Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Over One Million Visitors

     Sometime overnight this blog, which now averages over 35,000 hits per month, went over one million visitors. That's way more that I ever anticipated when I started out doing it just for my own amusement.

     What I find surprising is where the visitors are coming from. There are twice as many visitors from Brazil as from the United States which gets twice as many visitors as third ranking Spain.
     As for which posts are the most popular, there doesn't seem to be any one category that stands out. For a long time the two most popular posts weren't about chess at all; they were about my bad experiences with TV dinners. And, for months the number one visited post was about a chess website that had been defunct for over a year. Posts on engines are popular, but that horse has pretty much been beaten to death unless there is some drastic development.
      A while back some sophisticated Reddit readers criticized this blog because it has a 1990s Geocities look, but I can't help that; Blogger is easy to use, it's free and it does what I want it to do, so why change?

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