Thursday, February 10, 2022

RIP Arthur Feuerstein

     It is with great sadness that I read of the death of Arthur Feuerstein (December 20, 1935 – February 2, 2022) who passed away at the age of 86 on February 2nd.
     Although I never personally met Feuerstein, back in 1970 I had the pleasure of playing, and losing, a postal game to him in the semi-finals of Chess Review's Golden Knights tournament. We met again in the Finals and I lost again. That game finished in 1972. During the games we engaged in some idle chit chat and I found him to be an extremely pleasant gentleman who, after the games, was willing to point out where I went wrong. 
     In 1973, not too long after our game was completed, Feuerstein was involved in a car accident that left him in a coma for six weeks. When he recovered, he was not able to speak English very well, but he did remember how to play chess. He continued to play chess after the accident and at the age of 65 he was was rated one of the country's top 10 senior players.
     Al Lawrence did a nice article on Feuerstein in the January 2012 issue of Chess Life which you can read HERE.

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