Saturday, March 3, 2012

Queen Alice Again

Signing on to the Queen Alice Site this morning, I was greeted with the following message:

 The site has experienced a severe database corruption problem, I am working hard to bring it back online. Sorry for the inconvenience. I expect it will take me a couple of days to restore everything.

In view of this site’s continued problems it is with considerable sadness that I am removing it from my recommended correspondence sites.  For the last several years QA has been my site of choice for non-engine correspondence chess, but in view of the fact that in recent weeks they have repeatedly had server problems, which included the necessity of canceling games in progress, I can no longer recommend this site.  This is unfortunate because the site owner, “Miguel”, does what he does not for money but for the love of it.  Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you should review:
