Monday, August 10, 2015

Articles on Arthur Dake

     Arthur William Dake (1910-2000) born in 1910 and raised in Portland, Oregon burst upon the international chess scene as a teenage phenomenon. He learned chess at age seventeen, and within three years was one of the best players in the world. In 1932, at a tournament in Pasadena, California, he defeated the World Chess Champion, Alexander Alekhine, who had only lost three tournament games in the previous nine years. Dake was a vital member of three victorious American Olympiad teams, and played at the master level into the last decade of his life. Read more at Oregon Encyclopedia...
     Here is a must read article on Dake that appeared in 1859 Magazine: "After twenty-five years at the Oregon DMV(Department of Motor Vehicles), in 1973, Arthur Dake loaded his car and headed south to Lone Pine, California. His radar detector on, Dake sped down the interstate with urgency, stopping for an evening at blackjack tables in Reno before arriving at the chess tournament." Read more

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