Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sozin Sacrifices a Lot of Wood

Veniamin Sozin 1896–1956) was a Russian master, author, and theoretician. He advocated the Sozin Attack (White's 6.Bc4 ) against the Sicilian around 1930, which became popular from the 1950s, and was frequently employed by Fischer. In 1925, Sozin introduced the Sozin Variation (Black's 11...Nxe5) against the QGD, Semi-Slav, Meran Variation which since has become standard.


Front row (left to right):  Vilner, Levenfish, Rokhlin, Gothilf, Rabinovich, Bogoljubow, Ilyin Zhenevsky, Dus Chotimirsky, Romanovsky, Sergeev, Nenarokov, Verlinsky, Rabinovich. Back row: Freiman, Sozin, Ereteev, Grigoriev, Zubarev, Selezniev, Kaspersky, Kutuzov, Weinstein aka Vainshtein

In this game Sozin plays a brilliant attack, sacrificing his knight, queen, and rook.

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