Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Seven Dwarfs Riddle

     Typically dwarfs (in a foreword to The Hobbit, published in 1937, J. R. R. Tolkien wrote: "In English, the only correct plural of dwarf is dwarfs and the adjective is dwarfish. In this story dwarves and dwarvish are used, but only when speaking of the ancient people to whom Thorin Oakenshield and his companions belonged.”) live inside of hollow mountains, though in some cases they may live above the ground. 
     Depending on the story, they may be hostile or friendly to humans. Mountain dwarfs live deeper underground and have fairer skin than hill dwarfs. Dwarfs are considered to be children for the first 30 years of their lives. (However, even dwarf children, of both sexes, already have beards.) For about ten years, roughly age 30-40, dwarfs go through a period of young adulthood or adolescence. 
     Somewhere in a deep, dark forest seven dwarfs live all by themselves. The first is working in the garden, the second is reading a book, the third is cooking, the fourth is playing chess, the fifth is hanging laundry and the sixth is cleaning house. What is the seventh doing?
Click for the answer

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