 Nd7 17. Re1 Nc5 18. Bf1 Ra6 19. Bd2 Rb6 20. Bxa5 Rxb3 21. Bd2 Ra8 22. a4 Ra6 23. a5 Kh7 24. Red1 b6 25. Be1 bxa5 26. Na4 Rxd3 27. Bxd3 Bxd3 28. Qa2 Nb4 29. Qa3 Nc2 30. Qb2 Nxa1 31. Rxa1 Nxa4 32. Rxa4 Qe4 33. Bxa5 Rxa5 34. Rxa5 Qe1+ 35. Kh2 Qxa5 36. Qxd4) 1... e5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. g3 f5 4. Bg2 Nf6 5. d3 Bc5 6. e3 f4 7. exf4 O-O 8. Nge2 d6 9. O-O Qe8 10. Na4 Bd4 11. Nxd4 exd4 12. a3 a5 13. b3 Bf5 14. Nb2 Qg6 15. Qc2 Nd7 16. Re1 Nc5 17. Bf1 Ra6 18. Bd2 Rb6 19. Bxa5 Rxb3 20. Bd2 Ra8 21. a4 h5 22. h3 Ra6 23. a5 Nb4 24. Bxb4 Rxb4 25. Ra3 b6 26. Rea1 Qe6 27. axb6 Raxb6 28. Ra8+ Kh7 29. Qd1 g6 30. Na4 Nxa4 31. R8xa4 Rxa4 32. Rxa4 Bxh3 33. Ra7 Bxf1 34. Rxc7+ Kh6 35. Qxf1 h4 36. Kg2 Rb2 37. Kf3 d5 38. gxh4 Rb3 39. cxd5 Qxd5+ 40. Kg3 Qf5 41. f3 Rxd3 42. Rc6 Rc3 43. Rd6 Kh5 44. Kg2 Rc2+ 45. Kg3 Rc3 46. Kg2 Qxf4 47. Rd5+ Kh6 48. Qe2 Qc1 49. Rh5+ 1/2-1/2

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