Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Rape Charges Against Chess Teacher

First is was Robert M. Snyder and now it's a guy in Columbus, Ohio. According to the Columbus Dispatch a 61-year old chess coach was charged with rape and gross sexual imposition when a 4-year-old girl told her father that the suspect had touched her improperly on April 7 at her Lewis Center preschool. The perpetrator taught chess in an after-school enrichment program and contracted directly with parents. The president of Prep Academy issued a statement saying, “A thorough background check on the accused individual found no cause for concern.”

Protect Your Child From a Predator
How to Protect Your Child From Predators
Understanding and Protecting Your Children From Child Molesters and Predators (an 11-page PDF booklet)
WikiHow Article: How to Identify a Pedophile

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