Friday, July 25, 2014

Some Great Chess Links

    Marshall’s Chess Swindles...This is a Google digital copy with over 125 of Marshall’s best games with his notes plus his analysis of various openings. Descriptive notation. DN is easy to learn…go HERE for an explanation.
     The Dimock Theme Tournament ...This tournament was held at the Marshall Chess Club in 1924. The tournament was sponsored by Edwin Dimock of New London, Connecticut, who donated prizes for the top four players. The tournament required all participants to begin their games with 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Nf6 3.d4. It was won by Marshall ahead of Carlos Torre, Anthony Santasiere, Erling Tholfsen, Rudolph Smirka, a local New York Master, Horace Bigelow and Bruno Forsburg another local Master.

Also while you are at it, check out the links to chess at Rutgers!!

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