Sunday, July 14, 2013

Robert Gruchacz

      Robert Gruchacz, or “Grooch” as he was known, became an IM in the 1980s. He was an investment tycoon who made and lost several fortunes. After graduating from St. Peter's Prep and also Columbia University, Gruchacz played chess in Europe for five years and was a two-time champion of New Jersey. He gave up chess as soon as he got the title and his Elo rating stood at 2335. 
      He moved to Chicago in 1981 and traded on the Chicago Options Exchange until 1999. He passed away in Scottsdale, Arizona in 2006. Gruchaz was known as a likeable person and a good positional player. His favorite saying was, “(insert move in question), why would any human being want to play a move like (insert move in question)?”

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