Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dilemma of the Engines

In regards to the recent post concerning the dilemma of choosing from a variety of moves and evaluations, here is a good example of what kind of problems one can face when it comes to using engines.  In the following position what move would you choose as White?  All the suggested moves are likely good, but you want to choose the BEST.

Note: move recommendations are after about 5 minutes:
By move:

Deep Saros 14.a4 (0.00)
Critter 14.a4 (0.13)
Houdini 14.a4 (0.12)
Rybka 14.Qb1 (0.10)
Spike 14.Qb1 (0.30)
Stockfish 14.Qb1 (0.48)
Fritz 12 14.e5 (0.24)
Fire Xtreme 14.b4 (0.30)
Komodo 14.Rc1 (0.21)

By Evaluation:

Stockfish 14.Qb1 (0.48)
Spike 14.Qb1 (0.30)
Fire Xtreme 14.b4 (0.30)
Fritz 12 14.e5 (0.24)
Critter 14.a4 (0.13)
Houdini 14.a4 (0.12)
Rybka 14.Qb1 (0.10)
Deep Saros 14.a4 (0.00)

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