Monday, August 18, 2014

Online Endgame Training

Karpov's advice was to study endgames more. Ulf Andersson said to 'learn chess backwards' meaning endings first. Here are some sites that will make it less painful.

ChessVideos TV-You can practice chess endgames against the Crafty engine against a large variety of puzzles in all difficulties.

Chess Endgames-Thousands of interactive endgames, 32-round endgame challenge, mate in 2, 3 and 4 and problems. Sign Up required. It's Free!

ChessTempo-Tactics training site including endgame training.

Chess Kit-basic endings, Pawn endings, Rook and Pawn, Four pawn endings, and more.

Shredder Endgame Database-allows you to setup any position with 6 men or less to get the true results of the position.

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