Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Very Pretty Postal Win

     While playing over some of the games in the The History of Correspondence Chess in America by Bryce Avery I came across this game. Unfortunately the first name of the winner was not given so I was unable to determine exactly who he is/was. Gerzadowicz is, of course, the interesting correspondence player Stephan Gerzadowicz.

     Gerzadowicz spent his first 53 years in rural Massachusetts where he ran nine marathons, wrote five books (including Thinker's Chess and Journal of a Chess Original) and became a Correspondence Master. He played in five USCF Absolute Championships and one USCCC. He has ranked as high as #10 on the USCF Top 50 List. He also served as president of both the Massachusetts and the New England Chess Associations. He has been a tournament director at The Denker Tournament of High School Champions, The U. S. Blind Championship, the Tennessee Open Championship, and the Final Four of College Chess. 
     In 1998, while living in Princeton, New Jersey he taught chess as part of the regular curriculum in a small elementary school with his students winning numerous New Jersey Scholastic Championships.
     Gerzadowicz attended Princeton University but left after three years. After leaving Princeton he lived and taught in New York, Florida, Tennessee and Texas. I could not even guess where he is residing these days.

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