Saturday, August 22, 2015

Behting Study...Engines Can't Solve It

     I recently ran across an old article in Chessbase from 2012 that discussed a study called the Behting Study (Part 1 and Part 2) that was first published in 1906. Back in 1983 when journalist Frederic Friedel co-founded the first German computer chess magazine, Computerschach & Spiele, he presented a study about which he wrote the following: "Why will computers beat world champion Anatoly Karpov before they will be able to solve the following study." And then he presented the famous "Behting Study". Engines still can't solve this study and evaluate it as hopelessly lost for white! I let Stockfish 6 run for about 30 minutes and it was evaluated the position at a little over a 4-Pawn advantage for black, a clear win. After a big debate John Nunn, with the help of a 7-man tablebase, finally proved the study was sound. Amazing!

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