Friday, January 23, 2015

Black Mamba Engine

     Ranked 8th on the CEGT 40 moves in 120 minutes rating list, BlackMamba is a multi-core engine for Windows (32 and 64bit), Linux (32 and 64bit) and Android.
     According to one person posting on one of the forums, this engine makes sacrifices like a human player. I ran a short G5 match between Black Mamba and Houdini 1.5 with a +1 -1 =2 result.
     In the game that Black Mamba won, thngs looked to be equal for the first 54 moves then Houdini made a positional error that allowed BM to trade down into a R and minor piece ending which was eventually won in 93 moves.
     Houdini's win was a game in which the position was equal when a Q and B ending was reached at move 35. BM was a Pawn up, but had a B that was miserably placed, being blocked in by its own P's and K. That's when it made a tactical mistake that returned the extra P and still left it with a very bad B. By move 65 the game was down to a B and P ending with an easy win for Houdini. The draws were pretty uneventful. Black Mamba Home page.

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