Saturday, September 26, 2015

Pawn Sacrifice, the movie

I saw this movie Saturday afternoon. 

Some reviews: 
Rotten Tomatoes 
New York Times 
Rolling Stone 
Tartajubow - This move was made, not with chess players in mind, but with general audiences. My wife, who knows nothing about chess and cares about it even less, went with me and enjoyed it. She was amazed at how wacko Fischer was, and that was despite the fact that only a tiny fraction of his idiosyncrasies were shown. Me? I wasn't that impressed. It touched briefly on his early childhood and his rise to prominence. The main feature was the match with Spassky and after that we saw some script on the screen that briefly gave highlights from his life after winning the world championship. Then, at the end. we saw some short clips (actual ones) of his arrival in Iceland. It appears non-players like it better than real players.  She gave it 4 stars.

1 comment:

  1. The movie was written for the general public to show the intensity of chess at that level and to that end it succeeded, but you are right...for us chess players it was not that exciting. BTW Jonah Hill should have played Lombardy!
