Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Free Lessons from a Grandmaster

GM Igor Smirnov offers some interesting video lessons on YouTube. Smirnov has a website where he advertises himself as a teacher, coach and trainer and offers lessons.  I have heard that the lessons are quite good and the total cost is about $800 for everything he offers.  However, I would be wary of going to Smirnov’s site, Remote Chess Academy.  My antivirus software warns me the site contains malicious content.  LINK TO YOUTUBE LESSONS
Some of the free YouTube lessons include: Smirnov Gambit (Wing Gambit vs. Sicilian), Anti-Najdorf, Win Easily, 1.b3, Misguided Techniques, Calculate ‘til Mate, GMs Positional Understanding, etc.  The lessons average 20 minutes or so and are quite interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if I shared this with you earlier. Cheers. Jim
