Monday, February 13, 2012

Queen Alice Boogered Up Again?!

I did a recent post about this excellent CC site's server problems where the site owner had to cancel everybody's active games due to the database getting corrupted.  Unfortunately there seems to be more problems.  A few days ago I tried to sign on and couldn't.  Sometime later I managed to sign on OK, but yesterday and today it took a long time for the site to load.  At one point I gave up waiting and returned for another try a few hours later.  The site loaded but it took a long time and when trying to navigate the site it was moving at a snail's pace.

I don't know what's happening, but whatever it is, it's unfortunate because it was such a great site.  In the meantime it's probably best to avoid playing there.  I'd hate to start a tournament until I'm sure things are back to normal.

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