Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Kavalek's 9-move Combination

     Everybody knows the name Karpov, but few remember Kavalek who was a world class player in the 60's and 70's. And certainly nobody will remember the 1970 President's Cup Tournament held in Caracas that was won by Kavalek, but I discovered his win over the then world junior champion Karpov in that tournament and it is really quite amazing.

     One single square can make a big difference in a game. Here is a link to a Youtube lecture by GM Ronen Har-Zvi on the importance of squares as he examines a Kramnik vs. Van Wely game.
     In this game Kavalek played a nine move combination that featured the square d6. d6 was so important that four times Kavalek placed a piece on it and each time the effect was devastating. 

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