Friday, February 24, 2012

The Mysterious David Gladstone

Looking at a crosstable from the 1944 US Championship that was won by Arnold Denker ahead of Dr. Reuben Fine, I.A. Horowitz and Herman Steiner, I noticed the tailenders: 16-Irving Chernev (+3 -11 =3), 17-David Gladstone (+2 -14 =1) and 18-Louis Persinger (+0 -16 =1).  Chernev and Persinger are well-known, but who was David Gladstone?!  A Google search didn’t turn up much…a couple of his games, but little else. 

 The Log Cabin Independent Open was held in West Orange, New Jersey on February 22–24, 1957 in which Gladstone and Bobby Fischer played.

Saul Wanetick scored 5 – 1 to win.  Second to fifth in the 61-player Swiss, also with 5 – 1, were Matthew Green, Arthur Feuerstein, Geza Fuster of Toronto, Canada, and Anthony E. Santasiere. Sixth to thirteenth with equal 4 – 2 scores were Bobby Fischer, George E. O'Rourke, Jr., Attillio DiCamillo, Eliot Hearst, Norman T. Whitaker, William J. Lombardy, Homer W. Jones, Jr., and Claude Hillinger.

Fourteenth to twenty-sixth with 3.5 – 2.5 each were Joseph Tamargo, John Falato, Herbert M. Avram, Alexis Gilliland, David Gladstone, Sidmund Hauck, Charles C. Heinin, E.S. Jackson, Jr., George Krauss, Jr., George J. Mauer, Jr., and Eugene Steinberger.

Beyond that, no information seems to be available. Chessgamesdotcom has two games played by ‘D. Gladstone.’  A loss to Frank Marshall played in the Marshall vs. Manhattan chess club match of 1932 and a game against Alekhine played in London 1938. The excellent site, The Chess Library, which is a site listing crosstables of historic events from prior to 1900 up to 1993 does not list a tournament played in London in 1938. Additionally, I did not find Gladstone’s name listed in any of the US tournaments up to 1960.  In passing I should mention that this site has a very nice section documenting the career of International Master Nikolay Minev.  I did find some Google hits on Gladstone+chess but couldn’t verify it’s the same person.

I did locate an article in Boy’s Life, September, 1923, about a couple of young men attending New York University and Gladstone was one of them.

As further proof that innate ability, not environment and advantages, was the chief factor, there is the story of another boy, also at New York University.  This boy-who, by the way, sticks to his short pants-finished the public schools of Newark, New Jersey, far ahead of his years.  His name is David Gladstone.  While he has had the interest of his family in his progress, he has not has active assistance.  One might almost say he has helped them.  His vacations he has spent at home, keeping house for his father while the rest of the family were away at summer resorts.

Because of different environment, probably, David has not taken part in outdoor sports and games.  And, perhaps as a consequence, he is not as well developed physically as young Talbot.  But for recreation he has a hobby-and that hobby is chess.  For two and a half years he has been devoted to chess, playing not only direct opponents but exchanging moves by mail with members of the Correspondence League.  And, so expert is he, he was chosen a member of the University Chess Team soon after entering.

Gladstone doubts if his chess playing has been of any direct value in his school work-and yest he does admit that he led a class of seventy-five freshmen in trigonometry :because chess is something like trig.”  In addition to freshmen studies and his “passion for chess” he has been chosen a member of the University Debating Squad; a group of nine students picked to represent the University.  From this it may be judged that he has a quick, keen mind-a well ordered, analytical mind that can plan campaigns on the chess board, grasp and digest information of the classroom or book, and organize and present facts in the heat of debate.

Talbot and Gladstone are positive individuals.  They use their heads sixty minutes out of every hour awake-and probably their subconscious minds are clicking along overtime as the sleep.  It is only necessary to talk with them a while to know that they have fairly good ideas of the world about them, and that they pretty much know their own minds.

Both Talbot and Gladstone have been interested and active in dramatics.  It is their opinion that this training helps in standing up before their fellows of the classroom and in facing the world outside.  And that world outside the classroom, their future: it is evident they are working toward definite goals.  For each there is a job ahead for which he is fitting himself.

Gladstone is divided in his mind between law and journalism, but he has an idea that he will study law and then go into journalism, thus combining his two ambitions.

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