Saturday, August 26, 2017

Wojtkiewicz Tribute

The editor of the Ohio Chess Bulletin, Michael Steve, has kindly sent me pdf files of articles that appeared in the August and December 2006 issues.  The August article is a write up on the Columbus (Ohio) Open in which Wojtkiewicz and Finegold shared first place and the announcement of his passing. The December article contains National Master Tom Britt's tribute to Wojtkiewicz. 

Download from Dropbox: 
August 2006 article 
December 2006 article


  1. Probably the most sustained and heartfelt tribute to Wojtkiewics is the three(!) volume series "Wojo's Weapons: Winning with Whit," by IM Dean Ippolito and NM Jonathon Hilton. The three volumes add up to around 1200 pages and hundreds of closely annotated games

  2. NM Hilton also wrote a tribute to Wojo in the August 2006 issue of the OCB. I can furnish it as well if interested. I had only selected items directly related to his final tournament appearance.

  3. Curse my terrible typing! I meant "Wojtkiewicz
