Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dr. Julius Perlis

     Dr. Julius Perlis (19 January 1880, Białystok (Poland, then Russian Empire) – 11 September 1913, Ennstal) was a Master, Doctor of Laws, and avid mountaineer; he perished under tragic circumstances in the Styrian Alps. On the morning of 10 September Dr. Perlis commenced a day's excursion on the Hochtor, traversing the mountain without companion or guide and apparently lost his way. In the evening his cries for help were heard by two tourists who were unable to reach him owing to approaching darkness and the onset of a snowstorm. Dr. Perlis' body was found by a rescue team two days later, on 12 September, the absence of visible injuries leading to a verdict of death by exposure.
      Perlis was born in 1880 in Bialystok, but when still quite young migrated to Vienna with the purpose of studying law. He earned the Master title at Barmen in 1905, and competed with distinction in many of the great tournaments of his time, finishing 9th at Ostend, 1906; 7th at St. Petersburg, 1909; 13th at Carlsbad, 1911; and 5th at San Sebastian, 1912, perhaps his best result. At the Vienna Chess Club Jubilee event held earlier in 1913, Dr. Perlis took 5th place in a field of 8. Perlis was a feared opponent, capable of defeating any of the world's top players. The following game is a slugfest with one of the world’s best tacticians.

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