Friday, March 8, 2013

Oliver Zier - Liechtenstein

      The top rated FIDE players in Liechtenstein (for those that don’t know… Liechtenstein is not quite as large as Washington, DC and lies on the east bank of the Rhine River, south of Lake Constance, between Austria and Switzerland) are: Oliver Zier (2158), Fabian Ferster (2137), Marcel Mannhert (2094), Mario Kobler (2092) and Andrus Guller (2081).
       Here is a game by 18-year old top-rated Oliver Zier.  This game is interesting because of the thematic moves by White, Pb4 and Bxg7, seen in this game and a couple in the notes. White threw away the draw when he tried to avoid it at move 32, but Zier had to find the only move that won.  A nice performance by Liechtenstein’s top player.

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